Witchcraft, Christianty and Harry Potter.

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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Wednesday 6 August 2003 6:48:55pm

Just because we can :lol:
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 6 August 2003 7:31:21pm

alrighty, then. lets all hurrah for me and auntie!!! jkjk :grin: :razz: :lol:
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Wednesday 6 August 2003 9:10:37pm

Some Christains should be more opened mined when it come to media. Not everything is made by the devil :lol:
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Postby Charis » Thursday 7 August 2003 3:47:47am

its true its true! having trouble figuring out where that statement came from though....lol
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Thursday 7 August 2003 3:28:11pm

Random comment...ooooh I have a artical bashing the Boy Who Lived somewhere
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Postby Theanna Glinn » Friday 8 August 2003 8:39:09pm

wahey...hmm...well to be honest i became a christian a year ago on the 30 July after living in a primarily wiccan family my whole life and to my knowledge none of my church ministers were particulalry apposed to the books..primarily because it was pointed out that it is just a fictional story. as for my own personal beliefs i dont see (please don shout at me for this) that Wicca and Evangleism (my form of christianity) practice that far differently or hold hugely different views, both believe there is a Father in heaven and respecting the correct way of life is important..treating the world with respect is also vital..the only real difference is that Wiccans dont read from the bible and often use incantations and herb lore to heal people, they also believe that the Mother..nature is concious. as far as i'm concerned the Wiccan views are not so different from my own that i would ostrasize them on what seems to me to be a purely asthetical difference...most of my family feels the same. so truly the books can only really be taken at face value...we read books to escape the reality of what we are living in...so why write a book which describes the mundane everyday lives of people who are often afraid of what tomorrow will bring? you can only really get so far with that one..fantasy, on the other hand holds endless possibilities and will always entice people simply because it takes them away from worries for a while. but really, the end line is that we all know when we come out of it that as much as we'd like it to be real, it isnt..not even in wicca itself are there anything near the variations of magic as there is in the Harry Potter books, there isnt any mention of religion in the books so you would tink that would make it an easier book for people of all beliefs to get into, not the other way round..well i've babbled without making much sense so i'm finished
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 10 August 2003 7:14:43am

primarily because it was pointed out that it is just a fictional story. as for my own personal beliefs i dont see (please don shout at me for this) that Wicca and Evangleism (my form of christianity) practice that far differently or hold hugely different views

:P Nobody gonna shout at you. everybody has the right to express their opinion. :P Don't worry, everybody here's is super nice...
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Postby bludy mery » Tuesday 12 August 2003 3:11:15am

I din't think everything in a book that is not normal or fictional is to be treated as its a witchcrafet guide of somthin'... Some blokes' had their opinions (or in some place in Australia not letting kids reading it) I guess cause' it had a great sucsess... And maybe it makes people wonder... why do so many people love it? and the psycos' sea it like it has some devilish influece or somethin' maybe...
I'm not a Christion
but inthe Jewish religion There is less fear and avoidness (like the witch hunts in europe in the past) from witchcraft than in Christianaty I think (know I spelled it wrong)
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 9 September 2003 7:52:12am

I really have to wonder if the same religious leaders who denounce Harry Potter denounce CS Lewis's Chronicals of Narnia with the same voice. Both are set in magical worlds with talking beasts and magical items, and have fights of good verses evil. While Chronicals definately have a Christian theme (religion verses other religion or satanism), Harry Potter has theme more consistant with World War II (master races destined to rule).

Just a thought.
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Postby hedwigslove57 » Wednesday 10 September 2003 7:17:00pm

my parents both detest anything to do with wicca or a religion based on it or similair even thought they are not very religious people. though they dont like wicca my mom has read all of the books and LOVE them ALMOST as much as myself. my dad just last night finally convinced him to start reading the first one! i have to admit i have looked in to wicca and it doesnt seem horrible or anything its just "being connected with nature" and if thats your way of having faith then it shouldnt be judged as much as it is. (sorry charis i never told you that i looked into it i thought you would be all weird and well...christiany lol) as ive said ive looked into but im not a practicer of it i just wanted to see what is was like. right now i still do not really have a religion..:(
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Postby azn wizard » Thursday 11 September 2003 4:34:22am

itz usually the extremes of each religion that causes problems and disagreements. I mean, sometimes people just get too involved emotionally and do things out of the norm.
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Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 11 September 2003 8:17:53am

Too true. Many of the world's problems have been based on intolerance of religious differences. I don't just mean Muslin extremists on 9/11 (they were extremists, not mainstream). Or the boody crusades in the middle ages to take back the holy land from the heathens (Christians verses Muslims). I hade a hate crime committed in my neighborhood a few years ago - a cross burned on a woman's lawn because she was Morman. It shocked me, because I thought I lived in a decent neighborhood where people were tolerant of each other's differences.

I just want to scream WHY CAN"T WE ALL GET ALONG? I don't care if my neighbors are Muslins, Jewish, Athetists, Wiccan, Morman, black, asian, hispanic, or anything else, I just want to leave in peace with my fellow mankind, even if we are different. Not Kill them all, and let God sort them out, but, live in peace together, and let God sort them out after a natural death.

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Postby azn wizard » Friday 12 September 2003 4:24:58am

i guess itz really the environment you grew up in...i mean, peer influence means alot. if you were taught a certain way consistently since you were little, you would believe in the things you are taught. i mean, of course there are the occasional "odd balls" who don't go with the general flow, but in a society predominated by a certain though, the odd balls won't make too much of a difference. Most of us are very tolerent and "liberal" people nowadays mostly b/c we learn about equality and fairness.
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