The end justifies the means???

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Mint » Friday 14 November 2003 4:33:18pm

But may be Quirrel didn't tell any DE about "THE PLAN" may be voldie was keeping it a secret. ANd perhaps Snape just said to him "Oh sorry...I didnt know it was for u Voldie dear :lol: ". Anyway - u get the idea. :grin:

Buuuut, if indeed Voldemort knows that SNape is not on his side. THen PPrincesses and Gowers ideas of Polyjuice potion and such may be true. And in this case the whole "Is Dumbledore letting Snape torture the innocent" theory is nolonger valid. In this case all the horrible things that Snape did were in the past - thus DD doesnt have to make sacrifices. He took "clean" Snape into the order.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 16 November 2003 12:19:40pm

I don't think ANYONE could be a high-ranking member of Voldie's ranks without carrying out his cruel orders.
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Postby Gower » Sunday 16 November 2003 1:53:25pm

Snape didn't necessarily have to be a high ranking member of Voldie's ranks.
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Postby Mint » Monday 17 November 2003 4:44:28pm

If he didn't then why did Voldie wants to personally kill him?

May be DD just came to forgive and forget Snape's past - give him another chance? :???:
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Postby gecko » Monday 17 November 2003 5:44:36pm

I don't know, maybe..

But I'm not sure if I could forgive and forget someone's past, when that person has tortured and killed and who knows what else..

I think it would be really difficult to come to trust that person.
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 18 November 2003 12:14:02am

thats a good point, gecko. if at one point snape worked for voldie, he had to have done something evil or they wouldn't have let him join the DE squad. and he certainly couldn't have faked it. and how did he make his way to the good side from the bad side?
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 18 November 2003 5:59:08pm

That's the question...somehow I doubt that he was just overwhelmed by a bad concience...I think if that had been the case, it would have been almost impossible for him to go on doing the same thing for different reasons.

May be DD just came to forgive and forget Snape's past - give him another chance?

That is actually one theing I meant to question with this thread.
First, Snape kills in the name of Voldemort, then he does the same thing for Dumbledore. See what light that casts on DD?
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 18 November 2003 10:34:26pm

when we put it that way, snape could just be a raving maniac, killing for no reason or purpose but to kill. he would probably have killed half the school by now if that were true, though.
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 19 November 2003 5:42:44pm

May be.......Snape never killed anyone, and hasn't been DE for long. He was just very bright and betrayed Voldemort very badly. Like totally totally messed up his plans. May be he even joined as a "spy" to begin with!!! WHatever Snape did - it was really a good thing to make DD take him under his care.

But I see now where this questions is going Siana - DD may be evil! :eek: :evil grin: lol, well not evil - but imperfect, gasp! :eek: :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 19 November 2003 10:48:47pm

Not evil, certainly ;-) ...and of course, this wasn't meant to go against Snape
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Postby Mint » Thursday 20 November 2003 9:02:02pm

But what do u think - did Snape betray Voldie right away (joined him as a spy) or was he a true DE for some time...
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Postby gecko » Thursday 20 November 2003 10:54:22pm

From what we know of him I think he was a true DE for some time..
He hung around with a gang that all became DE while at Hogwarts (I think Hagrid said that? Or maybe someone else), and of course, that's no guarantee he became one as well, but it is likely to be so.

Why did he betray Voldie then..?
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Postby Jotomicron » Friday 21 November 2003 12:14:36pm

Questions questions questions...
Snape is so the most misterious character in the series!!!...

I think he was a DE for long and even get close to Voldemort. Remember that he says something like he's job is spying on the other DE's, during the first Occlumency lesson? I think he could betray Voldie, as I think he could betray DD... Hmm! Tough question.
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Postby Mint » Friday 21 November 2003 4:29:48pm

Yes but if he was death eater for some time then what Siana is saying is true. How can noble Dumbledore include a cold killer in his Phoenix organization?
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Postby Gower » Friday 21 November 2003 5:20:18pm

Someone said earlier that it would have been impossible for Snape to fake an evil act to convince voldemort. Why would it have been impossible...? Snape is cunning and clever and we know Voldemort is not infailable...
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