fantasy casting

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fantasy casting

Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 8:44:46pm

I made up a fantasy cast for the Harry Potter movies last night (couldn't sleep)... if I don't have the character listed, i'd keep it the way it was cast in the original movies. I'm adding urls to the page for the actors.

Harry - Liam Aiken (Such a little cutie, and a much better actor than Daniel Radcliffe)

Lavender Brown - Hannah Taylor-Gordon

Cho Chang - Kwon Boa (not listed in, but a Korean singer who is one of many to be rumored to be cast as Cho)

Dennis Creevey - Thomas Sangster (there's a lot of talk about him being cast as Dennis, and a petition out there for fans who want to see him win this role)

Fleur Delacour - Ludivine Savier (The up-and-coming French actress who played Tinker Bell in the 2003 version of Peter Pan)

Cedric Diggory - Heath Ledger What can I say? He's hot. He's cute. He's a good actor. :grin:

Padma & Parvati Patil - Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (Okay, this seems like a sell-out, but i just thought to myself "who could play the shallow twin teenage girls?" and the answer was obvious... :-) )

Percy Weasley - Christopher Masterson (actually, for the longest time i thought Christopher Masterson did play Percy... when i realized he didn't, I always felt like he should have.)

Gabrielle Delacour - Dakota Fanning (wouldn't she make a good little part-veela? :-) )

Dumbledore - Ian McKellan... only because I thought for a long time that he was Dumbledore, and he just seems to fit... not even gonna bother with the link for this one. :-)

Moody - Michael Wincott (Just do some weird makeup effects to take part of his nose away and you have yourself a perfectly good Moody)

Sirius - Scott Cohen (I've had a thing for this scruffy cutie ever since The 10th Kingdom!)

Mundungus Fletcher - Rik Mayall (Look at this guy... Watch him for ten seconds. He IS Mundungus!)

Lupin - Ralph Fiennes (Wow... what a hottie. What an actor. Capable of playing the old-looking-though-young, sensitive Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we all love... and talk about s*x appeal! :P )

Susan Bones - Mara Wilson (just cuz I was wondering where this kid disappeared off to)

Luna Lovegood - Rachel Hurd-Wood (This talented young British actress has the dreamy look that I imagine Luna having... and I liked her as Wendy in Peter Pan)

Fred and George Weasley - anybody but the kids they got to play them
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:05:23pm

Great choices!

Everybody is better than Daniel Radcliffe!He was cute when he was little now he's so yuk!
Padma & Parvati Patil,why not?They would do pretty good job
I love the actor you choose to be Lupin!
And I love Mara Wilson!
Luna Lovegood-she's too pretty to be her!And I always imagined Luna with glasses
Cedric Diggory-too pretty to play him
Moody-good choice
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:10:52pm

ahhhh, stop hatin on luna! there's nothing that says luna's not pretty, except that she's got overly expressive eyes, and Rachel Hurd-Wood's got some VERY expressive eyes.

I agree about Dan Radcliffe... it hurt to watch him "act" alongside greats like Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Jason Isaacs, Robbie Coltraine, and Alan Rickman. Only made his mediocre acting seem worse! :-)

Cedric IS a prettyboy!!!!!! :grin:
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:26:17pm

Well,I always imagined Luna is not very pretty,but later in books she becomes very pretty,and Harry falls in love with her,and realises he had a beautyful girl right beside him,but he never really noticed that she's beautyful,and she's with someone else now,but her heart belongs to him.....

I have realised that I have mixed Cedric and Krum when I posted it! :-? :oops: :lol:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:34:38pm

Among the people PERFECTLY cast:

Emma Watson as Hermione (who else could be so haughty but so cute at the same time?)
Richard Griffiths as Uncle Vernon
Fiona Shaw as Aunt Petunia
Julie Walters as Mrs. Weasley
Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy
Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy
Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid
Kenneth Branagh as Gilderoy Lockhart
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Devon Murray as Seamus Finnegan
David Bradley as Filch
Maggie Smith as McGonagall (who else could have done it???)
Miriam Margolyes as Sprout
Alan Rickman as Snape

As far as the other Weasleys go... Ron grew on me, I think he's okay and can only get better... I like Bonnie Wright okay... can't stand the actors for Fred and George, I think Christopher Masterson would make a better Percy, and Mr. Weasley gets on my nerves, but then again, the character of Mr. Weasley gets on my nerves, so I guess he fits the part okay.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:37:21pm

lol do WHAT? So you're one of the Harry-and-Luna matchup people... I tend to go more for the Harry-and-Ginny idea. :-)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:38:34pm

lol do WHAT? So you're one of the Harry-and-Luna matchup people... I tend to go more for the Harry-and-Ginny idea. :-)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:54:41pm

In my fantasy cast, I forgot to include Paul Bettany as Crouch, Jr. (after he takes the Veritaserum). This guy, if you don't know of him, played Chaucer in A Knight's Tale and the "imaginary" friend Charles in A Beautiful Mind.
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Postby jarvan49 » Tuesday 10 February 2004 10:33:17pm

I will agree that Kenneth Brannagh did a wonderful job of Lockhart. I have always been a fan of Brannagh and he did not dissapoint me at all in CoS.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Wednesday 11 February 2004 12:43:35pm

lol do WHAT? So you're one of the Harry-and-Luna matchup people... I tend to go more for the Harry-and-Ginny idea.

Yeah,I'm one of those.For a while I thought that Harry and Ginny will be together,but when Luna came in to the story,I knew that they will be together.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 11 February 2004 3:56:05pm

nope... luna and neville, harry and ginny, ron and hermione... :-)
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Wednesday 11 February 2004 4:01:17pm

Luna and Neville?No I think it's better Luna and Harry,Neville and Ginny...
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Postby Won Wheezy » Wednesday 11 February 2004 5:53:05pm

This seems to have turned into another couples - thread! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Athena, some of your ideas are not bad, especially I agree about Daniel Radcliffe - he really isn't very good! That Liam Aiken reminds me a bit of the boy in "Sixth Sense", can't remember his name now. He would have been great too.

But I totally disagree about the Olsen Twins. HELLO-OOOOOO, they're supposed to be INDIAN, did you forget? I can't imagine them turning them into Indian girls. :(

I think Cedric could be played by James van der Beek (a.k.a. Dawson), because Heath Ledger looks too old for that! :lol:

I'm very happy with Ron and Hermione as they are, also Neville and Ginny are brilliant. And all of the teachers so far.
Oh, and I think the Weasley twins have been great, so far!

For Luna, I don't know.....someone who looks a bit mysterious. :lol:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 11 February 2004 7:08:04pm

Haley Joel Osment... Haley Joel Osment is the kid from the Sixth Sense (everyone thinks my 2-year-old is the spitting image of him). Yeah, he was the "it boy" for a while in Hollywood, but I don't think he would have made a good Harry Potter... I dunno.
I never realized Padma and Parvati were supposed to be Indian... where'd you hear that? I don't like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, like I said, I was just trying to think of shallow teenage twin girls and they seemed like the obvious people ( :grin: )
Fred and George are such fun characters in the books, and I personally think the actors they got are okay, but only okay.
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Postby jarvan49 » Wednesday 11 February 2004 8:51:14pm

I think books 1 and 4 mentioned that Padma and Parvati are Indian.
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