Salamence's Wand Shop!

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 10 August 2003 12:43:57am

*Meg picks up the first wand and waves it*


*there is a loud explosion and the back shelf blows up*

Whoops....this obviously isn't it
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Postby choki » Sunday 10 August 2003 9:23:57am

*takes bobafett_12's new wand and chant a spell...soon J.B starts appearing*

Alright, bobafett_12...I've craved your initials on it...that will be just 2 knuts more...have a nice day

Meg Boyd, it's harm done
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 10 August 2003 1:18:58pm

*Meg guiltily picks up the second wand and waves it*


*This time there is a sonic boom and suddenly Choki's desk is engulfed in flames*

Oh jeez.....sorry bout wand please? he he he...oh dear
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Postby Theanna Glinn » Sunday 10 August 2003 3:21:25pm

*looks at the wands and chews her lip picking up the bambo wand murmuring 'orchidous' and jumps as the wand puffs a little smoke and a dark gree ooze appears on the floor by her feet...*
hmm... maybe not then....
*she studies the wands hard then picks up the oak and chimera one testing it in her hand for balence and murmurs 'orchidous' again grinning as gold and blue sparks fly from the end*
i think this is the one sir...
*she grips it possesivly and fumbles for her pouch under her summer robes*
how much will that be sir?
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Postby choki » Monday 11 August 2003 8:49:56am

*cough, cough...*
Oh well that desk is old anyway...50 years old...
try another wand then...

Oh no need for I'm not a Sir...hehe I'm just an assistant can pay any amount you like...
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 11 August 2003 12:32:00pm

*Meg turns red, and looks down...*

Whoops, sorry"m gonna just try the last one, the willow one...ok?

*Meg scrunches her eyes shut, and waves the wand as she mutters:"


*Suddenly beautiful lilac colored orchids shoot out of the wand! Meg opens one eye hesistantly, and sees the flowers and not flames...*

Whoa, cool! I guess this is the right one Choki...sorry for all this trouble, how much do I owe you?
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Postby choki » Monday 11 August 2003 3:38:28pm

No did a great job with those least the store doesn't smell burnt now...haha

*wraps the willow wand in a hardy wooden box*

Here you go, have a nice day!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 11 August 2003 10:11:05pm

is the wand free, choki??? How much do I owe you?
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Postby choki » Tuesday 12 August 2003 9:50:35am

Pay any amount you like for the wand...just a few knuts will do :D
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 1:23:27pm

*Meg looks confused, and thrusts her hand into her pocket and pulls out a 4 sickles, and three knuts...and a whistle, a piece of droobles best blowing gum, and some pocket lint.*

Here u go!
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Postby choki » Tuesday 12 August 2003 2:34:45pm

4 sickles, and three knuts...and a whistle, a piece of droobles best blowing gum, and some pocket lint....That's too much... :o nobody has paid us so much...

Thanks for your generosity :D Have a great day :lol:
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Postby bobafett_12 » Wednesday 13 August 2003 12:36:27am

Sorry about the long gaps in between posts, just kinda busy. But anyway, Here's my payment for the wand.
*Takes out a sickle and lays it on the desk*
Oh yeah, the engravement! Almost forgot!
*Lays another sickle and 5 knuts on the desk*
Thanks a ton, i really needed to get rid of that, starting to get heavy, and all the jingling was driving me mad. :grin:
Now for the test......
*Waves wand and yells "Orchidous!"*
*Flowers burst from the end of the wand, and hands them to Meg Boyd*
Here ya go ma'am.
*leaves merrily.*
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 3:02:53am

*Meg blushes*

Oh...why...thank you sir...I don't know what to say *giggles*
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Postby TDM » Thursday 14 August 2003 1:18:06am

i am very sorry for my absence for that past few pages, but i'm back now, and will be as active as choki, my assistant, is in here. also,


so, my assisstant and i will very kindly PM all of you your money back, and i will send a stop to the advertisements by PMing owls. good day.
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Postby Theanna Glinn » Thursday 28 August 2003 11:57:34pm

*looks at her beautifully crafted wand and then at the 'free wands' sign and shrugs handing the propieter two individually wrapped chocolate frogs with the Salamance's crest emblazoned on the backs and skips out singing 'Ravenclaw ohhhhhhh ravenclaw how we allllllllll love Ravenclaw!'*
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