Drum roll...
Hi all - it's time for the answers and House Point scores for our first quiz - here goes...the answers were...
1. "Gort, Klaatu barada nichto" (or similar spelling)...Gort was the name of the robot so "Klaatu barada nichto" was acceptable as the 3 word version of the answer.
2. The Seahorse
3. Ariel Sharon
4. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
5. Colin Creevey
And the results were:
Gryffindor got questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 correct....well done Gryffindors, you get one point for each of the questions 2, 3 and 4, plus two points for the harry Potter question (number 5), giving Gryffindor a score of <b>5 house points!</b>
But the winners are Slytherin, who got every question correct, gaining:
one point for each of the first 4 questions,
2 points for question 5
and a bonus 4 points for getting a 100% score...
a total of <b>10 house points</b> in all.
Congratulations to Slytherin!
Unfortunately there were no points for Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw this time around.
Soooo...the overall house scores at the moment are:
Hufflepuff 0 house points
Ravenclaw 0 house points
Gryffindor 5 house points
Slytherin 11 house points (this includes the one I awarded to chrestomanci a few days ago for realising my calendar was a little behind the times!)
So Slytherin are currently in the lead, and have the advantage of being able to set the next quiz for the 3 other houses...over to you Slytherin for the questions (you can post them directly here if you like)