Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.
yup blueberry glue is gone now...McWizards is back to operation after we restored the power supply...so basically, things are going well here...I guess we are waiting for Mint to come back from her shopping trip...she took all the money away
a pack of fries?? What am I supposed to do with that? Make an army of loyal followers? . . . Wait a minute . . . that might not be a bad idea . . . Ju you've got youself a deal!
*places a bottle of un-tested potion near the shrimpachickazilla's farm and walks into McWizards*
Listen up guys...we need to increase sales...improve the quality of McWizards. In that way, we can earn more galleons and our pay will increase as well Let's see what can we do, hmm
What happened outside?
*goes outside to dodge the foodfight and investigate the source of explosion*
Oh my god , the half of shrimpachickazillas mutated into a meeky looking ermmm pigs? Round pink body, 6 legs, 2 horns and a pair of wings...so cute