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Postby AccioNiffler » Friday 22 August 2003 11:09:18pm

Ohh, lot's of caramel,I hope that we dont have to call in a dentist (but I suppose we could see if Hermione and her parents are anywhere). It will be a great breakfast though! And tonight you will be eating:

Cockatrice Noodle Soup, Horklump Bites (now with NO bristles!), Fwooper Fries (served with earmuffs), Fire Barbequed Hellhound, and for dessert, Lace Wing Lady Fingers!

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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 22 August 2003 11:21:55pm

Dinner sounds delish...and Harry and the High Fives will be here actually tomorrow, sorry guys...but i am sure zledy will do a fine job jammin on his saxophone!!!!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Friday 22 August 2003 11:49:23pm

Ohh, if there is a raffle with a broomstick, then im going to enter. I still have a Scarlet Hawk, its an ok broomstick, but i would like a nimbus 2003 or something like that...
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Postby gecko » Friday 22 August 2003 11:57:21pm

Okay so my owl didn't come yet, but I got bored upstairs. I mean, you can only enjoy a jacuzzi for so many hours eh! :P

If I have a bit of luck at the WSE (wizard stock exchange), I'm going to get everyone here the finest broom there is! Yep, I like you all so much, I'm really going to do that!
But then again, I might loose all my money at the WSE. Those chicken, meat but especially vegetable stock makers are soo mean! They really don't care if they ruin somebody, as long as they can exchange their stock.Sometimes it makes me soo sad, I want to cry :cry: .. zledm, could you play me a cheerful song please.. and I'd like a Shirley Temple on the rocks..
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 23 August 2003 12:57:24am

Oh no, zledm isn't here right now to cheer gecko up! What am I going to do?????

*Meg remembers the cd zledm gave her that afternoon, which has zledm playing a cheery saxophone number along with Harry and the High Fives*


*Meg conjures a muggle "cd player" and pops in "The First Five" and lets the song "Pants" play...it is happy sounding one*

Is that better gecko???? I mean it's not zledy, but it is a recording of him... :)

*Meg starts be bopping to the song that defines the meaning of emo ska!*

Bring Back the Sax...Long Live Ska!!!!!!!!
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Postby zledm007 » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:32:33am

how bout the live version???? *waves wand and says something punky, a makeshift band appears, they don't look that great, but soud amazing. zledy blares away on the sax.*

lead singer: ...and now i know, that nice pants can't be bought..."

zledy: toot toot squeek squeek wail!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:46:11am

wow, a song about pants! hmm, for some reason I want to go clothes shopping now...
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Postby HuffleDuck » Saturday 23 August 2003 2:25:15pm

I think i have booked the Weird Sisters, they should be here soon. :lol: :P
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 23 August 2003 2:48:16pm

Wow, Yay! The wierd sisters! Cool, thats just cool. That will bring a lot of people into the place, that means im going to have lots of work now...argh, that sucks, well, not too bad, but whatever...its all good.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:08:39pm

The Weird Sisters, are you serious!!!!!!!! Acckkk...I just ADORE them...!!!!!!!
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Postby choki » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:15:27pm

WSE...wow gecko i didn't know u r interested in stocks or should i say, making money haha :lol:
u shouldn't have bought those vegetable shares, i made a few thousands galleons after buying the McWizards shares :P
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Postby gecko » Saturday 23 August 2003 8:26:15pm

Yeah, well, I like to have some good stock :grin: ! And if I can make some money with it, I've no problem whatsoever with that..

but yeah you're right, I should have known that potato stock just isn't a hot product. Alas, luckily I didn't waste all my money with it, or I couldn't even pay for being here! :P

Thanks Meg and zledm and the band, you really made my day a bit better!
I went from this :cry: to this :razz: !
Ohhw I like the Weird Sisters too! Their music always cheers me up!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 25 August 2003 5:07:12am

Well, we come to the end of another weekend, and I have to say that I am sorely disappointed in sales! Hopefully this week will make up for that! I'm optimistic!

Also, Gecko, what will you be wanting for your breakfasts this week? Your wish is my command!

Graphorn Gazpacho

Blood-Sucking Bugbear Bites
Occamy Hors D’oeuvres

ENTREES- all served with your choice of biting cabbage, swooning carrots, or Fwooper Fries (served with earmuffs). Also comes with a bowl of soup and a large beverage.
Murtlap Morsels (Murtlap promotes resistance to curses!)
Spaghetti and Bowtrucleballs
Porlock Pasta
Sloppy Jorkins (based off of the popular Muggle dish, "Sloppy Joes")

Tarantula Torte
Unicorn Upsidedown Cake
Cornish Pixie Pie

If you wish to know more about the creatures mentioned above please refer to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander.
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Postby choki » Monday 25 August 2003 1:22:14pm

Oooo Unicorn Upsidedown Cake looks delicious, I like to have one...to promote more sales of course...
*hope Meg doesn't discover that I'm eating on my job*
Hmmm...why not have a more romantic ambience for today
Can we have "Eyes on Me"?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 25 August 2003 1:49:29pm

*Meg discovers that Ju is eating on the job*

Ju, do you want some ice cream with that??? I mean, since you are a bed tester, I should hope you eat on the job...I mean many people eat while in bed, and it is your job to make sure it is safe for them to do so while at our fine establishment!

Also, a romantic setting would be nice!

*Meg swishes and flicks her wand and suddenly the red hot jazz setting of the room is now a sunny white with pink roses and lace, looking like Meg had ripped the parlor from the Buchanon's home from The Great Gatsby*

Hmmm and for some music, maybe I could call my ex-beau Gilderoy and he could hook us up with some of his "cupids"!

Oooh...after the weird sisters perform this week I think i am going to book this new sweet band, Yesterday's Parade...they're just starting out and will be doing covers to start out with, but I promise you, they will be great! *winks*
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