Done at last...

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Done at last...

Postby Roland » Wednesday 10 December 2003 11:56:50am

Well at last i finished the latest book-the order of the phoenix.
I think its a clishe - however i had a greattime reading the book.
The main thing in this book which makes you say "just one more page" while you read it is not the technique
or the great story.Im saying this because here is the 5th book and everyone knew before even opening it that Harry will fight again against Voldemort and he will win somehow.
This wont make me so curious so the story is getting a bit old now.I felt this during i read the first 200 pages.
And then a sudden takeover came and i could not stop reading it.I must finished it - i read about 8 hours continously - and i could not stop reading it.And this thing makes me to say that the clever thing in this book -again - is that the writer paints every little situation what happens to Harry, and the way that the writer divides the small periods of calmness and troubles in the book.Thats why you cant put it down because you just wait for the next trouble-period and the result of the next period on the community which Harry lives in.And the reason of this waiting is that you want to imagine yourself as reality.And people like to imagine themselfes in the reality which is dangerous and extreme.These things which can make people act the way i told before simply called art.And the one who makes it called an artist. 8)
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 10 December 2003 7:06:15pm

Very interesting observation!! :D Very true, I too imagine myself as Harry when Im reading the book, and love the danger of it all - because I would never attempt to do anything dangerous in real life....

So I guess we Can call JKR an "artist" 8)

-By the way this post should be in "Books" section rather then "Great Hall" if any Mods are looking

:eekie: .....or not.... :grin:
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Postby Centaur Lord » Thursday 11 December 2003 2:58:04am

That is so true! I got so hooked, i couldnt stop reading. I read the entire book in one sitting, and then i started it again. :grin:
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Postby sea-plunder » Monday 29 March 2004 4:33:55pm

i agree with you and when i was reading it i did think that harry was just going to fight voldemort again, but that didn't bother me.. it was a great story and i enjoyed reading it
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Postby Female_alien » Monday 29 March 2004 7:31:26pm

Really interesting opinion Roland, and I agree with it. I see ypu put in words what everybody else was thinking :lol:

I know what you mean when you say that you knew Harry is going to "meet" Voldy and win. I suppose we all knew that but that is not the reason why we read the book! We read it because of the reason you mentioned.

Good topic and thinking! :grin:
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Postby beater_kittie07 » Tuesday 6 April 2004 3:00:48am

I agree with you as well Roland.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Tuesday 6 April 2004 8:42:28pm

Roland,you said it so good!It's true...That's why I think if there was 8 book I'll be bored to death if it again has anything to do with Harry and his fight against LV!I mean how many lifes LV or Harry has?
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 7 April 2004 6:47:26pm

:grin: good thinking Roland
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