very stupid question

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very stupid question

Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 31 December 2003 1:59:39am

Okies, this is really embarrassing, but how do you pronounce the name Lestrange? Like the word strange or differently?
Sorry for this stupid question...
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 31 December 2003 2:11:33am

Well, that's how I pronounce it..
Just the french 'le' with strange added to it..

Then again, that does sound a bit strange (:)), so I could very well be wrong!
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 31 December 2003 2:28:34am

that's the way i've always pronounced it. i was talking about the book to one of my friends, though, and he pronounced lestrange le (long e) stron (short o) he (long e). pretty different, huh? i know there's a hp pronunciation guide at, i'll go look it up on there.
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 31 December 2003 2:31:23am

alright i've just looked it up at and the way it's pronounced is:


:grin: :D
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Thursday 1 January 2004 9:11:40pm

la-STRAWNGE? That sounds pretty.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 2 January 2004 1:03:28am

Thanks!!! I wondered about the pronaunciation because it could as well have been english or french.
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Postby TDM » Friday 2 January 2004 1:43:34am

or maybe les-STRAWNGE-eh. there's many way to prounounce it, but the first way is probably the most common.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 4 January 2004 2:49:05am

I would pronouce it like Dragon Master's, just by looking at the spelling through french phonix
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Postby Selenia » Sunday 4 January 2004 3:18:40pm

the thing I'll say may help you. when I bought the greek edition of the book it was pronounced like gecko said. it is the french "le" and the simple word "strange"
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Postby pinky p » Sunday 4 January 2004 5:51:36pm

well i suppose depending on the definition of the word, it'd be pronounced differently. i dunno.... :???: i'm v. confused :razz: i just know that at the pronunciation guide at (for those of you who don't know, scholastic is the publisher of hp in the USA) says la-STRAWNGE, but that could be wrong. i mean, chances are they didn't ask jk rowling to pronounce all the words or something like that.

it's just like hermoine- before the movies, i had no idea how you're supposed to pronounce it... and when i did find out, i kind of ignored it because i like my way better :razz: "her-mee-own-nee" :lol:
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Postby Devinci » Sunday 4 January 2004 9:10:07pm

I always pronounced hermione HER-MYO-NEH kinda...french or something. *shrugs* And Sirius, some people called his Serious and some people called him Sirus...It's crazy trying to figure out pronunciations sometimes.

Though, if you get the book on tape (hahahaha) I guess you could hear it pronounced their...and I'm sure they had figure out the pronunciations somehow, eh?
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 5 January 2004 12:21:59am

In the german edition, they changed the name Hermione to Hermine, which is an old german name...ugh. I can understand it though, I guess a child that doesn't speak english would never be able to pronounce it.

My friends and I always argue about the name Lupin. By now, we have the choice between LU-pin, Lu-PEEN and the french way to pronounce it (because the ending "-in" looks rather french). What do you say? Anything else maybe?? :razz: I go with the first one, because the latin word "lupus", which means wolf, has the emphasis on the first syllable.

A tape is a very very good idea!! :grin: :grin:
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Postby Devinci » Monday 5 January 2004 4:07:17am

I always said LU-pin...Lu-PEEN reminds me other either urinating or...some sort of food made with peas...
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 5 January 2004 1:52:39pm

LOL!! :lol:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 6 January 2004 3:16:05am

i always used to pronouce Hermoine kind of like Hagrid, if broken down i would say her-moin (as in coin)-e thats how it looks
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