Mrs Weasley vision.

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Charis » Tuesday 5 August 2003 1:42:23am

When I read "Ron's dead body" I think my heart stopped, too! it was totally unexpected. i knew from the clues on book 5 that neither Hermione or Ron would die, but the thought that they were wrong flashed through my mind. I had to take a deeo breath before starting to read again. I've always like Ron, but, i think imagining him dead made me see how i really would miss him if he died!

Mrs. Weasley had to have seen Ginny and Charlie before Harry walked in... i mean, there's no other evidence that she loves them less than any one of her kids including Harry. seriously, if she saw Percy, she must have seen Ginny and Charlie! of course...if she really did know all of the prophecy, then I suppose I can understand how she'd care about Harry being dead more because that would mean Voldemort's back... but thats still unlikely.
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 5 August 2003 1:44:48am

yea when i read it i was like ron can't be dead!!and when it turned out to be a boggart i had sigh of relief.Do you think that she saw hermione??I figured that she saw bothe Ginny and Charlie but do you guys think that maybe she saw hermione b/c Mrs.Weasley never says or does anything to get the message across.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 3:18:26am

I am sure Molly saw all of the kids because she loves all of them dearly. Or perhaps she didn't see all of them, but the boggart simply hadn't got around to showing a dead Ginny yet.

As for the showing of the boggart it shows Molly's greatest fear...and in that fear it showed us a dead percy...meaning she still loves him and fears his death..perhaps this is a forshadowing tool for a situation invloving Percy????
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 12 August 2003 4:58:58am

Molly Weasley has done everything she could to resume her relationship with Percy. She went to see him in London, but he wouldn't talk to her. She sent him a Christmas present, which he rejected. She loves him, but is in terrible pain at his rejection.

there is very deep discord between Percy and his family. He won't talk to his father at work, and didn't visit him in St. Mungos. What he's done is abandon the things that matter most in his pursuit of blind ambition. Percy has acted very immaturely in the way he rejected his family.

Harry on the other hand, values friendship over power. Even if the six who went to the department of mysteries were not his original picks, they all stood by him, and fought evil, most of them injuring themselves. And they'd all do it again. What Lupin and Sirius really failed to understand that, young Harry and his friends might be, they do know there are things worth dying for.
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 13 August 2003 2:39:25pm

So this means that......meg is right....Percy will prob. use their love against them! I mean even if he thought they were so wrong, he should've at least went to see his father whe he was about to die! If he is so cruel - he is an A material for Deatheaters....

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Postby Charis » Wednesday 13 August 2003 7:57:39pm

I don't know... I think Percy is an idiot, and a cruel son and brother, but i just can't see him becoming a death eater. I think Percy really wants to do whats right... he's just too much of a git (wow... i think thats the first time ive used that word as I'm american! Ron's catching on to me!! :razz: ) to see what is really right. he loves rules, and power, and ambition, which are all ideal qualities for deatheaters...but...but... :-? it just doesn't fit!! (hmm..maybe i need to work on my reasoning? :grin: )
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 13 August 2003 10:02:09pm

Oh, no Percy won't be a death eater or consider being one. He knows that is evil. What he doesn't understand is that are degrees of evil.

Somewhere it has been said that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good persons to do nothing. That's Percy's failing. He doesn't want to believe the truth; so he turned his back on it. And he still can't admit his mistakes. Harry was right all along. It doesn't matter how many OWLS or NEWTS he got, that doesn't translate into the real world.

And how many risks has Percy ever made? He patrolled the corridors in book 2, but smugly said he was a prefect, like it somehow protected him (and to his shock, it didn't protect Penelope Clearwater, his girlfriend).

It's kind of another theme of the books. James and Sirius uses their powers to taunt Snape. Voldemort used them for evil. Harry has always used them for good, but Snape has gone both paths; going evil at first, but then realizing it was the wrong path, and willing to give his life for a dangerous mission on the good side. It's all about redemption. Harry shows it the most; willing to spare Peter's life despite the fact he betrayed his parents. His two mentors were astonished by his choice, but accepted it. The only time Harry wanted vengenece was on Bellatrix Lestrange for killing Sirius. Even then, he didn't have the heart for it, becaucse he's not a true sadist. His spell caused pain, but not that of a sadist.

