Salamence's Wand Shop!

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 9 September 2003 11:13:03pm

yay wands! could i have... erm... prefferably a short one... do you use flamingo feathers at all?
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Postby choki » Wednesday 10 September 2003 9:31:28am

Using flamingo feather as a core eh? That's the first time though
Since flamingos are ordinary animals, I'm afraid I need to further process its feather...Let's see what we can do...Hmmm

*apparates to a nearby birdpark's toilet empty cubicle*
I don't wanna scare the muggles :lol:
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 September 2003 1:25:38am

yay! okay i can wait, of course. i'm off to florean fortiscue's for some ice cream and then i'll be back, good luck at the bird park! :)
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Postby choki » Thursday 11 September 2003 9:26:08am

*hides among the bushes around the flamingos' enclosure*
This is gonna be tough...look like these flamingos are well fed, they are so pink
*apparates right behind a large flamingo*
*plucks out a wing feather and disapparates instantly back to Salamence*
Phew, that was close, it nearly tried to peck me...
*takes the freshly plucked feather and brews it in a special potion*
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 11 September 2003 6:18:18pm

*sadly holds up broken wand*

My wand and I have had a rough couple of months. It used to be a 11 inch with a unicorn-pheonix combo. This particular wand is extremely rare, is there anything you can do to fix it?

*looks pleadingly at choki*
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Postby choki » Friday 12 September 2003 10:00:05am

Ahhh, completed finally
So here you go, p-princess
7 inches, flamingo feather, fir
9 inches, flamingo feather, teak
8 inches, flamingo feather, bamboo
7 inches, flamingo feather, mahogany

*turns and looks at tiggirl's broken wand :o *
no problem, you won't mind if I remove the core and replace your wand if a new wood? I think a couple of Salamence's specially brewed potions will do the job. Of course, I will make it as new as possible. Any wood you prefer?
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Postby tiggirl » Friday 12 September 2003 6:25:39pm

*gently hands over wand*

Do what you can, ash is my wood of choice. Thank you soo much.
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Postby choki » Saturday 13 September 2003 3:19:08pm

Ok tiggirl, it would be done in a day time...drop by anytime you like to collect your wand
*starts repairing tiggirl's damaged wand*
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Postby TDM » Saturday 13 September 2003 7:56:20pm

keep up the good work, choki! *gives choki a raise, as i have been gone for awhile, and choki has done an excellent job keeping up with the shop*
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Postby choki » Monday 15 September 2003 4:08:45pm

*looks at the fully-repaired wand*
tiggirl, your wand is as good as new...I have just polished it and added bamboo stripes into the new oak wood so it would be more resistant now
No fear of wand breaking again...unless an elephant squashs it :lol:

A raise...hehe thanks Dragonmaster...more money to be deposited in the bank :grin:
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Postby tiggirl » Monday 15 September 2003 5:34:54pm

*gives choki a big hug*


How much do I owe? . . . and don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere near elephants.
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Postby pinky p » Monday 15 September 2003 11:57:35pm

8 inches, flamingo feather, bamboo please :)
thanks for going to get that for me? how much will it be?
pinky p
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Postby dilkerani » Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:01:15am

*walks in*
umm...hi..i'm new here..i figured i would come in and pick up a wand..but i need something that fits my personality..ummm..maybe like a sparkly, glittery u think u have one of those :grin:
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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:53:47am

All wands are free, even servicing is free...not even a single knut is needed...well if you insists, there is a donation box over at the counter for the St. Mungo

Glittery wands...hmmm
10 inches, chimera feather, yew
12 inches, dragon heartstring, oak
9.5 inches, pheonix tears, mahogany
13 inches, unicorn horn, bamboo
I could further process your chosen wand to make it look will be my first time at it though :razz:
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Postby Won Wheezy » Tuesday 16 September 2003 8:13:16pm

Do you have a wand made of willow, with three devil hairs as a core? About 14 inches would be great! :evil:

Have fun getting the hair- hehehe! :razz:
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