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Postby tiggirl » Monday 20 October 2003 10:46:42pm

*steps out of the water looking quite wrinkly*

Oh, man, I've stayed in this water WAY too long. I'm gonna go dry off and get to bed.

*goes towards the stairs*
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 21 October 2003 1:39:28am

Yep, pretty wrinkly am I. *gets out of tub* he he he tales of a tub...

So whats next???? Where is my decorator???? Hmmm...oh well, perhaps a Halloween Theme party...I know not everyone celebrates it, but it would be fun to have a costume party anyways!!!!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 21 October 2003 10:28:22am

Halloweeen!!! HEHEHE....

Dont worry, we have parties every night!!! HEHE
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 21 October 2003 9:45:02pm

yeah, halloween!!!! *jumps about excitedly* yayayayayayay this will be awesome! and i've just got a huge order of costumes in at mm's.... oooh the decorations! *disapparates*
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 21 October 2003 9:47:40pm

*walks into the LC returning from a business trip*
Ah home sweet home!
Hiya everyone, oh how I missed you all!
I know, I could've apparated back any time I wanted but I had these negotiations that took several weeks without a break! :eek: I'm deadtired..
but I could do with a drink or a few more before I retire to my room (I take it mine is still available?) !

*goes to the bar*
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 21 October 2003 9:59:41pm

i haven't finished the decorations yet, but every costume you could possibly imagine is at madame malkins... and all are free! oh i'm sooo tired! *slurps down a glass of apple cider before disapparating up to the pheonix suite*
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Postby tiggirl » Wednesday 22 October 2003 6:03:16pm

*takes a seat next to gecko*

gecko, welcome back from your trip. You look exhausted. I hope everything went well at least.

I'll have eggs and bacon for breakfast.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 22 October 2003 7:56:03pm

Breakfast already? Cool. Accio!!??? Where r u?
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 22 October 2003 8:06:04pm

Thanks tiggy. I am exhausted, I could sleep a week!
And the negotiations weren't as succesful as I hoped they'd be.
but oh well, nothing to worry about, I've made some profit and, most important, I've also made a deal that my Stock making company is going to hand out stock free of charge to the homeless facilities. At least they can get a good meal now! It's so easy to forget how good we have it here, when we're enjoying ourselves in the LC, you know!

But yeah, breakfast! I know it's not a breakfast thingie, but could you make me a caramel turtle torte, accio ? I haven't had one in weeks, nay in months! :P
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 23 October 2003 12:37:14am

dude...breakfast time already???? I feel like i hardly slept at all!!! (meg doesn't realize that she really hasn't)

hmmmm...i'm gonna go up stairs in what ever the heck room i've got (do i even have a room????) and get some shut eye!!!!
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 23 October 2003 2:58:40am

okay okay okay, when are we having this next party? i don't want to put up the decorations until then...

hey, what if we have an 80's party for the next one? (after the halloween one) i think it'd be fun! *gulps down orange juice*
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Postby choki » Friday 24 October 2003 8:20:59am

*wakes up yawning in her room...the werewolf suite*

Ahhh, a fresh day...it is WHAT! already 3 pm....gosh, I've been sleeping for over 15 hours...and today is the day I need to collect the shipment package at 2.30...I'm LATE

*bolts out of the room and hurries down to the hall, grabbing a toast from the kitchen and "flies" out of LC*
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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 27 October 2003 2:10:02am

So, there's a problem. I was ordering more food to stock up after the last party, and I ordered 50 potatos, but instead i got sent 50 pounds of potatos!! So this weeks specialties will include:
cream of potato soup
potato salad
mashed potatos
baked potatos
twice baked potatos
potatos skins
potato latkes
potato au gratin
scalloped potatos
french fries
hash browns
home fries

I will also be serving other foods too, but it would be such a waste of potatos to not use them up!
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Postby tiggirl » Monday 27 October 2003 11:53:41pm

*returns from a long walk through the park*

Oh, look, an all potatoe menu. Let's see, I'll have potato au gratin. It's one of my favorites. And a butterbeer.

*looks out the window*

It's such a beautiful day today.
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 28 October 2003 12:06:29am

I'd like the Cream of potato soup, please.

Mm, Meg, do you think you can magic a part of the wall or the ceiling, so that we can view the stars from the dancefloor (or from the table) at night? It'd be like in the good old days at Hogwarts! And maybe we could also watch the sunset in the morning... there isn't much more beautiful to look at than that..
what do you think ?

*continues to ponder the idea of an enchanted ceiling, muttering to himself about the gazillion colours the sky can have*
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