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Postby choki » Saturday 31 January 2004 6:16:49pm

*whacks Marc on his head with a metal ladle*

Don't eat all the worms...I have customers ordering Worm Salad!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 31 January 2004 6:19:52pm

But...But....Master needs them. Master NEEDS them!!! Well, fine ok, you win

*Hands out a handful of worms towards choki*

"Want??? Try One"
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Postby choki » Monday 2 February 2004 1:48:49pm

Erm...I don't actually like to eat worms...

*scoops a huge bowl of worms*

Here...take this to your...whoever master...and leave the rest alone

*points toward the big barrel of worms*

And don't add anything extra in there...for example NO chemical X...
I don't want giant worms next!
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 5 February 2004 2:51:44am


YES, good idea choki :grin:


and now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have something very special for you to night. something not seen in thousands of years. i have traveled far and wide looking for this, and at last! it is available! but only here, in mcwizards! now, i give you, the amazing, the wonderful, the inevitable.... DANCING WORM SALAD!

*grabs bowl of worms from marc, adds a few leaves, and voila!...* this very salad is made of the finest wriggling worms in all of antarctica! believe me, they are perfectly healthy to eat! they are delicious! eat them, eat them! *puts a plate full in front of every customer* :grin: :grin: :grin:

-pp the amazing circus entertainer
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 7 February 2004 9:58:27pm

Since when was the mopgirl a circus entertainer??? :???: Beets me! :lol:

Come here PP, lets both eat dancing worms!!! They make your tummy dance too!!!

*Eats a whole bowl full of worms salad*

"mmmmMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!! Grrreat! Ur missing out a lot Choki, these taste like chicken!"
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Postby Mint » Monday 9 February 2004 1:29:49am

What a party? good good! :evil grin: what are u all eating? Pizza?

*sees worms*

*runs for the fridge*
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Postby pinky p » Monday 9 February 2004 3:11:39am

*chuckles* hahaha our giant plan is working... we have scared the evil boss (mint) !!!!!! :D :D :D no longer shall our money be taken from us!!!! :lol: muahahahahahahahah *a 'what did you say?' from mint puts pp back to slurping worms* hehe she thinks its all part of our fundraising! :-)
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 10 February 2004 8:57:49pm

Hey PP, do u think Mint would want some of the worms?? They are indeed good!!!

*Meanwhile, at some science lab far, far away*

Scientist 1: I have urgant news. The specimen Longeous Wormumgus is found to be a....well a...well, let me explain. This sepcimin when eaten, makes the person hyper...and this might go out of control, and then he/she would be hazardous to his/her surroundings
Scientist 2: Oh me oh my!

*Back at McWizzards*

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Postby choki » Wednesday 11 February 2004 10:12:58am

Are you sure they taste good, Marc? Well, since you people are enjoying this treat, I guess I will try some.

*scoops up a spoonful of worms and eats it*


*opens the fridge door and places a plate of worms in front of Mint*

Mint, would you like to try some? They are delicious!
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Postby pinky p » Friday 13 February 2004 4:17:43am

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Postby Mint » Saturday 21 February 2004 1:20:41pm

I may be afraid of warms, but NOTHING will stop me from taking away peoples money!!! :evil:

But untill then - Im just going to sit on top of the fridge and observe u...

*climbes on top of the fridge and sits ther in the dark, giving evil stares to everyone* :red evil:

*looks at the report Marcus got ...*
Eh, Crazy, super hyper, dangerous to surroundings? Oh but thats just how PP is :grin: and Marcus..... :o all of our employees actually...xcept for me - I am normal. :evil: *twitch*
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Postby choki » Sunday 22 February 2004 11:21:25am

erm...actually I am normal, Mint. I don't feel strange eating all those worms but maybe I should stop or else there won't be enough for the customers

*spots Marc and pp eating worms from the barrels*

HEY! I told you people before, they are not for your consumption!

*whacks them hard*
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 24 February 2004 10:53:33pm

hey, these were originally my (sour gummy) worms!! so i can eat as many as i want, i believe! *fills picnic basket with worms and leaves to have a worm picnic on the beach* we're still in hawiai, aren't we?
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 25 February 2004 4:27:08am

hawai? I dont remember.....but we are next to the beach....

By the way, what happened to Huffleducks dragon?
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Postby choki » Wednesday 25 February 2004 8:40:14am

Hmmm, I think both Huffleduck and her dragon are somewhere in the storeroom.

PICNIC!!! Did I heard someone saying PICNIC??!!

*rushes out to the beach*
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