Classic topics

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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Classic topics

Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Wednesday 10 December 2003 10:47:42am

Well, I've seen this in other forums. Basically, what it is is a section that has a combination of topics of other sections that have become extremely popular and have more than 10 pages (or another # decided by pplz).
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Postby Liquid Ice » Wednesday 10 December 2003 11:29:01pm

Its quite a good idea, but then the section would get really full, and it would grow pretty fast. I think it would have to be more than 15 or even more.
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 December 2003 12:16:18am

that would be nice, but then you would have to go to two different topics trying to find something! i guess i think its best to leave it, so the topics that belong in certain topics stay there
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 11 December 2003 1:55:34pm

I think the topics are not supposed to be moved to this section completely. It is like one topic in two different sections, one is a shadow of the other.
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Postby Paul » Saturday 13 December 2003 6:56:55pm

It's an interesting idea. I'm not sure about implementing it at the moment. I'll probably wait to see how things go with the new (hopefully soon to be released) upgraded version of the board, phpBB 2.2, first, and see how everyone gets on with interacting with the new features which will be available before doing anything like a classic topics area yet. Would still be interested in any more feedback that anyone has on the idea meanwhile though. :)
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Saturday 24 January 2004 5:39:05pm

I think this is very good idea bc I wouldn't have to open 1000 of sections to reply on some topics.It would be a lot easier,we open one section and there is everything we want,word games,topics from zonko,theories,etc. that are most visited.I completly support this idea.
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