The end justifies the means???

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby gecko » Monday 1 December 2003 6:33:39pm

But how far will he go? There's a lack of newly trained Aurors to catch the bad wizards (nobody got into Auror school for some years right?).. So that reminds me of this, how many wizards do both sides have? How many people are with Voldemort now? I suppose he can't have that many people yet, so if Dumbledore & company strike quickly, they might get him..
(but to fill 2 more books with just that.. it'll probably be a lot more complex! :P)
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 2 December 2003 11:42:12pm

On the next episode of "Snape" - "Mark Evens may be his child"

Of course he is!! All Evanses are interlinked. Snape's in fact the twin brother of Petunia! Does anyone know "Roswell"? Max and Isabel Evans, who are aliens, are in fact their parents.

Okies, sorry about that one, but I couldn't resist posting it. Maybe we should start a topic called "the most stupid theories ever"?
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Postby Mint » Thursday 11 December 2003 4:59:57pm

gecko wrote: How many people are with Voldemort now? I suppose he can't have that many people yet, so if Dumbledore & company strike quickly, they might get him..

Really? I always got a feeling that Voldemort had plenty of people to strike Dumbledore's Order down. But they are afraid of DD and not sure where to find the Order.
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Postby gecko » Thursday 11 December 2003 11:43:24pm

Mmm.. yeah I might be wrong thinking he hasn't many people supporting him.
It's just that it has never been made clear how many followers Voldemort had during his first reign of terror.
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Postby Mint » Friday 12 December 2003 3:34:20pm

I think ALOT. But they were not really his followers I think it was a lot of people just scared for their lives and the lives of their loved once that they assisted Voldemort in some tasks he would pressure them to do.
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