
Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby Gwared » Saturday 19 July 2003 12:05:31pm

*Resignedly (word?) Hire starts to mop up the water and clean up the mess*

Well it's the cleanest this place has ever been!
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 22 July 2003 1:46:51pm

*Mint looks at Hire trying to clean up the room full of water and goo.*

:o do that......

Oh look, Holly turned into a mermaid!!!!! :eek:

*Drags Holly to the counter*

Just because you got a fin - doesn't mean you are relieved from your duties!!! :evil:

*Couple of customers swim towards Mint and beg her to open the door*

Oh no no no - you must order first!!! :evil:

*lights flicker and turn back on*

:o Who fixed the lights?
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 22 July 2003 3:43:31pm

Swims deep down into the restaurant

If we can open that door. all the water will be drained..

*trying to open it, but it stuck* :-?

Shrugs and starts swimming around the restaurant
Woohoo weeeee... eating shrimps :P
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Postby choki » Tuesday 22 July 2003 3:44:38pm

hmmmm.....what is this place? Hello? anyone here? i wanna place my order
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 22 July 2003 4:32:55pm

choki wrote:hmmmm.....what is this place? Hello? anyone here? i wanna place my order

Yes? :-? What would you like? We have goo and water (water everywhere and not a drop to drink!).

The goo and water combo is only 7000 galleons.
The water and goo combo is a mere 5000 galleons.

Water or goo on there own costs 10000 galleons.

You now have 10 seconds to decide what you want before I kill you.

Have a nice day :)
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Postby Blueberry » Wednesday 23 July 2003 6:30:22am

Hellooooooooooooo.... anybody here???

I wanna work here.......any open position( like manager)? :-)

*Looks around the window* c-c-c-an' t open the d-o-o-r*

*looking furious* Humph..

*knocks on the door harder* Open the door i wanna apply for a job here..
I hear something rumbling inside and some.. some.. some... chicken sounding like plasting stuffs inside...

:eek: :eek: Uh Oh.....WAR?????
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 23 July 2003 3:37:26pm

*Walks into the restaraunt*

"Hello! whos the order dude i want some food now, im starving, and i heard in the Happy potter meals we get free wands. Is that true"
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Postby choki » Wednesday 23 July 2003 4:05:33pm there something more edible?
Well, I was thinking of some chicken wings :evil:
Free wands? Happy Potter Meal?
Hey I want free gift too....I demand freebies....
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 23 July 2003 8:21:23pm

*As customers manage to open the door all of the water/goo starts to rush outside*

Ahhh! :evil:

*Mint grabs the fridge door in attempt to not be washed away. Couple of Huffleduck's shrimps get stuck in her hair. Some of the customers run outside screaming smth. Mint runs and shuts the door before others can escape*

Did I just hear you say FREE? :evil:

Huffleduck, Holly and Hire - what is out official punishment for people mentioning the word Free??? :evil:

*Mint ties Choki and M.Baker to the fridge*

how can they possibly mention the word free when our goal is to overcharge people!!!! the horror!!!!

*Shrimps are now all over the place......some of them still alive :o *
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Postby HuffleDuck » Thursday 24 July 2003 1:38:45am

:grin: Glad to mention it Mint.
Our official punishment for customers who want FREE stuffs are:

Rule #1
Customers who want free food have to pay a price :evil:
If not paying our ways, we'll not be nice :evil:
Either work for us for free the next 50years.
If refused, we'll make you fear
We'll take all that you posessed
And make you our little pet.

Rule #2

Customers who walk into our restaurant, without buying anything
Will be charged for standing on our property
IF refused to pay and whining
Our punishment will be harsh and let it be
The lesson to those who want free food.
For there's no such thing as free goods.

Rule #3 :-? I forgot......

Oh no.. my shrimps... Swimming around to pick them up
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Postby choki » Thursday 24 July 2003 7:36:48am

Hey...if i'm paying 5000 galleons for water and goo, there must be something that is worth it...A wand from Salamence's wand shop only costs a few knuts...that remind me...I'm an assistant there....
Be nasty to me...and i will break ur wand into half :evil:
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 24 July 2003 11:13:10am

choki wrote:Hey...if i'm paying 5000 galleons for water and goo, there must be something that is worth it...A wand from Salamence's wand shop only costs a few knuts...that remind me...I'm an assistant there....
Be nasty to me...and i will break ur wand into half :evil:

*Snarls menacingly in the corner and looks at superiors for what action should be taken against such a rude customer :x *
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Postby Mint » Thursday 24 July 2003 1:52:10pm

*Mint applauds to Huffleduck*

That was beautiful!!!!! We have our own poet!!!

*Mint turns around and stares at tied choki*

Oh well excuuuse me, but do you see anyone here using wands? Noooo, thats cause we do not use magic in McWizards :evil: duuuh

Now then, either u pay 5000 and buy our er...special water and goo, or you will slave for us for the rest of you lives!!!! :evil grin: Eh? Time is up! Hire - you are now Senior Director of Janitor Department - these 2 will work under you. :evil:

Mua-ha-ha-ha..huh..what is this? :???:

*a shrimp bites Mint*....oh... :o ...i didn't know shrimps can bite...... :-?

*suddenly a huuge shrimp crawles out from the back of the store. Customers yet again run around in panic*

Oh great! :eek: Chickazilla mutated into a giant carnivorous shrimp! .....
:evil: Oh what r u looking at! back to work everybody! :evil:

*Mint goes off after remaining customers*
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 24 July 2003 2:00:48pm

sneaks back to McWizards and goes to a phone booth located outside the swamp....erm...RESTAURANT :razz: to call Mr. President (a.k.a. Wilwizard)

to Wilwizard: Sir, I think you need to come back here to see what's going down at this place...this place has become a health hazard and breaking about 50,000,000 million codes :o :razz: ...

decides not to be nice about it anymore :o :razz:


runs in the door to see Mint's hostage crisis :razz: and a scary looking chicken/shrimp monster! :o WHOA! :eek: :lol: tries to take in all the insanity...

Mint, you got some 'splainin to do!! :evil: :lol:
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 24 July 2003 3:47:44pm

*Mint turns around and stares at tied choki*

Oh well excuuuse me, but do you see anyone here using wands? Noooo, thats cause we do not use magic in McWizards :evil: duuuh

Now then, either u pay 5000 and buy our er...special water and goo, or you will slave for us for the rest of you lives!!!! :evil grin: Eh? Time is up! Hire - you are now Senior Director of Janitor Department - these 2 will work under you. :evil:
run around in panic*[quote]

Right choki, you can do...erm, stuff, yeah that's right...stuff. While I, erm...growl at people...

*goes off to corner and growls at customers who look like leaving, either without paying or without buying anything!!*
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