Oh yey!!!! look at this! this is wonderful!!! We have to decorate McWizards from the inside too!!! put some palm trees and make some changes, like
-> Put a spa in McWizards for senior employees only!!
and make some new drinks!!! Like uh.... "Tropical Disaster" - u drink it and some disaster happens to ya

pretty good no?
*sees Choki drag some customers*
Very good very good! U can take a break now, and u PP for bringing us here - lets test our new spa!!! Start with Wirlpool.
*meanwhile a loose shrimpachickadzilla gets loose and goes rampaging the beach - all tourists start screaming and running all over the beach - some of them try to find refuge in McWizards*
Keep 'em off our dear wirlpool!!!

*Mint throws ketchup packets into nearing customers*