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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 26 August 2003 9:09:22pm

Yea, what are we doing there?? Lets play again
dashes to the middle of the field...ok yup.
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 27 August 2003 9:58:51am

Ooh the snitch! North tower, eh? Let me check my compass :grin: !
Ah so the north is over there?! Great stuff !

flies off in the direction of the north tower
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Postby choki » Wednesday 27 August 2003 5:27:53pm

But Marc, SG has the quaffle and he is zooming above the forbidden forest
Unless we choose to ignore SG and get a new quaffle in the quidditch store
Oh we aren't that bad, right Marc

*continues chasing SG and at the same time zig-zagging to avoid a real collision with thestrals*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 27 August 2003 8:27:50pm

Ok Choki! Im going to do that!
Flys to the forbidden forest with everyone else. yes it its ok!
Tries to run down SG cuz hes hogging the quaffle.
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Postby choki » Friday 29 August 2003 9:36:12am

*speeds up to Marc*
Hey Marc, why don't we try double combo attack?
u attack for above and i attack from below
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Postby Marcus Baker » Friday 29 August 2003 11:44:46am

Lets go for it!
Flys over SG and starts to distract him, so choki can get the quaffle
Hey SG! Im up here! hahah, what a looooooser!!!!!! (im really jk) Do you think you can hog the quaffle like that???
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Postby choki » Friday 29 August 2003 3:21:55pm

Way to go Marc
*flies up to the distracted SG and knocks the quaffle off his hand*
Yay...i've got the quaffle
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Postby Friar Tuck » Friday 29 August 2003 4:54:09pm

Hey, not everyone is going into the Forbidden Forest.

Takes out his compass and finds out where North is

That way. gecko, wait up

Mounts Shadow T-Bolt and chases after gecko
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Postby choki » Sunday 31 August 2003 4:44:09pm

*dashs back to the Quidditch pitch*
Hmmm no keeper...anyway time to practise my aiming
*throws the quaffle right through the centre ring and scores*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 31 August 2003 8:37:47pm

Yay! We have the quaffle now!
Gets quaffle from hoop, and starts to go to the other side. Doges some bludgers...and scores!!!!!!!
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Postby gecko » Sunday 31 August 2003 11:47:43pm

What's that sound behind me?

*turns his head and sees FT chasing him*

Hey FT, do you see the snitch anywhere here? I think someone lied to me again!!
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Postby choki » Monday 1 September 2003 4:00:48pm

*flies over to gecko*
gecko, u could try doing a summoning charm to get the snitch and try to release it in the quidditch pitch this time round so u don't have to fly over whole of hogwarts
come on, gecko...there is more fun catching the snitch and dodging bludgers and players at the same time
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 1 September 2003 11:43:50pm

Oh come on, that would be cheating! Lets all find will be practice for us all!
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Postby choki » Tuesday 2 September 2003 10:22:40am

*throws the quaffle aside and starts searching for the golden snitch*
Where did it go? South?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 2 September 2003 12:00:25pm

I've put in an order for a new broom, this one is just way too slow!

If you go south choki, and Marcus, you go north, FT can go west, and I'll go east! We're bound to catch it that way! :grin:
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