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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 25 September 2003 12:50:38am

here are your bucket, mop, washing-up basin, sponge and soap ! You are ze new Janitor, Welcome on board ! Your cupboard is over there ->
and get working ! we have a serious zombie/pig infestation you could take care of ! :grin:
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 25 September 2003 1:26:34am

:eek: :eek: :eek:
*grabs mop and starts mopping floor, munching on french fries*
do you do this to everyone, ju? :o
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Postby choki » Thursday 25 September 2003 9:39:07am

*wakes up to see a zombie biting my arm*
Hey, why isn't anyone helping me when I fainted...and now this zombie is chewing my will pay...I'm not gonna become a one-armed head of regulatory...
*grabs a frying pan and hits the zombie on its head and the zombie falls right on top of choki*
Ok, ok...could someone help me to get up?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 25 September 2003 10:36:01am

don't worry pp, we do this to everyone :evil: you are no exception :lol:
*stumbles his way over to choki with a basin of boiling frying oil and throws it over a group of zombies only making their temper rise *
oops :oops:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 25 September 2003 7:48:37pm

Mint stoppes chewing on a shocked zombie

Hm........tastes like old meat............Eh, its ok - we served worse :evil grin: , nothing lots of ketchup couldn't fix.

*picks up a huge bottle of ketchup and goes over to zombie attacking choki and judedoh*

Dont worry McWizards employees! I will just eat it!!!!! Starting with its arm.

* having no aim sprays the zombie into his eyes. the zombie roars and blindly starts marching into opposite direction*

Hey! Where u going?!!! :evil: Darn zombie....... :evil:

*Mint goes over to help Marc putting Shrimpachicadzillas, pigs and zombies together in one cage, but stumbles on pinkyprincess and falls over*

eh? New employee? Im Mint the manager.... :) work harder!!!!! :evil:

*Mint goes away with mop stuck in her hair, one of the pigs sees her squeals and runs away*

Food, come back!!!!!!
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 25 September 2003 9:09:22pm

erm... yeah i guess i am a new employee. say, can i have a hamburger or will that cost 20,000 galleons?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 25 September 2003 10:19:09pm

Hello PP, im the other fry cook. I flip the burgers here, and no it wont cost 20,000 galleons. It will cost 20,001 galleons.
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 25 September 2003 10:36:09pm

:o *weak voice* n-n-n-n-no-o-o th-th-th-thanksssss, m-m-m-marcus-s-s-s-.... *goes back to mopping*
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 25 September 2003 11:37:31pm

[whisper] now you're staff, you've got the keys to the food store, help yourself, but don't tell mint it was me who told you ! :grin: [/whisper]
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Postby pinky p » Friday 26 September 2003 12:09:01am

*whisper*thanks, ju, i was getting pretty hungry... *wink*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Friday 26 September 2003 12:21:57am

Wait, ur staff?? Well, i guess i can whip up an extra you want a Shrimpachickazilla burger? Zombie burger? Ham-burger (with real pig meat) or just a potter-burger?

BTW, what job did you get? Incharge of the money? Something important right?
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Postby pinky p » Friday 26 September 2003 12:44:10am

erm... well i guess i'm staff because i owe 10,000 galleons so until i work it off... :razz:

i'm the mop girl :oops:
pinky p
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Postby choki » Friday 26 September 2003 10:23:05am

*hits another zombie with a cooking pot*
Ok, there is now 30 zombies, 25 pigs and 50 shrimpachickazilla in the cage. Hmmm, crisis is solved...come Marc, need to have your missing body parts back. Drink these will have your leg and ear grown back in no time.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Friday 26 September 2003 11:31:35am

thx choki, at last I can walk around instead of trip around :grin:
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Postby Mint » Friday 26 September 2003 3:45:31pm

hehehe, u all sure have some confidence in choki! he just might mess up on those potions...... :grin:

Hey where are the customers???

*Mint notices some parts of the customers on the floor....*

oh..... :o ............well then, mop girl - carry this to the cage to feed our food.

*Mint picks up some of the parts and puts "Vegetables" lable on them not to scare new customers*

Lets go open the door and let new once come in :evil grin:

By the way - we need some sort of animal to keep an eye on our cage....I heared from some of our customers that they use dogs.....What should we have???
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