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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 11 September 2003 9:58:57pm

Haha, ok Accio. now i know y you and gecko had so much fun last time:D
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Postby gecko » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:05:34pm

Nachos! You've read my mind!...
You aren't a (book5spoiler) are you?! :grin:

*orders a plate of Spicy Nachos*
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:29:11pm

okay everyone, i have come up with the costumes for the spicy food party. the costumes are free, and available for pick-up at madame malkins. here is the list of costumes, choose wisely!
mens costumes:
Mexico/Spain- jacket, sash, tight pants, and sombrero (black w/ red sash and tan sombrero)
Louisiana- tightfitting pants, waistcoat, tall hat (black w/ red sash)
Thailand- silk pants, sash, shirt (green, yellow)
India- cotton lungi (white, tan)
China- silk button-up shirt, pants (dark blue)

womens costumes:
Mexico/Spain- embroidered dress with wide and swirly skirt (orange, magenta)
Louisiana- dress w/ hoopskirt, parasol, sun bonnet (pink, yellow)
Thailand- silk dress, embroidered sash, beaded necklace (purple, blue)
India- embroidered silk sari (red, green)
China- silk embroidered kimono (yellow, pink)

okay now i have to decide on decorations
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:29:34pm

yum nachos! can i have one, gecko?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:34:15pm

Cool! Costumes. Hey accio, lets dress alike! You pick the coustume set.
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Postby gecko » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:37:09pm

Sure, this plate is way too much for me anyway!
*gives some nachos to princess*

Ooh robes!

*apparates to madam malkin's*
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:39:16pm

yum i love nachos! hurriedly swallows several nachos and apparates to madame malkins to help customers who are going in
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 11 September 2003 11:46:01pm

I wanna check out that sari, I'll want a plate of nachos and buffalo wings when I come back . . . thanks

*walks to madame malkins to check out what new shops have popped up lately*
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Postby pinky p » Friday 12 September 2003 12:05:37am

hmm... okay i've decided on decorations for this weeks theme! *gives wand a wave* as you can see, there is a vase for each country filled with flowers native to it on the bar. *another wave* a flamenco dance troupe appears on the dance floor and starts clacking their carracas! *another wave* one corner of the room has been filled with a swamp and a bald cypress tree. *a flick swish* some bamboo makes a private room in one corner, and a table floats into it. *flick swish* a perfectly harmless tiger is sleeping on one of the tables. okay, i think thats every county- the party can begin whenever it likes now!

hope you all like my decorations :grin:
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Postby tiggirl » Friday 12 September 2003 12:28:45am

*returns in a beautiful green sari, holding a yellow flower*

Now I'm ready to party!!! Ohh, a tiger!!! It's soo beautiful.

*goes over to play with the tiger*
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Postby pinky p » Friday 12 September 2003 1:51:29am

glad you like the decor, tiggirl :)
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Postby AccioNiffler » Friday 12 September 2003 3:54:16am

ooh marcus! lets be from louisiana or china! you pick!
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Postby pinky p » Friday 12 September 2003 4:13:31am

i'm glad everyone like the costumes :grin:
i'm going to be the spanish/mexican girl, i think
it's fun to dance in those huge swirly skirts :razz:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Friday 12 September 2003 11:29:57am

Ok, louisiana it is! lets get the costumes at madam malkin's.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Friday 12 September 2003 12:51:37pm

Ghandi style, I'll be indian, Ooooh and tiggirl, you are too.
would you dance with me ? :grin:
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