Idea about the circumstances of Harry and Neville's births

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Idea about the circumstances of Harry and Neville's births

Postby Elana » Wednesday 9 July 2003 7:27:10am

When you think about it, doesn't it seem odd that both the Potters and the Longbottoms - the only two married couples in the original OotP (according to Moody's picture) - while in the middle of a terrible war against evil in which they are all active participants - both choose the exact same time to settle down and start a family? Harry and Neville are both born on the same day, which means they must have been concieved at close to the same time. I'm wondering if there might have been some sort of plan put in place by the two sets of parents, some sort of magic that could be worked with the conception of a child to grant him power against Voldemort.

In that case, the prophecy would just be a confirmation that their plan had worked. Of course, then you have to wonder why Dumbledore didn't tell Harry - could he still be sheltering him, or might he not know himself?

If this is true, Neville would still have some special part to play in Voldemort's defeat, even if it is Harry who must bring about his ultimate downfall. Perhaps it is only by chance that Voldemort went after Harry first. Knowing the prophecy, he must have been seeking to eliminate both boys. Both families would have had to take similar precautions to protect them. Voldemort got lucky in that Wormtail was willing to betray the Potters - maybe the Longbottom's Secret Keeper was more trustworthy. When the opportunity to take out Harry presented itself, V took it, undoubtedly meaning to continue to pursue Neville afterward (which of couse he was unable to do).

At first I thought Ron might be part of the plan too, but the Weasley's weren't part of the original Order, so it looks like it's just Harry and Neville. I was making these guesses right after they found the prophecy, but before they knew what it was, so I was dissapointed that nothing came of it by the end of the book. But it still might be a part of the future books. What do you think?
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Secret Keepers

Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:36:08am

It would be interesting to know if the Longbottoms had a secret keeper. The prophecy would explain why the Potters knew Voldemort was after them, and why they went into hiding. The Longbottoms might have done the same, only to relax after Voldemort fell. They were Aurors, after all, and they'd be out hunting down the death eaters. Unfortunately, the Lestranges and Barty Crouch, Jr. got them first.
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Postby Enchanter » Wednesday 9 July 2003 2:34:33pm

Just to clarify, harry and Neville were not born the same day. they were born at the end of july
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:55:36pm

yes they were born at the end of july, the could be born the same day, we don't know
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Postby Devinci » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:37:31pm

Harry and Neville being born on the same day, or in the same time period at least, probably does play a significant role...a plot thickening will probably come from it. But it all does seem a little far fetched...I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of people born on the same day as each other in this day and age...and there's no significance there. But...after all, we are talking Harry Potter, not the real world.

I think that it's really strange that Harry's parents were killed and Neville's weren't. I think that Neville's parents, though as sadly insane as they are, will play an important role. At least I hope they will...poor Neville.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:35:13am

Hrmm, Idont' think that the fact that Neville and Harry were both born same year at the end of July was done on purpose, just coincidental... After all, what parents would opt to have a child that they knew was gong to be in mortal danger for a great period of it's life, untill it either killed, or was killed by Voldie??? :o None I'd think!

BUt yes, I do hope that we see more of Neville's aprents, and hopefully, they will recover, hopefully... :(

Also, any ideas on what was with her giving Neville all those wrappers??? :???: interesting I'm thinking!!!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 1 August 2003 3:51:50pm

hmmm....while re-reading PoA, I noticed that while on the Knight Bus, harry uses Neville's name...of all the names of all the characters in the books, Harry uses Neville's...

Now I was thinking...

what if back 15 years ago when Harry and Neville were born, they preformed a switching spell Neville was thrust into Harry's body and life, and Harry was thrust into Neville's body and life...and since they were babies, they have no idea this happened...but it was a tactic used to confuse Lord if he knew Harry was the One so he went to kill Harry in Godric Hollow, but he really only attacked Neville in a Harry Body???? Hmmmm....this is confusing and making my head hurt...
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 1 August 2003 4:30:39pm

Well, then, how can Harry be the spitting image of James? Or Neville the image of Alice Longbottom? Perhaps polyjuice potion or disillusionment charms would work, but for 14 years?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 1 August 2003 4:45:45pm

Ok, I am saying that Neville's spirit (for lack of a better word) is inside of Harry's body's the body that has the spitting image of James...and since Harry's spirit in in the body shell of Neville, its Neville's body that is the spitting image of Alice...

I am just theorizing...I am prolly wrong, mind you...but wouldn't it be crazy if it were true..?
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Postby Lolita Banana » Friday 1 August 2003 5:19:44pm

Meg I think you may be onto something. ALso, I was thinking something about protecting Neville, because he wasn't strong enough to deal with that kinda stuff. Harry was. Maybe they wanted 2 chances to have someone to overpower Voldie. Hmmm i dunno.
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Postby Eol » Saturday 9 August 2003 10:08:35am

I just think it is just coincidence that Neville and Harry were born in the same month. There must be plenty of students that were born in July, but only the Longbottoms and the Potters defied voldy 3 times. I also think that Dumbledore would not have told the others about the specifics of the prophecy, so as to not give them false hope. I'm sure that a select few members of the order know the specifics of the prophecy, possibly Aberforth and Arthur Weasley. Perhaps the Potters, as well as the Longbottoms as they would have wanted a reason for going into hiding.
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Postby Gwared » Saturday 9 August 2003 10:55:49am

Hehe, statistics! There are (for arguements sake) say, 5 students per s*x in each house/yr. And 12 months in the year. Therefore on average 5 students in each year share a birthday in every month (5 in Jan, Feb etc).

This means 5 students in Harry's year share July birthdays...

(damn this is really cheap statistics, I wish I could remember some more meaningful stuff!)

There is an 83% chance of two sharing the same house (6 houses does give the possibility of spreading them out)

And a 42% chance that they share the same house and are the same s*x (Harry and Neville).

There is also a 10% chance of this occuring and them both being born in the latter quarter of the month...therefore it would happen every ten years at Hogwarts based on my estimate of student numbers. If you increased to JK's no of students the likelihood grows yet further.

Well, that was pretty basic but it means that the likelihood of Harry and Nevilles births could have happened by chance.
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Postby Veela » Sunday 10 August 2003 7:38:43pm

I think Neville is going to come into his own in future plotlines. The fact that they were born at roughly the same time is probably down to chance. The significance to Voldemort though, is the fact that both children were born to parents in the order. Harry must be the right child though, as he was 'marked' by Voldemort, as in the prophesy; his scar. Don't forget also, that Dumbledore said that Voldemort recognised himself in Harry: "He saw himself in you before he had ever seen you." Neville has a lot to live up to and although he won't be the one who defeats Voldemort, I believe he'll have a brave role to play, perhaps losing his life in the final battle.
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Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 10 August 2003 7:48:52pm

Neville is brave, far braver than anybody gives him credit for. Malfoy ridiculed him, his own grandmother says he doesn't have his father's talent.

However, when it counted, he showed he is brave. He took on Ron, Harry, and Hermoine in book 1, and, except for Harry, was the last man standing during the battle of the department of mysteries.

I don't think he's right about his grandmother's take on the loss of his father's wand. It was broken during a fight against evil. Neville is NOT his father, (and neither is Harry), but that's ok. Frank gave his sanity to fight evil. Neville gave up a wand. His grandmother will be proud. Maybe now she's realize that his father lives on in Neville.
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Postby Eol » Monday 11 August 2003 7:12:17pm

In OotF, Neville worked so hard in the DA that only Hermione mastered things faster than him. That is an amazing statement to Neville's talent given the vast numbers in the group as well as the talent there (Fred, George, Angelina----> all 7th years)
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