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congrats you two of growing back the part you need
But pls bear it in mind, for the next 24 hours, if you happens to grow extra parts such as a 2nd head, pls go to St. Mungo...*smile weakly* Don't beat me
Oh and Mint, I suggest we should get 3 headed dog to guard...each head for each farm
by Ju-DedoH » Saturday 27 September 2003 11:35:55am
choki, you could give that dragon some of your untested potions ...
yeah thats a good idea
Hey what are you doing on my shoulder ?
may I ask you the same thing ?
could someone cut this imposter off my shoulder ?
no, I'm the real Ju ! cut him off !
etc etc etc
Ahhh, well Marc, you still have 10 more hours to go...
*looks at Ju*
what dragon are you talking about...hmmm Ju head no.1?
you mean the 3 headed dragon HuffleDuck got, Ju head no.2?
ok...I got that, I will try to breed a new mutated species, Ju head no.3 Oh god, Ju you got 3 heads now...hurry you must go to St. Mungo now
*walks over to pp who is mopping the floor*
I was wondering, would you like to try these? *holds up a cup*