Mrs Weasley vision.

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Mint » Wednesday 20 August 2003 8:53:35pm

Do you really think that Percy is loyal to Fudge, instead of just ministry?

And Pecy was too little when Voldie was around - the way he was thinking was the way his parents told him to think. He may have a different look at things now.....
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 20 August 2003 10:44:42pm

Well I don't think it matters a whole lot whether Percy is loyal to Fudge or the ministry, because basically it amounts to the same thing. Where Fudge goes, the ministry goes. Unless, of course, Fudge loses his job which is a possibility seeing as how he ignored the warnings that LV was back. that might not go down too well with the rest of the wizarding community. In that case, yes, I do believe he'll be loyal to the ministry.

True, Percy was probably too little when Voldie was around, but he was taught good and evil all through his life. Even when you've rejected your parents, it's hard to reject their teaching that quickly when you've grown up with it. If Percy has, and does join the death eaters, i will be most surprised because he is made in the same mold as Fudge: self-seeking and misguided, and yes, sometimes cruel, but i think they did believe, or well, wanted to believe, that they were doing right. though Percy's priorities are very mixed up, and so is he, i think he's not as mixed up as to go to the side he has been taught is evil and wrong all his life, and even now is being shown as evil by the people and rules he admires. If Percy joins LV, I will have even less (if that is possible) respect for him because it shows that he is stupider, more selfish, and more cowardly even than I thought.

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Postby Just Mom » Thursday 21 August 2003 12:54:19am

Charis, I always love your posts.
Consider this though: Percy is at an age,(out of school/first job) where many young people, actually blatantly reject their parents teaching (no matter what it's about) simply as a way of demonstrating they're all grown up and independent. What usually happens is that after that wears off, they return to the ideas of mom and dad having now earned the experience to back up what they were taught. I went through this in my late teens and twenties. Many many folks do. I'm not saying it's right, because it's not. But it does seem to be in many cases, a rite of passage in growing up and perhaps that's where Percy is at this stage in his life. Almost all of us go through a time when we think our parents just don't know anything about anything...only to fall on our faces and realize maybe they weren't as stupid and backwards as we originally thought! :)
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Postby Dink Meeker » Thursday 21 August 2003 2:07:24pm

I definately agree, Rev Mom. It's hard to comprehend until you've actually experienced it though.

There's an old adage that goes something like this.... When I was ten I thought my parents were all knowing and everything they said was gospel..... When I was twenty I thought my parents were out-dated old fools and should leave everything to the younger generation...... When I was thirty I was amazed at how much my parents had learned in just ten short years..... :grin: :grin:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 21 August 2003 2:40:03pm

Exactly! You all said it - he rejects his parents teachings, well Voldermort being evil is one of those teachings.

Plus, I agree about Percy being a teen and going through the stage, but it does happenes to people in his age that they join the mob or whatever - because they are misguided.

Ministry teaches everyone to fear Voldermort (that is all, you know how they are all cowards in there), and percy's parents teach them to stand for themselves.


Don't get me wrong, I do not want Percy to become a deatheater, Im just saying that its a good possibility that he might. I say its 50/50.
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Postby Just Mom » Thursday 21 August 2003 5:48:41pm

Mint, I don't think Percy's chances for becoming a deatheater are as good as that percentage. And the gap between "LV is evil" and "LV is not something we have to worry about" is pretty huge. Percy knows instinctively, LV is not a good wizard. Furthermore, LV's operation would offend Percy's fastitidious and snobbish dedication to following rules. LV is rogue wizard. He peforms immoral and illegal magic. This won't appeal to Percy. He's the kind of uptight guy who wouldn't dream of cheating on his income tax or lying to get out of a traffic ticket.
Percy is just trying to figure out who he is. The lines have not yet been drawn that clearly of "for the Order/against the Order" wizards yet. That will come in the last two books. I believe we'll see some change of heart in Percy in the next book as the MoM now accepts as a reality that LV has returned. I think also, he'll miss his family, warts and all, as he grows up and realizes they weren't so bad. He'll miss his mom's sweaters. :)

And to Huey, wherever you are, I loved your litle poem! It is too true, too true! :D
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Postby Charis » Friday 22 August 2003 12:50:35am

