A welcome forum....

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A welcome forum....

Postby Scellanis » Friday 27 September 2002 8:09:34pm


this forum is fairly big now and i can see it growing as the next movie comes out...i think u should make a welcome forum.....i luv them....its a forum devoted specially to the new members and whenever somebody spots a new member all they do is make a thread called...
example: 'Welcome to sonkem!' or 'Sonkem' or something similar :grin:

i think it encourages new members to start posting and get active.....and for this site.....each of the houses could make a thread to try and encourage new members to join them which might stop everybody joining gryffindor immediately.....cos it would remind them that the other houses exist hopefully

i know u welcome people in the great hall a bit but i think special forum for welcomes is better...

its just a thought....i mean....i set it up on my own forums and its working very well there.....
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Postby Paul » Saturday 28 September 2002 1:26:29pm

It's a nice idea - I'l keep it in mind although as things grow, won't it get a bit samey to have possibly hundreds of welcome threads, all containing basically the same thing? I like the look of your forum by the way sonkem - have had a very quick look around but I'll probably pop back soon to visit it in more detail.
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 28 September 2002 2:28:57pm

well no...cos u could always delete welcome threads that got to say a week old.....i suppose....but the main idea of the welcome thread is to encourage the new user to post cos they usually feel oblidged to reply when u make a thread about them......

i mean not everyone is quite as obsessed with posting as i am...take the new member that just joined...she/he hasnt posted a thing...maybe if a welcome thread had been posted for her/him she/he might have replied and starting posting in other places after......

btw...the only reason u got the suggestion now is cos i spotted the new member and automatically lept up to go post welcome thread and then remembered u dont have a welcome forum...lol

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Postby Paul » Saturday 28 September 2002 9:23:40pm

Aha - good idea about pruning the posts after a certain period. Okies, I'll give it a try and see how it goes. :)
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 28 September 2002 9:46:53pm


i think u should move my hufflepuff campaigne thread to the welcome forum now since it is aimed at the new members please??
and like stick it to the top......so that they cant miss it....oh please!!!

*smiles sweetly*

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Postby Shadow » Sunday 29 September 2002 1:25:40am

Cool idea Sonkem!
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Postby Paul » Sunday 29 September 2002 9:18:26pm

Yes, nice idea - your campaign has now been moved to the welcome forum. The welcome forum has an automatic pruning of threads after 7 days, so I've kept a shadow of the Hufflepuff campaign in the Great Hall in the hope that it won't be auto-pruned. I'm not sure if this will work, but I've got a back-up of the thread too just in case.
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 30 September 2002 9:38:28am

u know....there is, (or at least ive seen it on this make of board elsewhere) a thing that admins could do where u make the thread sticky....and then it would stay always at the top of the forum.......wouldnt that stop it getting deleted?? it would certainly stop it getting lost in the bottom of the welcome forum......

but i can always just *bump* it ocasionaly :evil:
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 2 October 2002 8:05:09pm

It's now got a sticky splat next to it so it'll stay at the top. Not sure if this will stop it getting auto-pruned after 7 days though, but if it does I can always repost the backup. :)
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 2 October 2002 8:42:12pm

yay!! :grin:


*hugs paul*
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