Prophecy Preview

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Prophecy Preview

Postby menotyoo » Saturday 18 October 2003 7:08:27pm

I started another thread in the movie section, but in here I can actually say what I think. In the American DVD of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, there are 2 discs. On Disc 2 there is a picture of Dumbledore holding a foggy dark blue sphere. Is that the PROPHECY? I think that Columbus was trying to give a little clue or something before he left the Harry Potter scene. He wanted to do it in a way that people may not even notice it until they read OoP. What does everyone else think?
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Postby Paul » Sunday 19 October 2003 9:29:45pm

I doubt JK Rowling would have let anyone, even Chris Columbus, know about the prophecy before book 5 was released. Even let her husband, for example, didn't know who the person to die was, so I would guess that such a key element of Order of the Phoenix would have been similarly treated with super-secrecy by JKR.

Having said that, I can't immediately think of exactly what else could be a foggy dark blue sphere. The only other similar thing I can think of at the moment is Neville's Remembrall but that was in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorceror's Stone, rather than the Chamber of Secrets.
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 21 October 2003 1:30:37pm

Dumbledore does have loads of funny little gadgets in his office, so it really could be anything. i mean if you just look at Moody's stuff.... all his dark detectors and such, it could be anything really.
But i definately dont think that JK would let anyone know anything about the prophecy, or OoTP that long before it was released.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Tuesday 21 October 2003 3:01:40pm

Could it have been one of those "foe glasses" (not sure if that´s the proper name), Moody had in his office? :???:
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Postby Gypsy » Tuesday 21 October 2003 3:24:01pm

I agree with violet, that its just something random from the office thats not important. I think there mite b some interesting things in dumbledores office that we dont no about yet but i doubt jk would tell any1 about them, least off all christopher columbus.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 2 November 2003 7:45:03pm

You know JKR tells the screen writers and directors and such to do stuff with out reason. She'll say, "Oh you musn't cut that part out, it will be important later." but she won't say why, and since she is the genius behind the story, they obey. Perhaps, in a moment of being snarky, she told the graphic arts person to have DD holding a foggy blue sphere as a clue, with out telling the artist why.
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Postby menotyoo » Sunday 2 November 2003 8:05:56pm

thats what i think Meg, cuz she says that in the interview w/ her and steve kloves on that disc. Then, there is the feature to look at the designing of DD's office or w/e and I dodn't see the "prophecy" there Gypsy.
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