Fifth Book...

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Wednesday 4 September 2002 1:43:08am

oh...that wasn't that was like a eerie high pitched note that follows the dun dun dun
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Postby Wedge » Wednesday 4 September 2002 4:38:29pm

Oh, okay then :P
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 5 September 2002 2:34:54am

yeah it's okies
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Sunday 14 December 2003 4:21:39am

Okay so I confess, I am bumping this thread so you all can reread it and laugh. It is so funny now. Granted, I am new to this forum, so all the posts are new to me...but this was a very old post from sometime in 2002 I gather, before OotP came out and everyone was speculating. Now that we know what happens in book 5 it is sort of fun to read what everyone had to say. Well, I think this was a fun thread...made me laugh.

And for the record, I am slowly trying to work through all the posts so I won't miss any good angles on the books and that I why I seem to stumble upon these great old posts. :-?
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 16 December 2003 8:43:40pm

LOL - I was looking for this! Thanks!!! Here are some of the things mentioned in this thread.(i didnt put who said it cause it was too much work)

Coolest Rumors:
-Somebody called Icicle. god, this was so random :lol:
-Lilly was a Death Eater but came back to the good side.:o
-Snape becomes nicer. Suuuuuure he will :evil grin:
-Cedric's ghost tells Harry something important about how to weaken Voldemort.

haha - *Cedric's ghost approaches Harry*

- I have to tell u smth important Harry :x ....the way to weaken Voldemort tickle him!!!! yes yes! with a chicken feather!!!!! :evil: :lol:

Coolest Facts:
I cat wait till it comes out and this is a fact Ron or Hermionie is gonna DIE!!!!!!!

Just Plain Cooolest!!!!!
-“Oh by the way did i mention Hagrid dies?”
-“Madame Maxime is gonna eat him!
Like popcorn.”

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Postby Aries Avalon » Friday 26 December 2003 5:20:49am

OMG! I just finished the book! it's so awesome! Explained alot of stuff for me!
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