The Death (total spoiler)- I'm feeling let-down.

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Colin » Tuesday 8 July 2003 10:18:02pm

I too was shocked that Sirius died. But the manner of his death may help Harry grow up.

There was no body. When this happens, people start searching for reasons why The deceased is still alive - somewhere. This is very hard for Harry. In the end, Harry will have to let him go. I think this act will put some steel in Harry. Make him tougher.

Now I want Harry to find Sirius also, but I doubt it will happen. Last night I finished rereading book 5 and it struck me that there may be a way for them to speak to each other.

A portrait. Someplace in his world, there could be a portrait of Sirius. Perhaps Harry will think of this in Book6:)
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Postby bobafett_12 » Wednesday 9 July 2003 6:57:59am

:-? :cry: the death of sirius came as a huge shock to me and made me feel horribly depressed. however, most of what people are saying on this thread is true and i agree with it. the fact that the curse which hit sirius wasnt the cause of his death. If it had been the AV curse, I'm pretty positive that JKR would have elaborated on this, making it seem more connected to the other deaths that Harry has had to bear in his life. Almost everybody that was close to Harry that has died was killed by the AV curse: His parents, Cedric, many wizards that were important to the cause of fighting Volldemort... If Sirius had been killed by the AV curse, JKR would have said so. Also, regarding the arch and veil, I'm quite sure that it will play some huge part in the revisiting of Sirius in the future. The chamber was called the "Death Chamber", something that i did not pick up on until reading this thread. Someone said that it may be some kind wizard execution chamber, but i have something quite different in mind. Harry and Luna could both hear voices on the other side of the arch. When Harry is talking to Nearly Headless Nick, JKR writes in a huge emphasis about people becoming ghosts. Nick explains that he was afraid of death, and that was the reason that he had become a ghost, almost like it was an option that peolpe could choose at the time of their death. My theory is that the ministry may provide some way for people to become ghosts.......and i have some kind of rising suspicion that this arch is some kind of ministry tool to help people become ghosts by walking through it. This theory also has its opposition points, mainly stated by Nick, a ghost himself. He states something like, "Wizards can leave an imprint of themselves upon the earth, to walk palely where their living selves once trod, but very few wizards choose this path."
He goes on to say, "He will not come back, He will have.......Gone on."
However, he then later says, "I know nothing of the secrets of death, Harry, for I chose my feeble imitation of life instead. I believe learned wizards study it in the Department of Mysteries--" then Harry gets angry and tells Nick not to talk to him about that place. This suggests however that wizards within the misistry, within the department of secrets, study people becoming ghosts. Overall, I feel that this archway and veil have something to do with people becoming ghosts and that Sirius Might possibly come back as a ghost. This would we be both Joyful in Harry's situation, but I think it would overall be a more sad discovery. If Sirius did become a ghost, he would only be left with the pale and sorrowful imitation of life. He would then never be able to see the people he loved after he died. He would be able to be with Harry for a short while. But, after Harry eventually died(i know, i hate thinking about it too), Sirius would be left with no one. He would never see anyone that he loved ever again, including Harry. Therefore, unlike many other people, I hope that Sirius does not resort to coming back as a ghost, and that Harry will not be so selfish as to wish for this any longer. Just some thoughts that i hope will help people realize that Sirius's "death" may mean that it has to be the way it is, and couldnt be any other way.
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:57:15am

Interesting observation, bobafett_12. I agree with you that Sirius would probably not come back as a ghost. Perhaps he will come back in another way, such as in memories and such, if he does come back to the books at all, but definitely not as a ghost. Sir Nicholas has already said that it's people who are afraid of the other world (in death) and dare not find out what's in store for them after they died who are able to remain on Earth as ghosts. Sirius, for all his faults, is anything but a coward. He would not be afraid of facing something new, so I don't see him choose to "walk palely where their living selves once trod" either.
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Postby Albus » Wednesday 9 July 2003 1:42:42pm

