Potential Future Death in Book 6 or 7 (spoilers)

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Postby Aberforth » Wednesday 18 February 2004 5:22:54pm

I don't think any bad guys will die - that would mean the good guys using an unforgivable curse, and unless aurors are given these powers back then the good guys would become bad by killing.

I also think that the all-out war will be delayed somewhat until book 7 because in the first war, DEs outnumbered the order 5 to 1,but that is not the case now and I think LV needs more time to build a substantial army. He has giants, but he had them last time and there isn't many left now anyway. What about the trolls? Surely they would be easy to trick into fighting since they are pretty dim (perhaps Crabbe and Goyle have some Troll blood in them).

I don't think Lupin will die from the silver hand of wormtail - it seems too obvious. JKR is too smart for that so my money is on this being a red herring.

My money is on Tonks dying.
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Postby Ferrus » Wednesday 18 February 2004 7:40:14pm


Why Tonks???
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Postby hagrid_fang » Wednesday 18 February 2004 11:55:39pm

you can't kill Tonks!! she's too fab!!
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 19 February 2004 11:52:57am

i can see tonk's clumsiness killing her :( :( :(

please dont let it happen jk
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Postby jarvan49 » Thursday 19 February 2004 6:41:52pm

I don't think Lupin will die from the silver hand of wormtail - it seems too obvious

Aberforth, I like your thinking here. I did wonder why wormtail got the silver hand and then i thought it was to kill lupin but there is that business of harry saving wormtail. So this will come into play but I agree with you, it does seem obvious that silver kills werewolves and wormtail happens to havea silver hand. Maybe wizards have other uses of silver...
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Postby Ferrus » Thursday 19 February 2004 9:01:14pm

Maybe wizards have other uses of silver...

Wizards probably have trillions of uses for silver... And Lupin being knocked in the head by wormtail is totally un-JKR-ish (I hope)
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Postby Aberforth » Tuesday 24 February 2004 2:54:32pm

hagrid_fang wrote:you can't kill Tonks!! she's too fab!!

Tonks may be "fab", but she has a dangerous job and puts herself at risk all the time. It is likely she would have more encounters with dark wizards than most of the order, putting her odds of survival way down.

I don't want to see her die either, but if I had to choose it would be her or Hagrid (he started to annoy me in OotP when he finally appeared).
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Postby jarvan49 » Tuesday 24 February 2004 7:41:57pm

Ok, I can see Hagrid maybe dying but he's needed to be able to help with the Giants. How about Percy? his character is wierd; we never really find out much about Percy while he's in school and then all of a sudden he's a bad guy. I think he's going to die and his death will be a huge shock to everyone.
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 25 February 2004 12:46:58am

I'm with you, jarvan! Percy's really a strange guy! Think about Mrs Weasley Woes... Yeah, probably percy is the next to die! Poor him!
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 28 February 2004 4:33:39am

I will hate it when it happens but I do believe that both good and evil will suffer vast amounts of death, as it said, The Second War has Begun. I can see something like DD die in a blazing green lite, but as they all watch his lifeless body on the ground and while walking towards it will seem to melt and conform into a different shape and Nyphandora Tonks will be left laying there lifeless while the actual DD will walk forward, eyes which are normally glittering are now dull and dreary, and look up slowly eyes meeting each of the order members eyes in turn, drop his wand fall to his knees and say "run you fools" and The Dark Lord burst into the room and sees DD and his about to shout when DD falls dead and Lord Voldemort bursts into flames and as the flames are billowing up in a spiral you see DD face appear, smiling wide, and he says to them, that He knew it had to happen and that it wasn't Harry fault, and disappears along with the flames. The group, now void of Tonks, looks around and sees Harry standing behind the spot where DD body lay, second earlier, with wand in hand, breathing heavily with silent tiers streaming down his face. He falls to the floor and Ginny runs forward, with the rest of the group standing grave and still, Lupin walks forward and picks Harry's wand up, and touchs the tip with his own while muttering something, and there is a collective sharp intake of air as the ghostly form of DD emerges from Harry's wand. Lupin then walks to Harry and asks for the children to stand next the Harry. When they stand still he raises his wand and modifies there memories.

Quite morbid, lets hope nothing like this happens
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 28 February 2004 10:08:00pm

wow...that is so neat...

you really have an imagination there. Have you ever tried writing fan fics?

The whole idea with Tonks taking the fall for someone else is a great idea. She is a fresh look at the possible death
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Postby Aberforth » Monday 1 March 2004 3:08:48pm

Moody is a potential corpse. Although he was one of the best aurors around, his powers aren't what they once were. He was one of the first to be incapacitated in the department of Mysteries - Harry did much better than him.

Besides, Moody is always used in dangerous situations so is placed more at risk.
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Postby Nobby » Tuesday 2 March 2004 4:33:25pm

I like the theory of Hagrid dying too! he started to annoy me in the last book as well!

Think of it this way! We already know about Hagrids past (being expelled from school etc). We also know about his involvment in harry's past (taking him from Godrics hollow etc). We have also learned about Hagrid's family and how they are both dead and we have also had Hagrid in a romance with Madame Maxine. What else is there for JK to write about him? An easy way to solve this problem is to kill him! i know it sounds a bit morbid but there is defiantly going to be casulties and hagrid looks like an easy scapegoat

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Postby darkcloak » Wednesday 3 March 2004 2:21:38pm

jarvan49 wrote:
I don't think Lupin will die from the silver hand of wormtail - it seems too obvious

Aberforth, I like your thinking here. I did wonder why wormtail got the silver hand and then i thought it was to kill lupin but there is that business of harry saving wormtail. So this will come into play but I agree with you, it does seem obvious that silver kills werewolves and wormtail happens to havea silver hand. Maybe wizards have other uses of silver...

I think (like many others on here) that the silver hand may have a part to play. However I see it as a way that Voldermort could die and NOT from magic. The lifedebt and the ability to crush anything in his hand could make Wormtail a good weapon against Voldie in the final battle (abit like Darth Vader --> Emperor I suppose)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 3 March 2004 10:37:41pm

I have come to some new conclusions on this whole death deal...

My common sense screams Lupin, because he is so likely...

Yet when has JKR ever lead us by our common senses?

Now, looking back Moody and Hagrid seem the likely targets. Hagrid would put another grain of salt in Harry's wounded soul and Moody would serve as a symbol of even the strong die.
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