The only way we pay people around here is if they work for us!!!
*Sits Marc down, who gets glued to the chair*
...yes well......we need vegetables for the salads....Im gonna go out get some vegitables.......
Choki u'll take care of it.....hehe...
*Mint takes a bag and allof the money out of the register (because she doesnt trust her employees with such things) and leaves to get some vegies for the McSalads*
*She turns back to look at the window of McWizards and sees Choki trying to pull Marc out of the glue and Hermione laughing at them*
Good thing I took all of the money with me, the only thing they can give her is food....
...and we gonna make her pay for that too...after sometime...mua-ha-ha-ha
*Mint almost gets hit by the Knight Bus*