Witchcraft, Christianty and Harry Potter.

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Postby Shadow » Tuesday 5 August 2003 5:39:17am

I am a Christian and I love the books. It's not something that we normally bring up in church, but people don't go around saying that you shouldn't read it. I do have a friend, who is also Christian, and her parents believe it's evil, but everyone has their own opinion.
I guess some Christians may think that it's evil because in the bible, it states that we should not be associated with witchcraft, and some people take that very literally, and don't believe that you should even read the books. I, however, don't think that the books are that bad as long as you don't start practicing magic and stuff like that. I was talking with another friend of mine, and she said that they were just books, and it's not like some kid's going to brake off a branch, wave it around and start yelling spells.
Also, if you look at books like LotR, there is magic and wizards in it, and people see parallels in there to the bible, and they don't consider it evil.
But, anyway, there's my 2 cents in the matter.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 5 August 2003 7:30:30am

HUffleDuck, that's for that link. That kind of thing makes me soo mad too... :mad:

If people dont' want to read the books because they consider them evil, and going against their beliefs, I think that is fine. I don;'t agree with their perception, but that's why I'm not following that path.

I see the books as a great thing for childern, mainly because, apart from beinga fun and entertaining story (that I enjoy) it gets them out from infront of televisions and computer games, and makes their minds/imaginations work. I cannot being myself to think of this as a bad thing. The books are classes as fiction, not fact. If they were sets of instrustions for creating magic etc, that woudl be differrent, but come on?

But still, not the point. I find that people doing public demonstrations burning books is just disgusting. I dont' see how they have the right to try to force their opinions on others. Also, I cannot see how church members/patrons etc can feel that it is right to look down upon people reading these books because they see them as evil? Since when is this not judging???

Be it Harry Potter or not, I can't stand people trying to ram their opinions downt he throat of other people, and or treating them different just because they have a different opinion. I like the books, but I'm hardly going to look down or argue with someone who doesn't... unless they get up in my face with book burnings!

Anyways, I think I've ranted enough! *hehehe*

Have a good day, Holly ;)
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Postby Hermy » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:33:27am

ditto to all the stuff that Holly just wrote.

What are we coming to when people burn children's books????!!

It is not as though it is really violent. Not physically. The only violence come from magic, which most kids are going to accept they are never going to be able to do themselves. There is no swearing, no s*x and if it gets kids reading and discussing books then WHAT IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!??????
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 5 August 2003 1:18:45pm

I wholeheartedly agree with holly amd hermy (that's fun to say : holly and hermy, like you are some kind of duo, hehe lol :P) !

If people were to go and burn bibles, those people (the ones who burn HP) would be really angry, but now they're doing the same thing! So hypocritical!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 5 August 2003 2:24:48pm

Exactly! And I would have no more patience for someone who burned Bibles that I have for people burning HP, or anything else like that for that matter!

People are entitled to their own opinions, without others judging that they are wrong for them! Especially on simple things like wether or not to read Harry Potter novels!

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Postby Shadow » Tuesday 5 August 2003 3:38:46pm

I agree, people should have their own opinions about wheather or not to read Harry Potter. I'm not saying that what the Church did to the book is OK, I'm just saying that they have just as much right to burn them as we do to read them. I know it seems very wrong, but I can sort of see where their coming from, though I do think it's extreme to actually burn the books. What makes me mad is that they probably bought the books just to burn them, because why else would they have them if they think they were evil?
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Postby Charis » Tuesday 5 August 2003 4:37:03pm

I am a strong christian, go to a good church and a small christian school. some of my friends at church read Harry Potter, and it is not condemned, but, I'm pretty sure my pastor doesn't read HP. however, my dad used to be a pastor and loves the books!

the one thing that gets me most about christians condemning Harry Potter is that most of those who say Harry Potter is evil know nothing other than its a book about a "wizard". (I'm not saying there isn't the rare few, but i've only met one who has actually read at least one of the books and still thinks they're evil.) Like, my friend from church just recently started reading HP. (she was there when I got my book 5, saw how crazy i went, and I'm pretty sure decided she better read these books for herself :razz: ) she was never a commited Harry Potter is evil preacher, but thought it best to stay away from the books. in combination of me and her sister we finally got her to read them!

At my school, I face alot of opposition about HP. I have two good friends who have read and love HP like I do, and as far as I know there's only two other people who like them. what REALLY made me mad was a couple years ago, our "headmaster" (prinicipal) had a speaker come in early in the morning before classes started, to hold a sort of session about how HP is evil! I didn't hear the lecture (nothing could conduce to get to school earlier) but my mom (who also loves HP) read her article and could counter everything she wrote, because my mom has read the Bible as well as the books! (I am fairly sure this woman had never opened a page of HP).

The book burning makes me incredibly mad as well, but not JUST because of the reasons other people have already said. it makes me mad because of the example of christians it sends to the world. the christians who burn the books and condemn HP seem hypocritical, prejuciced, and closed minded. because of what they do, these "christians" show the non chrisitan community that image. please, dont ever believe all christians are like that! I'm not saying other christians are perfect, no, we are VERY FAR from it! but i don't believe those chrisitans who get on the news are following in the example of Christ at all... they are doing a very bad job of it.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 5 August 2003 4:59:25pm

I think that that is like alot of things though! Only the really fanatics get recognised in the news and whatever, and so people who want to judge take that as a response for everyone, when it is almost always not the case.

I try to to make assesments of groups/whatever due to just the stuff that you see/hear about, but it is hard, and we all do stuff up sometimes! :)
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Postby Charis » Tuesday 5 August 2003 6:23:49pm

very true, Holly :D
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 5 August 2003 6:51:38pm

:-? What makes me angry is that they shouldn't burn books, instead if they hated it.. They should go and recycle the book instead of burning it. Burning books is the sign of evil, like that of Hitler. [b]SAVE THE TREES AND NATURE[/b.

GRRRR.. I hate people who burn books doesn't what type of books. :evil: :mad:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 5 August 2003 7:07:32pm

I have been trying really hard around my community to save trees from being cut down for company or building new stores or any restaurant. Everywhere i see is tree being cut down and they put up unless stores or building up. Why not use the building that had been abandon and built a new one. Everyday they keep cutting down trees and build things that we don't need or needed for anything. They just wanna make money and compete against other stores. Soon there will be no more trees left or any forest left here in US or maybe the whole world.... I have read the article from Geographic, that Amazon forest is being invaded everydays... And we know that we need the forest more than the population of that country. for most of our oxygen came from that forest. Who knows what will happen if that forest is destroyed. That's why we need to save and recycle as much as we can. For nothing will last long. if everybody in the whole world knows how to and be able to recycle papers and other things that can be recycled, then we don't have much pollution around the world. the world is getting dirty every second. :-?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 5 August 2003 7:12:23pm

I'm glad that you think such things are important, HuffleDuck! I do too. Perhaps we/you should start another topic on that, as it hasn't got that much to do with this!

www.futureforests.com !
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 5 August 2003 7:44:12pm

yeah.. it was meant for another topic.. but i hit the wrong button... :razz:

I'm very clumsy when i do more than one thing at a time. :lol:
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Wednesday 6 August 2003 4:00:23am

We all are Hurrah for Charis! :grin: and Auntie! :grin:
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 6 August 2003 6:44:32pm

LOL :lol: TABF...but why are we hurrahing for Auntie? :-?
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