i looove potatoes, too! mmm mmmmmmm!
one baked potato, please
i know, i know, i'm going to do the halloween decor right now!!! *flicks wand and the whole room suddenly goes dark, then a few torches in each corner illuminate the room. the ceiling is (sorry i messed up your sunrise meg... it just doesn't really fit the halloween scenario) black, flecked with a zillion stars. along on the walls are heavy black velvet tapestries and each table has a carved pumpkin on it. some sort of creature in a black cape flying about above. the dance floor seems to have turned glass, underneath which hundreds of tiny candles are burning (hey, it's magic, i can do whatever i want- so no worries about burned feet)*
an exausted pp collapses into a squashy black chair near the organ playing vampire these decorations are taking more and more out of me. i'll have... a firewhiskey, if you will.