Harry a Prefect?

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Will Harry become a prefect in Book 6?

Yes, of course he will
No, not a chance
Total votes : 28

Postby Albus » Thursday 24 July 2003 5:57:03pm

Two Prefects (a boy and a girl) for each House are chosen among 5th year students, so Harry would become a Prefect only if Ron were considered not able any more; which is impossible, come on, I can't think JK will play such a trick to Ron... To be "abandoned" in favour of Harry... Not possible !!!

Who will be the two new Prefects for Gryffondor ?
I think the girl will be Ginny.
I don't know the boy...
What do you think ?
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Postby Eol » Sunday 10 August 2003 9:12:46am

I don't see the need for Harry to be made a prefect now even if it were possible. My understanding of the prefect system is that there are junior and senior prefects: the juniors being the new ones chosen in the 5th year, and the seniors being those in the 6th and 7th years that were chosen when they were 5th years. As for Harry, I think he has more on his mind now than becoming a prefect. DD also recognises this and will not want to burden him with any more than necessary. As Holly mentioned early on in this topic, I would like to see Ron keep his own little piece of glory that Harry isn't a part of.
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Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 10 August 2003 10:04:17am

Dumbledore was right in not making Harry a prefect. Harry has the burden of 10 wizards; knowing he's the target of the most evil wizard who ever lived. While Harry has the responsibility of 10 wizards, he does'nt need the burden.

Harry's not being a prefect has nothing to do with his talent or maturity. Dumbledore knows he has both, and only made his decision because he didn't want to burden Harry further. Harry already carries a terrible burden, and couldn't bear to add to it.
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