How did you feel about the 5th book overall?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

How did you feel about book 5 after reading it?

Best book ever written!
Great! My favourite book in the series!
Good, but not my favourite book in the HP series.
Disappointed. Did not meet my expectations.
Total votes : 149

Postby Mint » Friday 12 December 2003 7:36:32pm

Great post divabeadz! Reminds me that I should read that book again, as I only read it once.

Yeah, it was similar for me - I was really agrivated by Harry's behavior! And the scene where he was breaking things in DD's office I really wanted to kick him, and scream at him to be adult about it and not act like little brat! In all of the other books I sympathized with Harry - so this book was the first one where I was really mad at him and thought of him as a brat. (Like when he was trying to be all brave and not telling anyone about Umbridge doing illegal punishment).

I really liked Luna - I think she was a great "mysterious" character. I didn't even think of her as an outcast as much as a person who may know a lot of secrets.

I hated all of the Cho romance scenes. (i tried to skip all of them) But thats only because I really can't stand that character.
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Postby Ginny Malfoy » Tuesday 30 December 2003 3:41:43am

Mint wrote:Great post divabeadz! Reminds me that I should read that book again, as I only read it once.

Yeah, it was similar for me - I was really agrivated by Harry's behavior! And the scene where he was breaking things in DD's office I really wanted to kick him, and scream at him to be adult about it and not act like little brat! In all of the other books I sympathized with Harry - so this book was the first one where I was really mad at him and thought of him as a brat. (Like when he was trying to be all brave and not telling anyone about Umbridge doing illegal punishment).

I really liked Luna - I think she was a great "mysterious" character. I didn't even think of her as an outcast as much as a person who may know a lot of secrets.

I hated all of the Cho romance scenes. (i tried to skip all of them) But thats only because I really can't stand that character.

Cho grated on my nerves as well, but then, there were times Harry did, too. Don't get me wrong, Cho seriously needed to grow up, but at the same time, weren't they all a little angsty? I mean, I wanted to shake Seamus, and I've never been fond of Pansy, and how on earth DID Parvati and Lavender ever get into Gryffindor anyway? What about them is brave? But seriously, Cho defending Marietta? Ugh. And Cho acting all jealous and irrational? Drama queen, anyone?

I just re-read the fifth was good. I truly enjoyed it. I really enjoyed Ginny in book 5 (hence, my name), but knowing who was going to die in the end made it even sadder. I saw all the many ways it could have been different. It really makes me wonder how Harry is going to handle his 6th year of he going to reflect on the mistakes he (and adults in his life) made that led up to tragedy at the end of his 5th year? It'll be interesting to see what kind of person he becomes as a result...

As for not telling about Umbridge, I was frustrated, too, until I read a line in the book saying about how if Harry admitted it to anyone it'd make it all the more real and therefore much more painful to endure. Somehow, I can relate to that...sometimes, it's better to just get on with it. Where I got really frustrated with Harry would be when he'd get set on a path or a way of thinking and refuse to listen to anyone else...Harry's pride was his downfall...I know Harry was frustrated that no one was being straight with him, but I found myself wishing he had had a little more faith. The way Voldemort "played" Harry just like he wanted to was painful and sad...
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 30 December 2003 12:35:51pm

I think that harry's going to end up a lot more depressed in the 6th book. the loss of sirius will hit him hard, and he'll probably be feeling guilty for not having occlumency lessons, i mean if he had then he may have not ended up believing that sirius was in danger.
I dont think that it would be fair for JK to kill off any more of his close friends as he has been through too much already. While he does seem to be a very strong resiliant person he is only 15 and thats a lot for one boy to have to contend with.
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 30 December 2003 4:30:43pm

I am afraid that Harry won't come to realize that the main reason why he bought Voldemort's trick is because He (Harry) didn't want to take the lessons and didn't belive in DD.

For somereason I think that Harry may be in denial - and will blame everyone around him. LIke DD, Snape,.... I mean that is why I was aggrivated with him at the end of 5th book...

