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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 18 November 2003 10:17:18pm

*crawls out from window booth* is it safe? :o

so we've got a hidden stash from gringotts, eh? :grin: yay now i can get a raise! can i be promoted to night manager? :razz:
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 18 November 2003 11:36:10pm

marcus how many time have you fallen asleep on the grill??b/c depending on how many times this has happened depends on what i can do.
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 18 November 2003 11:39:24pm

*pats marc on the back... he yells ow* oh, sorry, i guess you got burned there... :o . hermione, do whatever it takes! mcwizards has a policy of complete safety to all our employees, and we feel personally responsible whenever one of our employees is injured. *goes off to feed dragon and start the microwave on fire*
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Postby choki » Wednesday 19 November 2003 3:26:00am are starting a fire to burn down the kitchen or to cook some meals? Well, if you are trying to burn down the kitchen, you better tell me soon, cos I will stay away from the kitchen and get busy somewhere else. I don't wanna get burns that serious as Marc had...
*looks at the open burn wounds* :o
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 19 November 2003 7:36:53pm

Eh, hermoine weasley is here? What did u offer her PPrincess, a spot of tea? Yes Yes good idea :evil grin: *puts spots of tea all over hermoine weasley*

Did somebody mentioned a RAISE? there is no such thing as a raise!! :evil:

*runs over and grabs the deposit slip* this will barely cover the costs of McWizards damage and my vacation! :evil: *puts it in McWizard safe*

Now lets see what happened to Marcus.....Oh .....Oh what an interesting burn mark....looks like a lable or smth.or a mark....hmmmm*thinks something evil and looks suspeciously at all of the employees*:evil grin:

Meanwhile a random customer walks in......but doesnt stay for long - as he is swallowed by a passing by Shrimpachickadzilla :o
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 20 November 2003 1:10:49am

your vacation! i don't think so! *barricades door with steel plate and laser sensor thingys* you're not going anywhere till us employees are treated fairly! right, guys... *sees others duck behind counter* thats right, you heard me! we want dental insurance, and- and- one month vacation a year! :x :razz: :lol:
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Thursday 20 November 2003 4:28:30am

no i don't want a spot of tea but thank you anyways.Now where is marcus??I need to make sure this hasn't happened twice before.
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Postby choki » Thursday 20 November 2003 9:15:27am

*creeps behind pp and taps on her shoulder*
Brave young lady. I support you. I need a vacation too. Let's stage a revolt.
*arms herself with pots and wooden spoon*
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Postby Mint » Thursday 20 November 2003 3:20:17pm

Bluh, i didnt say i was gonna go now. Dont worry with this little employees here Mint will stay.

And no - im not gonna give u an insurance, because I am an evil greedy person. Yes yes evil and greedy. Besides no insurance will be willing to cover you with the amount of craziness that is going on in this place.

As for vacation - SHame on you!!!! Wanting to leave McWizards at a time like this?! And not having paid off all the money that u own. :evil grin: Here have a spot of tea instead. *puts lots of teaspots on PP*

Now then, Hermoine Weasley - I will go find Marcus - and you go make some sleeping broth to calm down PP. Choki - stop hiding behind her and sing her smth nice instead.

Speaking of vacations - are we gonna celebrate Thanksgiving? We dont have turkey can substitute heeheee :evil grin:

*hears creaping noises that sound like Marcus behind the counter :o and goes off to inverstigate*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 20 November 2003 11:06:31pm

Ahh, mint found me, i was lost in the closet...with this burn mark....i dont know.....

Hermione, i think this was my third burn mark while i fell asleeep on a grill. The 1st time was at a "BBQ" for muggles on my job at MiBB. I was burned twice here. Anyways, i can live dont feel sry for me!! Theres work to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Flips countless burgers*

Hey, where did Ju go? is he burning on the grill too??
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Postby choki » Friday 21 November 2003 10:16:25am

no Marc...Ju is still sitting near the fridge choosing the potions he wants for his's taking him forever...

No vacation? :( I thought we can all have a vacation together, like a company gathering...nope eh...I guess we have to earn a lot before Mint will allow us to go on a holiday :cry:

pp, don't worry about the vacation though...we will have it one fine day...
*hugs pp to calm her down*
Don't look at me that way Mint...I can't sing
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Postby pinky p » Friday 21 November 2003 10:21:57pm

*hugs choki back* well golly thanks, sugar. in these times of trial i often think of livin back home with the youngins in the shack behind that gosh darn gun store. but god forbid, i will make my way on this gosh darn planet whether my good for nothin man sonnie permits it or not *tear*
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Postby choki » Saturday 22 November 2003 9:52:31am

Oh u called me sugar?
*listens to pp's story*
wait a min...what planet are you talking about? U're an alien!!! got it u're saying u miss those times back then...I get it

*jumps up suddenly*
Alright! To make my fellow employee of McWizards happy, I decided to pay the expenses for our vacation...

*empties pocket and a few miserable galleons fall out*
Ahem...most of my golds' in Gringotts...
well pick a destination then
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 22 November 2003 6:55:25pm

:eek: a vacation! i ain't been on a golly vacation since uncle tom and aunt sarah lou took me and the youngins to the state fair. i guess i'd like to visit baton rouge... but thats so gosh darn far away i don't think it's possible to get there. unless, that is, we take an aeroplane... those golly darn new contraptions with their engines and propellors, i don't think a gal can trust one. these new things these days... i still prefer ridin' the tractor to town if i need to pick up some cabbages for supper or some tobacco fer me pipe...
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 25 November 2003 2:59:14pm

... :o ...she is an allien!!!

Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself u 2! :evil: We gonna have vacation from Thursday to Sunday - thats whole 4 days!!!! Of course its not a PAID vacation :evil grin:

Ok, here is the deal - we must spend today and tomorrow making a Thanksgiving dinner! I suspect our customers will want to have smth thanksgivinglike next couple of days. I suggest we use some of our er...local meat (zombies, pigs, shrimpachicadzillas, or other creatures)

*looks at helpless Ju*

hehe well, since he cant choose a head for him self......Lets make him Woooooork!

*walkes Ju to the kitchen and makes him wash a ton of dishes* :evil grin:

May be we can just make him do everything around here......

*Ju walkes into a stove turns wrong button and set the kitchen on fire ...yet again. Mint climbes the fridge.*
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