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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 15 September 2003 11:35:47pm

well I thougt it was worth giving it a try ... (maybe I will burn through all the beds I test, I could lose my job but maybe not, who knows ?)
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Postby pinky p » Monday 15 September 2003 11:46:17pm

well, i suppose some of us have to be the risk takers... *still looks at ju dissaprovingly*

if you don't catch on fire, can i have a dance? *sees ju's worried look* don't worry i'll bewitch my feet so i'll be able to dance like a normal person :oops:
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 15 September 2003 11:53:51pm

I must say that I have to decline your offer :oops: I am already dancing with Tiggirl tonight, but next time, you'll be welcome, sorry again :oops:
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Postby pinky p » Monday 15 September 2003 11:59:26pm

oh oh oh, it's quite fine :oops:

gosh darn it, everyone here has one dance partner and won't dance with anyone else :x grr
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 1:12:51am

One chicken vindaloo with **4 shakes** of El Infernio comming up! *looks nervously at the plate she is about to serve it to Ju and wonders "Is this okay?? FOUR SHAKES? Well, I did warn them all..."* Here you go! Please, be very careful, and this worries me slightly I must admit... If you need any ice cream to cool yourself down *places an empty sundae cup in front of Ju* here, I have bewitched this sundae cup to produce whatever type of ice cream you desire, just tap it three times with your wand... good luck....
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:00:33am

*looks anxiously at Ju* :-?

If you're sure this is what you want . . . well, just in case

*casts every fire-protection spell i could think of on myself*

Ok, go for it . . .

*points wand in Ju's direction*

I wanna be ready just in case things get out of hand
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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 September 2003 10:13:00am

Oh gecko how sweet of you :oops: i bet the orange Canna Lily flower looks good with my pink kimono
I have a partner now...and we are going to win the dance-a-thon :lol:

Princess, maybe you can dance with Meg? Our boss is busy over the preparation of the dance-a-thon, bet she needs some dancing to relax

*turns to gecko*
Hey, you want some El Infierno? Accio is making one shake for me...
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:08:59am

*shakes of El Infirno for all those who wanted it.*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:37:06am

Good luck everyone...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 16 September 2003 12:34:09pm

AHA, Judgement day has come, four shakes let's see ... :grin:
*takes a spoonfull and goes 8) 8-) :mad: *
quick ice cream !!! *taps quikly on the sundae cup about 20 times so that it overflows ... and starts to lick the table causing the napkin to burn*
*runs around leaving burnt footprint, everyone thinks the dance-a-thon has begun and starts to dance madly too*
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 16 September 2003 12:38:39pm

*Meg enters with Harry and the High Fives and Wanda and see the crazily dancing people*

Herald (aka Harry): Friggin cool
Cole: uhhhhhhhh, not
Darin: Man, they are SO mega volcano
Wanda: who are you creeps again???
Cole: Get it right girl, Harry and the High Fives
Herald: let's set up so we can get this place jammin!
Darin: WhooHOO

Meg: Yeah, and let the dance-a-thon begin! For every hour you dance Martha's Magical Money Stuffs will donate 10 galleons. Perhaps more businesses will be wiling to contribute too???
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 16 September 2003 4:30:03pm

Oh thanks choki! I'm delighted to dance with you!

Accio, could you serve us some El Infernio?

Accio Mr Carty! *takes nachos from Mr Carty for himself and for choki*
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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 September 2003 4:41:33pm

Thanks gecko, seems like we are busy eating and the rest are busy dancing :lol:
The dance-a-thon has started already, why not let's dance now for charity and for the champion cup?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 16 September 2003 4:51:03pm

wow sorry! I must have been really hungry not to have noticed everybody dancing! :oops:

*gently pulls choki to the dancefloor where they start dancing a fabulous dance*

*whispers to choki*wow Harry and the High Fives and Wand are really good aren't they! may I say that you dance perfectly! I think we have a good chance of winning that cup :grin: !
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 16 September 2003 5:01:01pm

*tries to cast spell to help ju*

Urgh, I can't help you if you don't keep still.

*realizes that if ju stands still, there will be a hole burnt into the floor*

On second thought, I'll try and think of something else. :-?
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