Was Hermione or Ron or Ginny present and awake when Sirius died ?
If it was so, there is a way through which we can know if Sirius really died and won't come back: the one who saw him die will be able to see thestrals... If he/she doesn't, we can hope in Sirius's return...
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 2:16:16pm

Hermione was unconscious, Ron was still befuddled and trapped in the brain room, Ginny twisted an ankle and was in the brain room as well... so it seems like only Harry out of the gang of 6 saw Sirius died...
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On The death

Postby the_next_hermione007 » Friday 25 July 2003 3:44:43am

Ok. Here is how it is with Sirius. Though he only seemed to be in the end of the third book that is not true. He was talked about during the whole thing though in a differnet light then as we see him in the end. Also he wasn't just in the fourth book in letters. They visited him once or twice in the cave he was staying at and after the whole incident with Voldemort he also came and was there to hear Harry retell the story. Another thing his death. Some say they think he is going to come back well i agree, but not in the way they are thinking. His death will abviously come into play later on in the next books. Also reasons that we know he is really dead.
1) Dumbledore says it's his fault that Sirius died. He wouldn't say this unless he were really dead.
2) Sir Nicholas says he won't come back as a ghost. Again he wouldn't have brought this up if he weren't really dead.
Reasons why I think JK killed him
1) She killed one of the main sources of help Harry had and now he will have to do it more on his own and won't have the support and help of his godfather
2) She had to show the power of Lord Voldemort. If she killed of some unimportant character then we as the readers wouldn't get the full affect of the power he has

Well now you know what i think.
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Postby Devinci » Friday 25 July 2003 4:17:26am

Sirius' death came...hard. I was in my 5 hours rush-of-reading-to-finish-the-book stage, and...bam. I was balling like a baby.
I agree, at some points in the book, Sirius was a little...childish about things. But I just thought it made him all the cuter...what a passionate guy.
Anyway, I couldn't believe that JK would kill him, like someone said earlier on the thread...he was only in the books for so short a time...WHY?!?!?!?! :crying:
I've had relapses of Sirius Black Denial...just yesterday, in my drunken saddness, I sat in the middle of my friends living room screaming "Why, Sirius, WHY!!!" But, I wasn't alone. It's amazing how many people can join in a "lets all howl lowdly like dogs in memory of sirius black because we're all friggin psycho!" game....
Anyway, to put things short...and sweet...(too late) I thought that Sirius' death was horrid, at the same time, almost humbling. Makes Harry seem all the more real...*If harry dies...I will kill*
:o :o :o
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Postby Gwared » Friday 25 July 2003 11:41:00am

Albus wrote:Was Hermione or Ron or Ginny present and awake when Sirius died ?
If it was so, there is a way through which we can know if Sirius really died and won't come back: the one who saw him die will be able to see thestrals... If he/she doesn't, we can hope in Sirius's return...

Sirius is dead! I am now 100% sure of this fact for a no. of reasons:

JK said if somebody dies they remain dead

JK loved the character she killed so much she cried

Passing beyond the veil is a well known example of symbolism for death

Every character at the end of that book who knows, i.e. Lupin, Dumbledore etc, says that he is dead.

Their are probably more reasons but I'm all drained now (job-hunting!), but I am convinced he is dead. That however, does not mean he cannot reappear!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Friday 25 July 2003 2:30:31pm

haha good one, i agree. Sirus was such a vital character, i do think its going to be hard for harry in the future (not being able to write to anyone when hes in trouble and things). I do feel sry... :cry:
And all the people who think he will come back in a painting, I DONT THINK SO! :mad:
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Friday 25 July 2003 4:00:45pm

I admit that Sirirus death came as a shocker. I can understand what JK was trying to do. I've done the same thing in my own writtings. She giving Harry a more warrior-like mind. The death will cause a lot of grief and it makes him feel that he's all alone. That will feul his love and hate. Making him in a more of a fighter and a warrior than anything
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