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Meg Boyd wrote:I think Hermione and Ron are the first rate couple in the end. There might be some turbulence getting there...i mean there already is, with Krum and Ron's own ignorance...however if Ron is not interested in Hermione, why did he get her perfume for Christmas...I mean I have 2 guy friends like that and I'm pretty sure a present from them consists of either an expired coupon or an inflatable crocodile...with perfume, I smell a romance...ignore the pun...but I do think the trio will survive with a couple in the mix, though there might be some intial weirdness...but honestly, can you see Hermione and Ron as the snuggle-infront-of-everyone-sickning-type of couple? PDA is usually the type that cause jealousy...i see more of a Leia/Hans
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I think Harry will meet up with either one of two people...the first is almost predicatable with Harry and would be nice though if it happened...however...
You can chide me if you wish, but hey...maybe a romance with Harry and a girl who hasn't been mentioned much at all and barely got mentioned in book 5, but I feel will have a significance, if not a romance...Susan Bones. Why, you ask? I dunno, this might sound silly but if i am correct, five people in the first HP movie were shown at the sorting...Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Susan...if in the movie they chose to not show all of the other people being sorted, why did they chose to show Susan...they didn't even show an interview on the DVD JKR said she needed to put things in the script that seemed stupid then, but would come in to play the fact that Susan is derived from the name Susanna, which means Lily in hebrew...just a fun fact
sorry for the book i just wrote, don't hate me please
Lizzy Bennet wrote:Meg Boyd wrote:I think Hermione and Ron are the first rate couple in the end. There might be some turbulence getting there...i mean there already is, with Krum and Ron's own ignorance...however if Ron is not interested in Hermione, why did he get her perfume for Christmas...I mean I have 2 guy friends like that and I'm pretty sure a present from them consists of either an expired coupon or an inflatable crocodile...with perfume, I smell a romance...ignore the pun...but I do think the trio will survive with a couple in the mix, though there might be some intial weirdness...but honestly, can you see Hermione and Ron as the snuggle-infront-of-everyone-sickning-type of couple? PDA is usually the type that cause jealousy...i see more of a Leia/Hans
As the post keeps going...
I think Harry will meet up with either one of two people...the first is almost predicatable with Harry and would be nice though if it happened...however...
You can chide me if you wish, but hey...maybe a romance with Harry and a girl who hasn't been mentioned much at all and barely got mentioned in book 5, but I feel will have a significance, if not a romance...Susan Bones. Why, you ask? I dunno, this might sound silly but if i am correct, five people in the first HP movie were shown at the sorting...Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Susan...if in the movie they chose to not show all of the other people being sorted, why did they chose to show Susan...they didn't even show an interview on the DVD JKR said she needed to put things in the script that seemed stupid then, but would come in to play the fact that Susan is derived from the name Susanna, which means Lily in hebrew...just a fun fact
sorry for the book i just wrote, don't hate me please
If they hate you, they'll have to hate me as well...I'm notorious for diatribe posts!
In regards to showing Susan in the movies, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she's Chris Columbus's daughter (or some other kind of relative), and I *think* maybe that's why she was shown. If that's the case, that doesn't eliminate Susan altogether...Susan was mentioned in book 5, and certainly, we learned that Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, works for the Ministry, and a good portion of Susan's family was killed during Voldemort's first reign of terror (I believe someone in her family was in the first Order, and Mad-Eye said several of the Bones family were wiped out--someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, as I don't have my book in front of me!).
So, you never know!Perhaps, considering Susan is in the DA, her aunt was fair towards Harry, and the Bones family has been mentioned more in book 5 than ever before, perhaps Susan's role will expand...I guess we'll have to see if it does and how it does in the next two books!
~ Lizzy
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