rap movies

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rap movies

Postby smokey » Saturday 1 November 2003 7:24:54pm

hi guys well my favorite movies are,
trainning day, lockdown, the last seduction, unfaithul, fast and the furious , 2fast and 2furious etc....
what do you think about rap artist playing in movies????
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 1 November 2003 7:37:13pm

mrrrrmm i don't really like rap

therefore i don't really like rap movies....

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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 1 November 2003 11:55:54pm

Fast and the Furious was a good movie i think, i didnt like the sequal that much, but the origional was great. rapers make movies very funny, like scary movie, they were funny. 8 Mile was also a good movie, even though im not a really big eminem fan, but it was very cool.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 2 November 2003 4:36:42pm

Like PP, I am not a fan of rap at all, and I haven't seen any of those movies. But I think the movie Romeo Must Die is a kinda rap film, is it not? I don't know, but what ever it is I remember liking it when i saw it when I was 13. Hmmm, now I am waiting for movies starring emo punk bands....scary man, scary!

*ps, welcome Smokey!!!!! Glad to have you in the ranks of BaO!!!!! Make sure you check out all the fan fic areas!!! He he he he!!!! Have fun posting explore the site, it has a lot to offer!!!!
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Postby Stargazer » Monday 3 November 2003 6:36:04pm

I loved Fast and the Furious and I don't think 2F2F was too bad either. 8 Mile was pretty allright as well, I don't really know other 'rap movies'. Don't really watch much from that genre.

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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 3 November 2003 6:48:57pm

Marcus Baker wrote:rapers make movies very funny, like scary movie, they were funny.

I HOPE you meant "rappers" :o , otherwise I would think you have a very sick sense of humor! :(
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Postby tiggirl » Monday 3 November 2003 11:57:09pm

Hmm, this is an interesting topic. I enjoy rap music, but I do not think that all rappers can act. Not everyone can be Tupac or Queen Latifah. DMX and Emenem have both done pretty good work. On the other hand Ja Rule was hilarious in Half Past Dead, I couldn't take him seriously. And then there's Mos Def, who, in my opinion is a great actor.
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Postby menotyoo » Tuesday 4 November 2003 12:04:48am

Yeah i like rap, but the movies with rappers are funnier since they aren't experienced actors, just performers for concerts etc. However, Ice Cube is actually good in the fridays, Barbershop, and that shark movie. Then there is Ice T in law and order, he's not bad either

Hehe, "rapers". I'm sure you didn't mean that Marcus
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Tuesday 4 November 2003 10:53:25pm

you're right menotyoo, ice cube is a really good actor. that shark movie you're talkin about is deep blue sea, i thought he was really good in that one. i never got around to seeing 8 mile (even though the real 8 mile is about 30 min. from where i live lol) but i heard it was pretty good, i think it won a couple of awards.
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Postby smokey » Saturday 8 November 2003 7:58:30pm

hi guys well guess my topic is interesting coz of the amount of posts since last week!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the 8 mile lovers but i thought that the movie was a rip off, the end boy that some end the guy wins the battle and goes home and that's it what kind of movie is that!!!!
The only reason i got it on divx was for Britany Murphy becoz she is so damn hot!!!!!!!!!
8 mile what a waste of time seriously
Anyway any body heard of How High or The Wash
and any of you guys pknow abouzt french rappers ?
I come from switzerland so i speak french and know a couple of actors
well so long people who like rap
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Postby Iluvatar » Saturday 8 November 2003 8:15:10pm

Hey Smokey (considering that I'm sitting right next to you now)
For all those that didn't get that Smokey is a very good friend of mine and I'm writing this at his house.

Anyway I can tell you guys that Smokey is a big fan of rap movies. He even forces me to watch some of them :eek: :eek: HEHE.

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Postby smokey » Saturday 8 November 2003 8:40:40pm

you liar you know very well that you are NOT obliged to watch them :lol:
well ill write this while he is in the bathroom
We just generaly watch all sorts of movies what ever movies i rent at the video club
we are very bigg movie fans
So movie fans write
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