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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 8 September 2003 8:09:15pm

Wow! *eyes the broom* This is AMAZING!! I'll take it most definitly! Oh yeah, I was wondering, do you think you could engrave my iniatals into it, like how I have them on my wand *pulls out wand and show it to Hedwig*
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 9 September 2003 6:30:55pm

I could definetly use a new broom. I need something lightweigh, fast and good for long distance travel. What have you got?
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Postby hedwigslove57 » Tuesday 9 September 2003 6:46:55pm

*liquid ice~ how bout a nice firebolt! or the nimbus 2007? firebolt 350 sickles nimbus 200 sickles

*misty~ might need a bit more...but an evergreen 720 might do the trick...35 knuts!

*theanna~ the pheonix feather 200 is perfect! its a very professional model! 40 galleons

*american_cutie~ummm....sorry maybe you should speak with huffleduck for free stuff!

*huffleduck~ yes lets trade and sale in here but please stick to brooms only!

*pinky~ orange star gazer comin right up! can seat 50 in case you need extra room! 50 galleons and 70 knuts

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Postby Liquid Ice » Tuesday 9 September 2003 6:56:16pm

Thanks hedwigslove57, I think Ill have the 2007, well heres the money, Ill just take it as it is thanks.....
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 9 September 2003 8:33:30pm

I have a Scarlet Hawk DX Broom, but it is out of shape. I havent really mended it since my 6th year at hogwarts...which was a long time ago. Well, would you like to fix it and if you can, how much will it cost?
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 9 September 2003 10:49:36pm

ooh a star gazer! sounds sassy! :)

(angel and devil appear on shoulders)
angel: 50 galleons and 70 knuts? that's more then you can afford, pinky
devil: if you buy it, everyone will be jealous of it
angel: is that worth emptying your gringotts account for?
devil: you can take the whole family plus all your friends on it!
angel: you still have that old comet which serves it's purpose fine!
devil: c'mon, think how much fun you'll have!
pinky: yes! i'll take it! *devil does victory dance and angel slowly dissapears as pinky slaps down the money*
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 10 September 2003 1:07:23am

Sure Hedwiggy, I think a lime green broom like you said would be a good thing to raffle off!
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Postby choki » Wednesday 10 September 2003 9:39:09am

Oooh a Comet 300, I'd always like the comet series
*hands hegwid 150 sickles*
I want a black one...oh you engrave too? So can I have my name in yellow wordings? I'll pay more of course
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Postby hedwigslove57 » Wednesday 10 September 2003 6:48:53pm

*choki~ of course it comes in black and your name can be engraved for free no extra charge at all! *wink*

*tiggirl~ you need a nimbus 2007!! the top of the line! 200 sickles

*accio~ same as with choki the names are engraved with no extra charge so here ya go all done!

*marcus~ ill try my best with the scarlet hawk dx broom but its not really my style and broom-makers cant fix many others work but have faith in me! if you would like you can trade it for something else....huffleduck came up with that idea!


***thanks everyone for all of your support! special thanks to huffleduck for the idea of trading!
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 11 September 2003 5:38:56pm

*tiggirl~ you need a nimbus 2007!! the top of the line! 200 sickles

The numbus 2007? I'll take it in midnight blue with Tiggirl ingraved in silver!!!

*reaches for wallet . . . wallet growls dangerously . . . bares fangs*

Oops, :oops: I forgot I was supposed to be saving my money . . . Oh well, anyone know a good sleeping charm for wallets?
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Postby hedwigslove57 » Thursday 11 September 2003 7:04:30pm

*tiggirl~this is really pretty and has to be my favorite broom yet! *hands over the shiny new nimbus 2007* it was jst polished so it might be a little slippery dont drop it!
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Postby Charis » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:21:48pm

oooo brooms! cool. I want a speedy broom... which one would you recommend? the newest firebolt??? I have... 9 sickles 4 knuts! that enough? hey, you said you'd give me a discount ;) well, maybe I'll check the couch cushions for more. btw, I want my broom to be scarlet and gray! scarlet broom handle, gray lattering por favor. maybe I'll try out for the OSU Buckeye Quidditch team :grin:
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:34:03pm

erm... i don't really have that much money left after i bought that stargazer- and my, it has served me well! but i also need a quidditch broom. it doesn't have to be excellent, just good so i can practice on it! i have... erm... nothing right now! perhaps we can strike a deal, i am currently running madame malkin's, are you in need of some fine silk robes?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 11 September 2003 10:42:16pm

hedwigslove57 wrote:*marcus~ ill try my best with the scarlet hawk dx broom but its not really my style and broom-makers cant fix many others work but have faith in me! if you would like you can trade it for something else....huffleduck came up with that idea!

Sry hedwig...but Me and my scarlet hawk DX have been through some good time..i would feel guilty by trading it in..sry...
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Postby tiggirl » Friday 12 September 2003 12:09:28am

*wrestles 200S from wallet hands to hedwig*

It is a beauty, don't worry I won't drop it.

*carefully takes broom to give it a test ride*

Thanks so much, bye . . . *jumps onto broom* . . . *slides off broom* :oops: There might be a little too much polish.
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