Daily Prophet

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Daily Prophet

Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 5 August 2003 6:03:23am

I already posted this in the whatif thread where i posted my waht if idea, but thought i'd give this its own thread so more people would see it.

zledm007 wrote:Paul,
I got another idea. What about a forum called The Daily Prophet where people can put any announcements they want to make or write newspaper articles about whatever they want, editorials or factual stuff or whatever. i got the idea while looking through my dad's old stuff and he used to, in high shcool and shortly after, be a sports writer for a newspaper in South Dakota and in Nashville Tennessee (he moved) It was just really interesting and i thought it would be interesting to see waht kind of articles people here would write. (of anywhere i could think of, this was the one place where there was a group of people, all of whom could write well.) i threw in the announcement thing to kind of tie it into the board a little more. just an idea. what do you guys think??
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Postby Lolita Banana » Wednesday 6 August 2003 10:42:19pm

I think it's a great idea!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 7 August 2003 5:14:24am

Again, I support it...and since writing is my thing (and prolly my major-to-be) I would be very interested in moding it...please??? Zledm007 and I did something like this in a Sophomore Lit class, and it was a success
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 12 August 2003 6:39:42pm

The Daily Prophet sounds an interesting title for a forum section. I'm sure I'm being really silly here but I'm not too sure I understand the concept though and how it differs to The Great Hall (the lack of understanding is my fault, I'm sure, not anyone else's - I think the hot weather is frazzling my brain). :) Can someone post an example post or two here (if necessary just make something up). :-)
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 12 August 2003 7:07:50pm

I always thought thats what we use Great Hall for.

Well, I guess what zledm means is like in Great Hall we post...er...just about everything, and he suggests us to have a forum filled only with News. (harry potter, world news, new computer virus alerts....i dont know)

While it may be a good idea, I think that so far we were putting the news together with other stuff in Great Hall - and it worked just fine. People go to great hall a lot of times so.....its pretty popular, and news get across. What Im trying to say - that I have seen in that some forum places divide movies into 1,2,3,4 and for books they have 5 sections..... the forum becomes huge and a lot of it is no longer used.

did i just confused everyone? :grin:
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 12 August 2003 7:25:28pm

Nope, I (think I) understand you! :Þ

On this other forum I go to we have a news section. However, I never go there, because people posts things in there, that I can see on the television or hear about on the radio too. What really bothered me there, is that people would go to news-websites and start a new topic for every newsfact there was, the result: a lot of topics with 2 maybe 3 replies.

Oh if your idea about a Daily Prophet section is like totally different, then please don't see the above as critisism on that!
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 13 August 2003 8:29:12pm

ok, i was thinking more of something where people write their own articles on really whatever they want, but that have written by them. i've got an idea on how to map it out too. if it's created, there would be really only five threads, one for world news, one for local news (anything that happens on and around their hometown that they think is interesting and other people might be intersted in) one for sports, one for harry potter news, and one for other stuff like any announcements people want to make or whatever really. but other than that there really wouldn't be the need for any more threads. (well, maybe one explaining the forum and any rules there may be for it) anyway, i hope that clears things up a bit.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Sunday 17 August 2003 8:57:04pm

so the important thing if I understand well is that posts must "sound" like newspaper articles ???
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Postby zledm007 » Sunday 17 August 2003 10:54:56pm

yeah, sort of. jsut a place for people to esperiment w/ their writing desires w/out having to write a fanfic. and in addition, people may find out stuff about ather places they didn't know.
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Postby Paul » Monday 18 August 2003 8:11:00pm

On the surface it seems OK, but I can't help wondering what would be left to go in the Great Hall. Like Gecko and Mint have said, The Great Hall is already a place for everyone to meet and discuss news, events, and general announcements (it's also where I usually announce any possible down-time for the forum for example during upgrades as I figure it's where most members visit as one of the first places to go on the forum).
Last edited by Paul on Monday 18 August 2003 8:15:47pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 18 August 2003 8:14:03pm

that's true for me
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 19 August 2003 4:39:09pm

yeah, you're right. it was just an idea.
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 20 August 2003 11:20:37am

Still, it was good to discuss it - always worthwhile investigating new ideas, even if not all of them are immediately put into the forum itself. :) I think there is certainly a good idea there, but how to differentiate it to the things already in The Great Hall is the only problem. There's always room for experimentation here on the forum, so it may be something we could try in some form in the future if there was a way to keep news and things in The Great Hall as it is, yet create something extra (and particularly different to The Great Hall) for The Daily Phophet. :)
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Postby choki » Sunday 7 September 2003 3:41:55pm

well actually before i've seen this, i created a daily prophet thread in Zonko's. It is a good place to practise writing...but that is not a very serious thread...if u would like to share information there is also a information kiosk in Zonko's...
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