Rev Mom wrote:Charis, I always love your posts.
Consider this though: Percy is at an age,(out of school/first job) where many young people, actually blatantly reject their parents teaching (no matter what it's about) simply as a way of demonstrating they're all grown up and independent. What usually happens is that after that wears off, they return to the ideas of mom and dad having now earned the experience to back up what they were taught. I went through this in my late teens and twenties. Many many folks do. I'm not saying it's right, because it's not. But it does seem to be in many cases, a rite of passage in growing up and perhaps that's where Percy is at this stage in his life. Almost all of us go through a time when we think our parents just don't know anything about anything...only to fall on our faces and realize maybe they weren't as stupid and backwards as we originally thought! :)

Thats true. As I am just entering high school I haven't gone through the rejecting my parent's teaching because I can stage. Perhaps I was speaking a little too confidently about something I know a little too little about... :razz: but, I still believe that Percy will come back to mummy and dad's teachings before he gets to the death-eater point.

and, I second all that you said in your last post, Rev Mom!

don't get me wrong, everybody, I'm not completely ruling out Percy becoming a death eater. just think (and hope) that it's unlikely.
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Postby Just Mom » Friday 22 August 2003 2:16:24am

Well, Charis, you are very mature for your age. I imagine that you can relate well to where Ron and Hermione and Harry are in their lives. And you'll find yourself probably in one way or another, in Percy's position when you get a little older. (for your parents sake I hope not!) :) :) :)
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Postby Charis » Friday 22 August 2003 2:58:59am

yeah, I'm more on the relating to the trio level :-)

Right now I do pretty much believe as my parents do, in religion, etc. I'm sure there will probably be that period of doubt, where I question things a bit more, but thats probably good. until you question what you grew up with and never experience different things, you will never grow in your faith in your beliefs. Percy might come out of his rebellious stage stronger in the teachings of his youth, though, it seems it might take a bit longer for that to happen than we'd like, judging by his behaviour in book 5.
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 27 August 2003 12:17:21am

Percy can be redeemed. He put his loyality in the ministry when they were wrong. Now that the ministry knows the truth, he'll shift gears and go the other way.

It's time for Percy to admit he was wrong. Wrong about Harry, LV return, everything. Percy isn't fundamentally bad, just tied by rules and restrictions, and maybe finally knows they aren't always right.
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Postby Albus » Wednesday 27 August 2003 9:06:58am

I totally agree with High Sorcerer, I think in the next book we'll see Percy admit his error and come back to his family.
He hasn't the heart for being a Death Eater...
He is a Weasley after all...
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Postby yasmane » Wednesday 27 August 2003 9:25:08am

Well I really doubt about that.
We all know that Percy was loyal to the ministry, but 'm not sure it's only because the ministry represent the authority. But may be it's because the minitry has the opwer, the power replace DD from Hogwart, to almost fire harry from school, to say what's good and bad.
What I mean is that I'm afraid Percy is more interesting in power (just look at him whe his chief disappeared, he wasn't really worried and was more interesting in replacing him than any other thing) and disowned his own family.
I hope I'm wrong, but I see him ending as a bad person, may be not a death eater but not far from it.
But what I'm even more afraid of is that JKR again led us somewhere to surprise us one more time : the idea would be to discover that Percy is working for DD since the beginning and pretend to be someone else (in his opinions) to get closer to LV. She could do that...
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 27 August 2003 6:51:57pm

While it is true that Percy appears to be an insufferable, insensitive, uncaring and power-hungry individual, that very same quality exists in MANY young people at his age, and at his stage of "career." He's trying to get somewhere like most young men his age, wizards and muggles alike. Perhaps we should reverse it and be surprised if her weren't like that right now!
Before the series ends, Percy will be humbled somehow, have a new appreciation for his father and mother, and will return to his family.
Albus said it best, "He is a Weasley after all..."
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Postby Colin » Wednesday 27 August 2003 7:30:47pm

Percy appears to be an insufferable, insensitive, uncaring and power-hungry individual

My suspicious nature reminds me that Percy is very much like Dolores.

And, his behaviour could be the result of a well placed Imperious Curse. If this is the case, no one would notice because it is in his nature to seek power and order.

I've known several of "Percys" in my life. They chose poorly and came to a bad end.
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 27 August 2003 7:44:02pm

Hi Colin
Refresh me on the Imperious Curse if you have a chance.
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