by Meg Boyd » Wednesday 31 December 2003 10:22:21pm
*Meg bustles in with a huge package of Weasley Wizard Wheezes brand fireworks, and a few other packages*
Hiya'll, I just hopped on over to Diagon Alley where I got some supplies for our Sunny Isle party. I haven't been able to find Accio, but I think we'll have an old fashioned pig roast with the party. Are there any other suggestions on what to eat before I start cooking up a storm...and don't worry, even though I am no Accio, I'll have my mom help me...lord knows that woman can COOK! He he, *sets down the large parcels* well now I guess I'll get going...shout dinner requests through the door if you have any...
wait a moment...
*meg conjurs another hot tub for the sunny isle effect of a nice body of water* It is no ocean, but at least we can have some water side fun to ring in the new year, right?