Bellaxtrix finally understood what she was dealing with then - a full wizard willing to use everything to take her down. Harry took out most of the death eaters out to get him, and took her out for revenge. She mocked love because evil doesn't understand it. But the theme of the books showed that love was more powerful than anything else. From Lily's sacrifice to Harry's willing to die to be with Sirius again, love has always defeated powerful evil.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 14 August 2003 4:12:43pm

highsorcerer - you are right. But think of it this way - Snape realized that he is on the wrong path, then why can't Percy realize that he is on the wrong path too?

You may say - oh because the other one is evil - well perhaps Percy's vision will become clouded, may be he will misinterpret a lot of stuff.

Like he though that letting his father die there (he might of died when he was in the hospital) and no going to visit them because his father defied that ultimate authority - Fudge.

May be Percy will think of Voldie as an altimate authority. What are Voldies goals 1) to kill of that Potter boy - Percy hates Potter; 2) to put pure bloods above everyone else - Percy is pure blood; 3) to bring an ultimate order to the world through tyranny.

Speaking of 3) - Voldie doesn't want to kill everything that walks, he just wants to make a dictatorship in this world with him (vodlie) being on top of it.

So what makes you think that Percy won't re-interpret his actions???

Do you think that if his father was about to take out Fudge Percy wouldn't have attempted to kill his father to protect the Ministry's order??
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 15 August 2003 11:29:32am

Oh, no, not all at. Percy ISN"T evil. But his career path made him into believing the ministy was RIGHT over his family and Harry directed his life. Percy shows the price between EASY over RIGHT. Percy took what was easy (to advance his career, and what not). But it wasn't right.

I goes beyond that. Refusing to talk to his father or see him in the hospital? Sending back his Christmas Jumper? that jumps to cruelity levels.

Percy has always bought into what the appearances of power are - prefects; head boys, jobs in the ministry - whatever - but never understood that sometimes it takes more than that. So kind of ask - which kind of wizard is better - one like the "perfect" Percy, the the defiant Harry.
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Mrs. Weasley's Vision

Postby Just Mom » Saturday 16 August 2003 2:09:17am

Highsorcerer your posts are always such a pleasure to read.

You're so very right about Percy. He's not evil, but in spite of his upbringing in a very loving, accepting, family, his priorities are all asunder. Not visiting his father at St. Mungos was just horrible. Returning the presents and slamming the door in Molly's face, while not unforgivable, was pretty darn mean. Percy is the only Weasley that doesn't quite "fit" with his family. Maybe it's that middle-child thing. He's a very two-dimensional thinker and I'm afraid, that his will be a painful road back to his family. But I would want to see his relationship restored with the others. Molly and Arthur love him so...

Perhaps JKR will, in the future, furnish us with a more redeemed version of Percy. There have been other characters in other books, like Edmund in Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe who got back on track after a rather public fall from grace.
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 16 August 2003 6:27:25am

Well, let's hope Percy eventually swallows all his pride and what he did to return to his family. And forgive Harry for telling the truth.

Plus, if Harry does marry Ginny, accept him as a brother-in-law.
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Postby Mint » Monday 18 August 2003 8:10:22pm

I can understand that he didn't want to talk to them, didn't except any gifts and so on. But when his dad was in the hospital - everyone though that he may die. I mean if his dad is dying wouldn't that change the situation?

What make you believe that he won't think that Voldie can be a new kind of Ministry that will be over Fudge and other "previous employees"?

You said that he wants power, well doesn't Voldie give a person power?
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Postby Just Mom » Monday 18 August 2003 8:14:59pm

LV in many ways, is like Sauron in the LOTR. "There is only one lord of the rings and he does not share power."
LV does not give power, only promises the illusion of it. He's far too selfish to share.
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Postby Mint » Monday 18 August 2003 8:49:55pm

Oh I know, you know, but most of the wizards seem to fall for that illusion don't they?
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Postby Charis » Monday 18 August 2003 11:58:30pm

Mint wrote:What make you believe that he won't think that Voldie can be a new kind of Ministry that will be over Fudge and other "previous employees"?

Because Percy knows the horrors of Lord Voldemort. He was very young when Voldemort was in power last time, but his parents remember everything and Percy knows Voldemort is evil, and not just some kind of new ministry. he's too loyal to Fudge and the old ministry to go VOldemort, I think. though Fudge denied it for a long time, now that he accepts that LV is back he will be against, and so, i think, will percy. :)
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