'Harry Potter' actors in other movies

Have you seen the movies, either in the cinema theatre, or on video or DVD, or thinking of seeing them? Share your views here.

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Postby Gwared » Thursday 17 July 2003 4:25:48pm

You're right about DD Lizzy, in both respects, and Mark Williams was Arthur Weasley.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 17 July 2003 5:37:16pm

One unsuccessful movie done by Rupert Grint was Thudnerpants (show only in England). I have heard by my friends that this movies wasnet that good. I haven't seen it, so i am not quite sure. I heard its all about farts...stupid movie if you ask me.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Friday 18 July 2003 3:12:04pm

Alan Rickman (Snape) has been in tons of movies, but I think my favourite was playing Dr. Lazarus in Galaxy Quest.

Maggie Smith (McGonagall) shone as Mother Superior in both the Sister Act movies.
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 19 July 2003 3:09:32am

Jason Isaac, Aka Lucius Malfoy in Black Hawk Down.....Now that was TOO much. Seeing it again, after seeing CoS I almost fell over laughing. Jason Isaac is bald....hahaha, shaved to the skin. Blad Lucius...AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Daniel Radcliffe was in David Copperfield...why, I don't know. But he was...*sigh*

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Postby Dink Meeker » Saturday 19 July 2003 3:19:52pm

I didn't realise that was LM in Blackhawk Down. Now I'm going to have to watch it again.

If thats the case he was also Clark Devlin in The Tuxedo.

What a difference a little hair colour and attitude make. :eek:
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Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 7 September 2003 6:37:08am

Alan Rickman. He's been fantastic in every film I've ever seen him in. From the terrorist / EXCEPTIONAL thief in Die Hard to the Alexander Dane / Dr. Lazaras in GalaxyQuest to Professor Snape in Harry Potter, he knows his roles, and plays them very well.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Saturday 13 December 2003 8:18:49pm

Oh yes, Alan Rickman is a great actor. Have you seen him in "Dogma"? His first entrance in this movie, that was hilarious! But also other his films like "Sense and Sensibility" (yummy) or "Michael Collins". Anyway, I watched "Anne and the King" recently and was surprised to find Draco there.
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Postby Devinci » Monday 15 December 2003 1:18:21am

alan rickman in Love Actually....kinda hate/misunderstand the character, but LOVE the performance he put on. :D
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 16 December 2003 6:53:55pm

yeah, if no one had said it, i was going to say Rickman in Dogma, it is the best movie ever
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Postby Wiltshire » Tuesday 23 December 2003 7:47:08am

Robbie Coltrane - Yeah, he was in two Bond movies, Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough, I believe, as the Russian casino-owner and criminal Valentin Zukovsky.

Maggie Smith - Been in lots of stuff. Hook among them.

Dumbledore in CoS is not Gandalf. Richard Harris, not Ian McKellen. You can see Ian McKellen in a picture in Harris's office, though, lol.

Kenneth Branagh - Also been in lots of stuff.

Jason Isaacs - Usually a villain. Hook in the upcoming Peter Pan. The villain (Tavington?) of The Patriot w/ Mel Gibson. As a good guy in Blackhawk Down (and barely recognizable).

I believe Dan Radcliffe was in David Copperfield.

If you like the cast of HP, I'd recommend Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V. It's a great adaptation of the play, outstanding music, and features Branagh, Maggie Smith, and Robbie Coltrane. See if you can find them (shouldn't be too hard, though Smith and Coltrane have more minor roles).
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 23 December 2003 3:36:20pm

Robbie Coltrane - Alice in Wonderland (1999) :grin: I loooove this movie!! recomend it to anyone.

Dan Radcliff - "Tailor of Panama" :evil: dont watch it.....he appears 3 times for 2 seconds each. ANd the movie was sooo boring - I went to take a shower during it, paying my friend $2 to tell me if I miss a snippet of Dan in it.

David Copperfield was good on the other hand. But you only need to watch 1st part - because he only playes the Main character when he is a kid (obviously)
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Postby Morningstar » Monday 19 January 2004 11:35:31pm

John Cleese (Nearly-headless Nick) played several parts in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A few of them include the Black Knight ("tis merley a flesh wound"), Sir Lancelot, and a French Knight ("your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries!") :lol: man, I love that movie.
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 20 January 2004 4:38:36am

John Cleese and Robbie Coaltrain have both been in two James Bond films; Coaltrain in Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough, as a Russian mobster / businessman; Cleese as R in The World is Not Enough and Q in Die Another Day. However, they never share a scene in either film. Come to think of it, I don't think they shared a scene in either HP film either.
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Postby Wiltshire » Friday 23 January 2004 4:15:48am

I don't know how to edit posts, so I'll do this. I'm mistaken on the Henry V. I said Maggie Smith was in it, it's actually Judi Dench, whoops.
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Postby Loony_4_Snape » Friday 27 February 2004 2:02:07pm

isn'i Molly in the tesco/asda ad, dressed as a fairy???? :-? :???:
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