by highsorcerer » Thursday 11 September 2003 8:17:53am
Too true. Many of the world's problems have been based on intolerance of religious differences. I don't just mean Muslin extremists on 9/11 (they were extremists, not mainstream). Or the boody crusades in the middle ages to take back the holy land from the heathens (Christians verses Muslims). I hade a hate crime committed in my neighborhood a few years ago - a cross burned on a woman's lawn because she was Morman. It shocked me, because I thought I lived in a decent neighborhood where people were tolerant of each other's differences.
I just want to scream WHY CAN"T WE ALL GET ALONG? I don't care if my neighbors are Muslins, Jewish, Athetists, Wiccan, Morman, black, asian, hispanic, or anything else, I just want to leave in peace with my fellow mankind, even if we are different. Not Kill them all, and let God sort them out, but, live in peace together, and let God sort them out after a natural death.
HighSorcerer (turns into a Parrot and flys away)