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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 18 August 2003 10:29:33pm

well I thought 234517653 Galleonz would be ze limit price before customers start to run away, of course ze mix iz one of each kind of friez only !
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 18 August 2003 11:31:55pm

omg, the place has finally in order... :lol: :lol:

Come on guys don't charge too much now or we'll scare the customer away.

1 galleon for 2 hamburger

:evil: Teheeehhee, wait until they get in then we'll overcharge them :evil: :evil: Laughs :evil: :lol:
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:22:12am

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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 19 August 2003 5:38:10am

MMM... burger...

But seriously, guess what! It doesn't matter how much you charge me because I am a secret ageant with the Department of Consumption of Foods both Magical and Non (a newly created dept. due to the treatment of wizarding restaurant customers world wide) and I have to say, if you want to get a good review I suggest that you give me the burger for free! And maybe if I can get a shake with that I'll even put in a good word for ya with the Daily Prophet's restaurant critic. We're like this *crosses fingers* ;)
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 9:24:12am

well I can give you a special price on my friez, 115363 galleonz instead of 234517653 galleonz, and zats quite a bargain believe me !
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 19 August 2003 11:41:23am

Ahh, fine! 2 Galleons! But remember, you have to tip me and Ju DedoH! That would be 50 galleons each!
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:04:19pm

*finally accepts his fate, he will only receive 51 galleons for his fries*
well next customer pliz, don't you all go thinking I am zat kind every time ...
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 19 August 2003 1:35:52pm

Ah, you are all to kind. Lowering your prices like that. I am very grateful :) *accioniffler pay the price and go takes a booth. She begins to write dotes on a piece of paper, no doubt about the restaurant and it's service* Hmmm, *looks at the check and thinks to herself, "good thing that I am rich, because my job at the Knight Bus and the Leaky Cauldron combined wouldnt pay for this!* mmmm, good fries
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 2:50:35pm

Hey Marc, the squad is here and you will be free any second from now :D

*the squad members managed to pull Marc out of the chair and took Hermione away by force*

Gosh, no doubt they call themselves the ministry squad for troublemakers, they really know how to do their jobs
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 19 August 2003 8:36:31pm

*Looks at his legs*
"Now im grateful for having my lower body!"
*Gets behind the grill*
"Hey Ju, your fry cook parter is back!"
*Flips more Shrimpachickazilla burgers.*
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 9:59:29pm

Bravo Markus, flip away !!!
Glad you liked my friez Accio !
Suddenly all the lights go out
Oh a Blackout, I do hope zat it doezn't last !!!
*Starts to think about how it will be like camping in Mc Wizards, gets out a hurricane lamp and emptying the fridge*
we can't let ze food go bad, we must eat it !
*Starts shooving heeps of food down his throat*

PS : If anyone doesn't like the feeling of reviving the blackout they may have had, I would understand, then just ignore my post from line 3 and go on as normal
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 20 August 2003 5:00:47am

Eat all of the food? I can help with that! But will I be charged for that...
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 20 August 2003 11:59:14am

HuffleDuck wrote:Sees the opportunity

Drinks the juice and turns into Lizzy

writes some good reports to mr.president

Dear Mr.President,
Mcwizard is such a GREAT place to eat and they serve such a GREATfood. Their service is EXCELLENT and customers praise their GOOD works and mature GOOD behavior. So please don't wory about anything going on down here Mr.President. Everything had been taken care of.

~ Lizzy :angel:

*stirs and wakes back up, eyes widening as she sees...HERSELF!! :o *

Who are you, you imposter?? :eek: *takes one look at the report and dashes to give Mr. President a call ;)* Oh nooooooooooooooo, he's gotta to come back here! :razz: No more ice cream for me from this place--the ice cream knocks you flat! :razz: *sneaks back to the insanity that is McWizard's, trying to avoid...MINT and the monster! :o *

How is it possible this place is even more out of control than before?? :eek: :lol:
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Postby choki » Wednesday 20 August 2003 1:46:29pm

What is wrong with the power supply? Did anyone accidentally cut the electrical wire?

Ju, we need a fire to enjoy a BBQ unless u want to eat it raw
Hey, I know...we can make it a special night and charge more for this BBQ party :P
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 20 August 2003 8:25:51pm

yay BBQ party, I love zat !
*stop eating raw shrimpachickazilla, and lights a fire with the chairs and tables*
her'z where my scout past comez in handy !
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