Like, "Why didn't DD told me everything - if he would - Sirius would still be alive" or "If Snape wouldn't be so mean to me - Sirius would still be alive",....
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Postby senorita pickle » Thursday 1 January 2004 10:08:57pm

i voted for: "great, best book in the series!". i really enjoyed reading this book. i liked how jk brought many new characters into the story (luna, ootp members, etc.) but still managed to further develop other characters (such as neville... what a change!).

the only part of the book i didn't really like was, ironically, harry. as june put it, "Harry's abrupt transition to this fury-like character didn't really endear him to me." i mean, sure, harry is a teenager, but that doesn't mean he suddenly hates everyone around him and feels they are all against him, does it?

i also really liked the character luna. of course, after harry's last scene with her, i'm sure many people now feel harry is meant to have a love interest with luna. i sincerely hope not... i guess i just think that luna could do harry a lot more good as just a friend then as his girlfriend. besides, does harry have to go out with every girl he comes across and doesn't hate?
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5ª book

Postby Lil' Granger » Friday 23 January 2004 1:22:49am

I really don't know...I mean, i liked the book very much, but this one is certainly not my favorite...The end was a bit dissapointing 'cuz what Dumbledore said to Harry i have already realized...not only me, but a lot of people...Anyway, the book was so nice!!!!!!!!!

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Postby Nobby » Thursday 19 February 2004 4:53:16pm

i loved the book but PoA is still my favourite. The hatred for Umbridge really made the book
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Postby Celeone » Tuesday 16 March 2004 3:57:23pm

Well, It's a great book and my favorite... togheter with the Prisoner of Azkaban. It's only the shame and blame (how the mother of Sirius it would say) that Sirius died. I hope he'll be back in a painting or something :-?
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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Wednesday 17 March 2004 7:32:19pm

I really like the 5 book: there is more suspense, more mysterious but it's more sad with the death of Sirius :cry: . It's more interesting because Lord Voldemort is back. So the book 5 is more, more and more better :P
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Postby Writer » Thursday 25 March 2004 9:41:35pm

I liked it, I did. It was very good but I liked it least in the series. My fave is PoA
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Book 5

Postby Lone_Buck » Sunday 4 April 2004 5:19:57pm

I was satisfied with book five. It gives a lot of signs of Harry becoming more of a teenager, with his anger at the world. Overall, i think it may be tied with book four for my favorite.

So far, i rank the books like this

Book 5( There was a lot of suspense to it, and harry matured)
Book 4(Started a darker theme for the following books, which i look forward to. I say great ending, did anyone see Moody being Crouch)
Book 2(Overall, i was just into this one. Spookier than the first, but kept some humor to it.)
Book 1(Probably ranked here because i don't really get into reading introductions to series. There wasn't enough action to me, especially compared to the others)
Book 3(I just missed Voldemort in this one, but it is crucial to the series)

That was a hard list to make, they are all great.
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Postby Groo » Friday 9 April 2004 9:11:46am

i think the fifth book was a brilliant piece of writing. the plot was thin compared to the others but it was the surroundings to the plot that was the hallmark of the book. i mean ,the development of characters, interaction between them, the humour in the book, timely revelations of details, and harry's change of personality.

Harry's change of personality is not drastic as some may point out. in the entire fourth book he was treated with suspicion and contempt by his fellow students and he was becoming more and more irritated as the book progressed. people whispering and sniggering about him was always his greatest weakness.

it is obvious to the reader that JK Rowling has matured as a writer with every book. now nobody can claim that these are "children's books"
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Postby Moonstone » Tuesday 20 April 2004 12:00:26pm

OotP and PoA are 2 of the most well written.. couldent put them away
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 20 April 2004 9:47:21pm

The thing that I did not care for about OotP was the angry Harry.
He was constantly having a temper tantrum about something.
I know that is part of being a teen ager and he is no ordinary teenager but it did get on my nerves a little.
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Postby Moonstone » Wednesday 21 April 2004 8:35:43am

I thought at first that he were possesed by a demon when he acted the way he did.. but there were an explenation for it in the end of the book.. so i have now swept away the demon theory...
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