Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby Devinci » Wednesday 14 January 2004 3:04:22am

I love Fruits Basket...with absolutely no shame.

I think that I'm a anime/manga they like to say. Artistic wise. I find myself loving beautifully *aka more...shoujo...* drawn anime/ angel sanctuary and...chobits, as opposed to Inu Yasha and DBZ...I think I'm a woman-mangaka kinda girl.
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Postby Auchie » Wednesday 14 January 2004 3:22:48am

Same here! :grin: I don't read DBZ or anything like that but i got my own MARS, Marmalade Boy, Kodocha, and Hot Gimmicks series. I'm all about romantic comedy and i like it when the hair is drawn in actual strands. ^_^
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Postby choki » Wednesday 14 January 2004 8:19:00am

I am thinking of buying the Absolute Boyfriend manga and see if it is really funny, and finally Genbu Kaiden is available hehe...that means I have to buy 2 diff manga at one go...not forgetting I'm currently reading a super long manga (vol. 24 and still going :-? )
*looks deep in wallet and finds nothing...*
And I have just placed a special order to get Sailormoon S DVD... :-(
I guess it is time for this
*goes around with a donation can*

As for Fruit Basket, the anime isn't completed. The manga is still on-going.

Since most of us here are females...I don't think we are watching those violent anime haha...just simply romance and a little adventure :razz:
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Postby Mint » Friday 16 January 2004 1:14:11am

lol, thats why I download this stuff....anime is sooo expensive >_<

I just finished watching 2nd episode of Mew Mew - its Just like SMoon! She even has that stand (where Sailor moon stands in the pose infront of the moon - this girl stands in the pose infront of a heart) :D

Its funny that most of us here are girlfans of anime - usually its all guys :roll eyes:
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Postby choki » Friday 16 January 2004 10:36:59am

But Sailormoon is lisenced...hehe can't find any to download plus I want to collect it...
Let's see...US$100 on Sailormoon DVDs :o Lol, No wonder I am broke!!! I am still an undergrad...

Guys prefer anime such as Gundam, DB, Yu-gi-oh(???), Slam Dunk...
I don't know but there are loads of action-packed manga for guys...but tons of romance, love, friendship for the girls :lol:

Genbu Kaiden is interesting...and Takiko behaves like Miaka except no whinning hehe...Not too sure, I only have Vol. 1... Who knows what she will turn out to be and there seems to be a love triangle...

After looking at this thread, I suppose Mint and I are the top posters...hehe
Did you ever mention this thread should be renamed Mint, choki and Anime? Hahaha :lol: WE SHOULD RENAME IT!!!
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Postby Mint » Saturday 17 January 2004 12:03:45am

Totally!!! :evil grin:

Do you want to buy Sailor Moon DVDs because you want to collect them or because you haven't seen them?

Genby Kaiden must be cool - because the only thing that people hates about Miaka is her whining and ability to get in trouble ALL the time. Does Takiko get in trouble for no good reason too?
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Postby choki » Saturday 17 January 2004 2:08:15pm

Both! Anyway it is hard to get them on VCD/VHS therefore DVD! And lol, I had to order it from an anime shop (and they have to get that from overseas!)
I have seen most of the season but I missed quite a large portion of it...blame it on my tuiton and school saturday lesson years ago and they never ever rerun it... :mad:

So far...Takiko got into a few troubles but it is quite alright since she knows how to fight with that long rod with a knife attached (I dunno what is that called...a glaive???)
haha but what amazed me most are the seishi...2 of the 7 appeared in Vol. 1 already. And one of them is the one we saw in the anime (that fellow with ice arrows...or some ice power)
And the other seishi :lol: I can't really say without spoiler ya'know...but it is shocking!!!

If you want, you can PM me and I will sort of tell you the story so far...and the art (since you like visual) is done pretty nicely.
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Postby Mint » Monday 9 February 2004 1:38:00am

Choki - watch Tokyo Mew Mew! :) its sooo Sailor Moony and cuuute ^-^

Also, Have u seen Full Moon?
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Postby choki » Monday 9 February 2004 11:20:22am

Mint, you are back! ...Or did you hide in a corner of your office, surfing the net? :lol:

Watch the show or read the manga? I saw the english manga from TokyoPop yesterday's just say it is expensive...I wonder why...maybe because it sat on the plane for 12 hrs?

Full Moon? No idea what is that.

I am currently watching a new anime - The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Its story (supposed to be - The Return of the Condor Heroes) is taken from a martial arts novel by the famous novelist from HK. I personally had seen the drama version and it has a nice storyline, though the anime version seems cheesy :lol:
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Postby Mint » Saturday 21 February 2004 1:07:11pm

ah choki - we always watch different anime. I never heard of Condor Heros.

Office? - I wish. I have no corners where I sit now :grin:

How much was TokyoPop manga? Here its 10 dollars. which is expensive - thus I rarely buy anything. So when I was talking about Tokyo Mew Mew I meant the anime. BUuut it recently got licensed so they are starting to take off all the free episodes :(

Full Moon - Have u ever seen/heard of Kamikadze Kaito Jeanne?
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Postby choki » Saturday 21 February 2004 5:09:04pm

Haha, we always watch different anime
I only know what Kamikaze idea what or who Kamikadze Kaito Jeanne is

The anime version of Toyko Mew Mew is not available here I guess.
There was supposed to be a channel that airs 24hr anime from Japan (ANIMAX) but now, they have decided not to air that! :mad:
Look like, most Asian countries have that except for Singapore because they felt that the population who watch anime are a tweeny tiny bit :-?
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Postby natasha » Sunday 22 February 2004 5:20:10pm

sailor moon, and cardcaptors are my fav anime
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 25 February 2004 4:18:50am

SMoon and CardCaptors are great classics - do u watch any new animes Natasha? I dont know which country u r from - do u get Anime channel?

Choki!! - that is so sad, I though ALL of the Asian coutries would have tons of anime.

Well, here in US like with in last year the amount of anime just tripled. And manga too!! It is no longer "exclusive" hobby. Lots of people are into it now.

Arina Tanemura - is the artist behind Jeanne, Full Moon and Time Stranger. She is very tallented and has a huuuge fanclub of mostly girl fans, because she only does Shoujo. You should check it out - find any gallery by her and see if u like her artwork. I think its really good.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 25 February 2004 8:16:37am

SailorMoon is my favourite, Natasha!
As for Cardcaptor Sakura, I don't really know the ending...except that Sakura managed to change all of Clow Reed's cards into Sakura's cards...(is that the ending by the way?)

I have no worries about manga since they are translated into chinese faster than into english. Luckily, I am one of those whose chinese level is slightly above average. Nowadays, the chinese youngsters in Singapore are only good in english and bad in chinese.
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Postby Mint » Friday 12 March 2004 2:11:55pm

Really? I thought everyone is Singapore are fluent in chinese....

How come everyone speaks English there....what is the official language? Im so clueless about these things...
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