Arthur Weasley... Minister of Magic?

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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 15 September 2003 3:52:43am

I love that idea Holly! That would be so great for Arthur!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 15 September 2003 12:54:52pm

I'm agreeing with you there, Holly
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 15 September 2003 4:54:24pm

I think it would be graet if Arthur Weasley become the MoM. I've seen here good point on the topic and it seems all possible. (the quote from Ron about Quidditch and the odd of winning it... is amazing how jkr chooses the way to tell us something :D ).

However I don't think I'd like Arthur to unificate the two worlds. It's just that I think JKR has all the right to make HER (and OUR) world everything she wants. But I think that she sould not touch the Muggle world as it would change a lot the Universe we're living in...

Hope you understand my point of view (I don't know if my English is right!!!) :)

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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:17:03am

I agree that I woudlnt' like to see Authur join or whatever the world of Muggles and Wizards, but I would like him to give the magical comminuty a better understanding of Muggles, and have them come to see muggles and half-blood wizards morre acceptably. YOu know, get rid of that whole mud-blood thing...
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Postby Jotomicron » Tuesday 16 September 2003 8:56:05am

Yeah! And if (but I still think it is a big IF) Arthur become a MoM, definitively he will take out a rabbit from his hat and start saying that blood doesn't matter, making some points in Hermione and... (Neville is just becoming good 8) , he can't be a good example)... well a pure-blood wizard with not so pure powers.

However, there will be no need to do that cause Voldie's back and everyone will understand that that topic might bring some war. (It is just so utopist, but i would like to belive that...)
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Postby Lupus » Saturday 13 March 2004 7:43:23pm

Arthur loves Muggles, but that’s like hobby for him. He’s very wise and he’s trustworthy. We took him for granted because he was overenthusiastic when it comes to muggle artifacts, but he’s capable of much more. DD knows this, and now when it’s really important to have somebody with clear head as Minister, I think he stands a chance to becoming one. Minister of Magic is a powerful position and people will now more than ever want DD to become one. Since DD already refused that position, having Arthur as close friend of DD as one, would be a wise choice. Whoever becomes Minister in the end, it must be somebody who would want that position not for the power, but for ability to make right choices at the right time. Now that wizarding world knows that Voldemort is back, not a lot of people will want that position. In fact, I think current Minister would be happy to step down, since he’s shown only concern for his own wellbeing. So, maybe that’s how Arthur will get the job- nobody else would want to take it, and DD would tell Arthur that he wants him to be Minister. Regardless how Arthur might be against holding that position, he would listen to DD and understand how important it is.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 13 March 2004 9:59:04pm

Off the top of my head, I can name three topics here in theories about Arthur becoming Minister of Magic...

I think he will. Ron's jokes need to be taken seriously (and his serious statements can be taken as jokes).

About the "he just stays in Muggle Artifacts because he likes it" bit, any kid would stand up for their dad and say something like that if they're confronted by someone saying their dad is incompetant or something like that and that's why he hasn't been promoted. Doesn't mean it's necessarily true (even though Arthur does love Muggles, he would probably not turn down a promotion if it were offered to him, especially in these dark times), could very well be that Ron said it as a defense only...
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