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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 6 August 2003 8:42:09pm

Draco is also latin for dragon, and snake.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 6 August 2003 9:21:17pm

What about Albus Dumbledore though. I find this name brings images of being rural or maybe even klutzy and AB is anything but rural. Is JKR being deliberately deceiving with AB. Kind of like a Sheriff Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 6 August 2003 9:35:32pm

In contradiction of my first post, I just found out Dumbledore means bumblebee in Old English. Knowing this I now officially disagree with my previous post. :oops:

Of course not knowing this when I read the books, makes my original post accurate at the time. :D

Confused? I am. :???:
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Postby bludy mery » Wednesday 6 August 2003 11:14:16pm

usualy, calling a person in his last name has a different meaning. sometimes when somone is famous or or important, he is likely to be called in his last name... like "Clinton" or "Dumbledore" cause last names are more special and less used... if you said "Goarge" instaid of "Bush" you coulden't have know what "Goarge" meens.
the other meaning I think of using a last name is when he is hated or unliked... it sounds more cinicle... like: "sit down Potter" or "whats the matter Weazley???"
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Postby Devinci » Thursday 7 August 2003 4:06:14am

I always found myself explaining the Marauders as such:

Sirius, James, Peter, and Lupin....

Didn't catch on to the...interesting aspect of the names I used till a few days, go figure.

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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 7 August 2003 4:45:33am

ooh, I love learning about names...and i have posted some of these name things else where

The name Harry alone (not as a nick-name for henry) comes from the Indian "hari" which means Lion in sanskrit...

Susan (like in Susan Bones) comes from Susanna, which means "Lily" in hebrew..

Lily means purity

um...this one is my opinon...Fudge (as in the name of MoM) is a fake cuss word, usually used in place of that mother of all cuss
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Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 7 August 2003 5:56:23am

Harry as a nick-name for Henry means "master of the house", quite appropriate since he's the unofficial leader of Gryffindor. Even the prefects and upperclassmen look up to him because of what he's done and accmplished.

Draco means dragon or great snake, highly appropriate.

Dumbldedore does mean bumblebee, quite appropriate if the evidence piles up that he's a bee or wasp animagus.

Sirius Black means great dog.

Sprout means to grow, perfect for herbology.
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 7 August 2003 6:18:47pm

Yes, if you 'fudge' something then you mess it up - very appropriate.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Thursday 7 August 2003 6:27:10pm

Gwared wrote:Yes, if you 'fudge' something then you mess it up - very appropriate.

Things like this will probably vary by geographical region. But where I'm from, if you fudge something, it means you cheated or faked it. As in "Did you get the research done for your essay? No, I just fudged it."
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Postby gecko » Thursday 7 August 2003 7:01:32pm

And here was I, thinking fudge was some kind of 'soft creamy candy' :P!
C. Fudge is so influenceable, hence 'soft'!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 7 August 2003 11:26:10pm

gecko wrote:And here was I, thinking fudge was some kind of 'soft creamy candy' !
C. Fudge is so influenceable, hence 'soft'!

he he h, that works too! :lol:
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Postby choki » Friday 8 August 2003 8:07:12am

I post it somewhere but it seems to suit more here...
Minerva - a roman goddess of wisdom
Sybill - a greek prophetess
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Postby Hermy » Friday 8 August 2003 10:29:50am

choki wrote:Sybill - a greek prophetess

The "Sybill" was the Prophetess of Apollo at Delphi. When she was giving people her prophecy she would go into a deep trance (Like Trelawny in GoF?).

Apparently it is because of the toxic fumes which are coming up through the cracks in thr ground under Delphi.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Friday 8 August 2003 4:07:41pm

Hermy wrote:
choki wrote:Sybill - a greek prophetess

The "Sybill" was the Prophetess of Apollo at Delphi. When she was giving people her prophecy she would go into a deep trance (Like Trelawny in GoF?).

Apparently it is because of the toxic fumes which are coming up through the cracks in thr ground under Delphi.

Sybil Dorset is also the person who, because of an abusive childhood, developed at least 16 different personalities. Played by Sally Field in a tv movie.
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Postby Eol » Friday 8 August 2003 5:17:26pm

I've also read that Dumbledore means bumblebee and in an interview Rowling said she named him that because she imagined him walking around humming to himself :D. I can certainly picture Dumbledore doing that.
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