
Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Mint » Saturday 21 February 2004 2:51:35am

Was it mentioned in the book what students did at weekends? Did they even have Saturday/Sunday off? I mean, they couldn't have been studying 7 days a week...
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Postby fierce » Saturday 21 February 2004 7:02:16am

well they did go to hogsmeade some weekends...
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Postby gecko » Saturday 21 February 2004 12:01:59pm

Besides making homework, I guess they had fun, practiced quidditch, did pranks, played wizard chess and read books and did all kind of other non-school things!
Maybe there are other sports students can play at Hogwarts that we just don't know of?
I mean, there are quite a lot of muggles or halfbloods at Hogwarts, so maybe there's even a football team?
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Postby Mint » Saturday 21 February 2004 1:55:02pm

were the weekends ever mentioned thought?

hogsmeade - i always thought of it more like a "spring break" , like it happens once a year type of thing.

Also, I know that some schools are Mond-Saturday, and only have Sundays off...wonder if they had a 5 or 6 day school. I hope its not 6 :(
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Postby Female_alien » Saturday 21 February 2004 1:56:18pm

That's mentioned a lot! I beliove they have Quidditch matches on weekends too. And all that gecko has said
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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Saturday 21 February 2004 8:00:22pm

They have 5 day school. Saturday there is the quiddicht training :D and sunday there is homework :-?
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 22 February 2004 5:41:27pm

Hogsmeade happens on 3 weekends in the year I beleive, quidditch also happens on the weekends....and of course they are doing homework alot...the weekends are mentioned and they are free time with no classes.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 23 February 2004 6:34:14am

If you reread the books, you'll see that weekends are mentioned often. Here's some activities mentioned, along with references for where you can find it.

-Sleep late ('kay, duh, bunch of teenagers, mostly taken from the Great Hall is much emptier for breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays)
-Quidditch practice (Ron and Harry in book 5 go out for a practice run, come in for lunch, then hit the field again with the whole team)
-Quidditch games
-Hogsmeade weekends (two dates mentioned for these, which just happen to fall on Saturdays at the time, are October 31 (book 3) and February 14 (book 5))
-Catching up on homework (mentioned a LOT)
-Hanging around the library (k, the example I'm thinking of is, I think, the second Sunday of Easter holidays, but I might be wrong, when Harry is in the library and Ginny comes in with the Easter egg in book 5 and tells him how horrible the Quidditch team is)
-Spending time outside (under the tree, playing with the giant squid)
-going to Hagrid's house (several times, the first one being in book 1, Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend a whole weekend day at Hagrid's hut. I think it's in book 3, when the guys aren't talking to Hermione, she spends a Saturday or Sunday there.)
-getting into mischief (seems like all the great adventures fall on the weekend after exam week... or some other weekends)

They are definately mentioned often, though... you couldn't expect them to work 7 days a week! :-)
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Postby Plep » Wednesday 25 February 2004 6:04:10pm

It's too bad they never have a proper party (besides from maybe the Yule Ball).

Imagine the effects you could make with magic... :grin:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 25 February 2004 8:12:00pm

it seems that the different houses had parties, though... mostly as celebration.

after the names of the Triwizard tourney participants come out of the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore acknowledges that "it would be a shame to deprive your houses of a fine excuse" for a party (i might have misquoted that a bit, but that's the general idea)... there are also house parties after quidditch games (fred and george nick food from the kitchens and most likely make a secret trip to Hogsmeade to get treats and butterbeer). Seamus and Dean plan an end-of-exam party after they take their OWLS...

if you're talking about a formal party, besides the Yule Ball, so few people seemed to really enjoy it, i'm sure they're all glad they didn't have to go through it again... but will Ron ever have the opportunity to wear his brand new dress robes? :grin:
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Postby jarvan49 » Wednesday 25 February 2004 11:09:51pm

it seems that the different houses had parties, though... mostly as celebration

Yes I agree. I assumed that there must have been parties. I mean think about it, what else are you going to do? study?
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Postby Eos » Saturday 28 February 2004 3:26:32pm

If you look at the Harry Potter lexicon in the net (I don't know if I am allowed to link this site here???) you can find Harry's and the other's timetables. Weekends are off.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 28 February 2004 3:37:03pm

They get Friday afternoons and Saturday+Sunday off. It says so on numorous counts. They visit Hagrid, play Quidditch, do homework and just relax from the stressfilled week
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