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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 September 2003 5:08:00pm

*blushes after gecko's praise*
Oh it is really you who are doing the prefect dance
I'm sorry if I wouldn't dance in big step because I'm wearing a kimono

*turns to look at Ju and tiggirl*
gecko, do you think we should help them?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 16 September 2003 5:20:29pm

Yeah we should try to help them..

if he stands still a hole is burnt in the ground?
so if we'll leviate him above the floor nothing happens?

"Wingardium Leviosa Ju!" :grin:

Okies, now we'll just have to keep him in the air for the rest of the evening! :lol:

*continues dancing with choki, with small steps of course*
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 16 September 2003 6:05:31pm

HEY let me down ! *breathing fire* I was having fun, that el inferniero just boosts you !!! hey tiggirl (since you are fireproof) as soon as Gecko has let me down, I think we can win, let's dance anyway
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 16 September 2003 6:28:28pm

Well sorry, mister. I was just trying to help you and be polite!

*drops Ju to ground, making no effort in doing it calmly :evil grin: *

Come on, choki, let's show them what we've got!
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 16 September 2003 7:11:36pm

*helps Ju off the ground*

You seem to have stopped burning the floor. Let's leave a trail of smoke around the competition!!! :razz:

*starts dancing with Ju, completely untroubled by fire breath*
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Postby Won Wheezy » Tuesday 16 September 2003 7:26:47pm

Can I be the maid? :grin:
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 7:47:18pm

Haha, foolish people! I think we all know whose really going to win *points at herself and Marcus* Come on Marcus, let's show them how it's done! *starts dancing wildly with marcus carelessly leaning a shaker of El Infierno on the counter*

Oh yes, Meg, The information Kiosk would be proud to be co-sponser of this wonderful dance-a-thon! We'll match whatever Martha's Magical Money Stuffs donates!
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 16 September 2003 8:27:17pm

*takes two more spoonfulls of his magic chicken vindaloo :mad: *
Now Tiggirl let's dance the night away !
*tiggirl and Ju dance in the most excentric way, surrounded by smoke and leaving a wall of fire wherever they dance !!!*
Shall we give this dance a name tiggirl ?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 16 September 2003 8:39:14pm

Ahh, just one more shake before we start!!
*runs over to the El Infierno bottle and gulps it without nachos*
Ok, im ready Accio. Lets win this dance a thon!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 8:49:10pm

*goes over to the dance floor with Marcus and begins to "bust a move"* So, how are you feeling about that El Infierno? *continues dancing* Wow Marcus, you're hot! Teehee :grin:
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:18:08pm

i'll be dance with mr carty again, i guess
i only hope that he doesn't spill nacho cheese on my beautiful skirt :cry:
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:21:25pm

You dont have to dance with Mr. Carty! I someone else walking around here, i think looking for a job, I think his name is Won Wheezy, you should go find him and enter the dance-a-thon!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:23:50pm

Wow, i dont think ive dance this much. Hehe. This is so much fuN!
Starts to dance to the center with accio.
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:26:56pm

Yes, this is quite a lot of dancing, but dont worry, if you lose steam you can always have some more El Infierno! I hope that you're not too hot with all the dancing and El Infierno underneath taht Louisiana costume... you look a bit red, maybe you should take off your tophate and loosen your collar, I dont want you to collapase or anything! *worried look*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:29:11pm

Ahh, thanks for suggesting that. *takes off hat and unbuttons top buttons of the collar* Ahh, im feeling alright now! Thanks. *Takes hat and puts it next to accio's parasol*
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