Possible reason for Harrys recklesness

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Possible reason for Harrys recklesness

Postby Angel » Friday 27 June 2003 8:01:17pm

I saw the following paragraph in the book and thought "that's the reason he's acting like that" but then it was never mentioned again in the book and i haven't seen anything posted on it so i'm wonder if i'm imagining meaning where there's none.

On page 340 of the English edition

Harry was reading and rereading a passage about the uses of scurvy-grass, lavage ans sneezewort and not taking in a word of it

These plants are moste efficacious in the inflaming of the braine, and are therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Drafhts, where the wizard is desirious of producing hot-headedness and recklessness

That is how it is written in the book, in italics, to bring attention to it. this would raise the question, is someone close to Harry (would have to be close to administer the draft) in league with Voldermont to make Harry act recklessly?

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Postby Nothlit » Friday 27 June 2003 8:09:22pm

The reason it's in italics is simply because it's being quoted from a book. The italics don't make it any more special than any other surrounding text. However, JKR did make a big deal about how Harry read that same page over and over again without it really sinking in, so I imagine there must be some significance to it.

But still, I didn't see Harry acting excessively reckless in this book. His emotions and actions are fairly predictable and easy to understand when you consider his age and the situation of things in his life...
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Postby Charis » Friday 27 June 2003 8:23:52pm

you mentioned that in another thread, and i just wrote a big long response. not all of it had to do with what you said, though. what i said relating to that excerpt, was that i noticed JK seemed to embellish it alot too, and i wondered. but the thought of it having to do with Harry never occurred to me. my first thought was Sirius. Hermione had already said that Sirius was getting a bit more reckless, and so i thought that perhaps there was one of those plants in Grimmauld Place. nothing ever came of that though. it was good thinking and observation of you to point that to Harry, but i'm not sure if anything will ever come of it... who knows, JK might just have put that in there for fun. (doens't sound to much like JK though...hmm..) :-?
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Postby Heratio_Fonzarelli » Wednesday 9 July 2003 12:47:48am

that's a good post angel! i remember reading that too and i thought hmmmm. there's some circumstantial evidence for this too:

1. harry acted like a total fool in this book. he was continuously p***d off and not willing to listen to anything people say. he deteriorated to the point where he couldn't decide whether he wanted people around or wanted to be alone (manic-depressed?).

1a. harry got into a physical altercation with malfoy in a situation where he could have easily walked away.

1b. the second set of detention with umbrage.

1c. the episode including trashing DD's office was unacceptable and DD should have slapped him silly.

2. plant poisoning isn't out of the question since that's how that guy who tried to break into the MoM was killed at st. mongos.

2a. perhaps neville's aptitude for herbology plays a role...could he be the poisoner or the savior?

3. why hasn't harry cried? he witnessed the deaths of sirius and cedric, and his reaction is anger and denial. i think harry is alot more fragile than DD thinks. they should tell him str8 up what the deal is but put it into perspective that its not his job to play the hero or do his own thing.

the question is who would poison harry? Madame Pomfrey?
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Postby Phoenix » Tuesday 15 July 2003 1:24:41pm

When Cedcric died, Harry was crying. Mrs Weasly was sitting next to him. And when Sirius died, Harry was shocked. And he can't believe, that Sirius is really dead.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 17 July 2003 2:37:00pm

Oh I agree Angel...that's exactly what I thought...either someone is causing this or this is JKR's idea of a joke...of all the symptoms that plant could have, this plant had ones that matched harry's dispostion...hmmm

Perhaps the poison plant was in that nice flower bed of the Durselys that he was so keen on sitting in while listening to the news...hmhmhm

Umbridge did send Dementors to Privet Drive and why not a plant to make him freak out, as to get him in more trouble to get him expelled....that's what the ministry really wanted...


Lord Voldemort wanted this recklessness to make him come to the DoM to get the Prophecy...hmm hmm hmm

Just a thought
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Postby Lolita Banana » Thursday 31 July 2003 10:30:58pm

I agree with your second theory meg. I belive that i agree with this becuase i remember DD explaining that at the end of the book.
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Postby the_next_hermione007 » Friday 12 September 2003 9:41:34pm

I think that Harry is having a hard time and that it also has to do with his age. He is a fifteen year old who is moody but the fact that he is stressed only adds to that. I feel bad for him and i can also see why he is agitated at Dumbledore.
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Saturday 13 September 2003 8:29:12pm

That is true....it's also part of my theroy...Harry trasforming from...a nobody to a hero...it's in every fictional book the Main Character is a nobody that through pain and trial and many adventures become a hero and a warrior with great virtue....Harry's anger and loathing at voldie is part of the formula. It will add up soon in the end (no pun inteneded) 8)
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