Alrighty, it's good I'm reading all these topics made while I was away, because this one soo really interesting. I have indeed begun rereading the entire series, started at nr 1, have almost finished nr 2 (haven't had that much time while actually on vacation, and not now because of this catching up, but after that I'll be reading a bit more). Anyhow, I had noticed the Snape thing about Harry thinking he was able to read his mind.
What I further have noticed, and seen in some topics (that's why I noticed)is that in CoS Ron says something about Malfoy becoming Head Boy. Well, I personally don't think that that is feasible, but it would be interesting, wouldn't it?
I don't think I've noticed very much else, oh there's some talking again in CoS about Snape knowing what Harry's done (when he throws the fireworks in Goyle's cauldron). Also, I have noticed things being said about Dumbledore being able to see in minds (as we now know he can).
There's one more thing that I find most interesting and it's about socks, but I'm not sure if should post in a new topic of it's own. It could be something big! I'll search first, to see if there already has been something posted about it.
I'll keep you updated!