Future Couples

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Postby Enchanter » Monday 30 June 2003 3:24:54pm

i think that ron will go over to voldemort if harry and hemione hook up
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 7 July 2003 2:30:32pm

I think Hermione and Ron are the first rate couple in the end. There might be some turbulence getting there...i mean there already is, with Krum and Ron's own ignorance...however if Ron is not interested in Hermione, why did he get her perfume for Christmas...I mean I have 2 guy friends like that and I'm pretty sure a present from them consists of either an expired coupon or an inflatable crocodile...with perfume, I smell a romance...ignore the pun...but I do think the trio will survive with a couple in the mix, though there might be some intial weirdness...but honestly, can you see Hermione and Ron as the snuggle-infront-of-everyone-sickning-type of couple? PDA is usually the type that cause jealousy...i see more of a Leia/Hans romance...lol...yabastilaka

As the post keeps going...

I think Harry will meet up with either one of two people...the first is almost predicatable with Harry and Ginny...it would be nice though if it happened...however...

You can chide me if you wish, but hey...maybe a romance with Harry and a girl who hasn't been mentioned much at all and barely got mentioned in book 5, but I feel will have a significance, if not a romance...Susan Bones. Why, you ask? I dunno, this might sound silly but if i am correct, five people in the first HP movie were shown at the sorting...Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Susan...if in the movie they chose to not show all of the other people being sorted, why did they chose to show Susan...they didn't even show Neville...in an interview on the DVD JKR said she needed to put things in the script that seemed stupid then, but would come in to play later...plus the fact that Susan is derived from the name Susanna, which means Lily in hebrew...just a fun fact

sorry for the book i just wrote, don't hate me please
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Postby zledm007 » Monday 7 July 2003 2:37:19pm

you know, if he does end up w/ susan bones, something that i'm sure you're the first to mention, well, i suppose we'll have to sell the, what di you call it? the book you just wrote, cause that's quite a reach, but someway, it just does find a way to make sense. and the whole susan, susana lily thing is pretty neat too... where do you some up w/ this stuff??
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 7 July 2003 2:37:21pm

Meg Boyd wrote:I think Hermione and Ron are the first rate couple in the end. There might be some turbulence getting there...i mean there already is, with Krum and Ron's own ignorance...however if Ron is not interested in Hermione, why did he get her perfume for Christmas...I mean I have 2 guy friends like that and I'm pretty sure a present from them consists of either an expired coupon or an inflatable crocodile...with perfume, I smell a romance...ignore the pun...but I do think the trio will survive with a couple in the mix, though there might be some intial weirdness...but honestly, can you see Hermione and Ron as the snuggle-infront-of-everyone-sickning-type of couple? PDA is usually the type that cause jealousy...i see more of a Leia/Hans romance...lol...yabastilaka

As the post keeps going...

I think Harry will meet up with either one of two people...the first is almost predicatable with Harry and Ginny...it would be nice though if it happened...however...

You can chide me if you wish, but hey...maybe a romance with Harry and a girl who hasn't been mentioned much at all and barely got mentioned in book 5, but I feel will have a significance, if not a romance...Susan Bones. Why, you ask? I dunno, this might sound silly but if i am correct, five people in the first HP movie were shown at the sorting...Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Susan...if in the movie they chose to not show all of the other people being sorted, why did they chose to show Susan...they didn't even show Neville...in an interview on the DVD JKR said she needed to put things in the script that seemed stupid then, but would come in to play later...plus the fact that Susan is derived from the name Susanna, which means Lily in hebrew...just a fun fact

sorry for the book i just wrote, don't hate me please

If they hate you, they'll have to hate me as well :razz: ...I'm notorious for diatribe posts! :lol:

In regards to showing Susan in the movies, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she's Chris Columbus's daughter (or some other kind of relative), and I *think* maybe that's why she was shown. If that's the case, that doesn't eliminate Susan altogether...Susan was mentioned in book 5, and certainly, we learned that Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, works for the Ministry, and a good portion of Susan's family was killed during Voldemort's first reign of terror (I believe someone in her family was in the first Order, and Mad-Eye said several of the Bones family were wiped out--someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, as I don't have my book in front of me!).

So, you never know! :grin: Perhaps, considering Susan is in the DA, her aunt was fair towards Harry, and the Bones family has been mentioned more in book 5 than ever before, perhaps Susan's role will expand...I guess we'll have to see if it does and how it does in the next two books!

~ Lizzy :D
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Postby gecko » Monday 7 July 2003 3:46:00pm

According to the lexicon (and the books of course), Susan's grandfather Edgar was a member of the original order and killed by Death Eathers.

I don't think Harry will suddenly discover he likes Susan because he's never given a sign he is attracted to her. Or I may have forgotten that he did give signs, which is possible. I'm currently busy rereading the whole series so I'll know in a while. :-)
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 5:19:51pm

Lizzy Bennet wrote:
Meg Boyd wrote:I think Hermione and Ron are the first rate couple in the end. There might be some turbulence getting there...i mean there already is, with Krum and Ron's own ignorance...however if Ron is not interested in Hermione, why did he get her perfume for Christmas...I mean I have 2 guy friends like that and I'm pretty sure a present from them consists of either an expired coupon or an inflatable crocodile...with perfume, I smell a romance...ignore the pun...but I do think the trio will survive with a couple in the mix, though there might be some intial weirdness...but honestly, can you see Hermione and Ron as the snuggle-infront-of-everyone-sickning-type of couple? PDA is usually the type that cause jealousy...i see more of a Leia/Hans romance...lol...yabastilaka

As the post keeps going...

I think Harry will meet up with either one of two people...the first is almost predicatable with Harry and Ginny...it would be nice though if it happened...however...

You can chide me if you wish, but hey...maybe a romance with Harry and a girl who hasn't been mentioned much at all and barely got mentioned in book 5, but I feel will have a significance, if not a romance...Susan Bones. Why, you ask? I dunno, this might sound silly but if i am correct, five people in the first HP movie were shown at the sorting...Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Susan...if in the movie they chose to not show all of the other people being sorted, why did they chose to show Susan...they didn't even show Neville...in an interview on the DVD JKR said she needed to put things in the script that seemed stupid then, but would come in to play later...plus the fact that Susan is derived from the name Susanna, which means Lily in hebrew...just a fun fact

sorry for the book i just wrote, don't hate me please

If they hate you, they'll have to hate me as well :razz: ...I'm notorious for diatribe posts! :lol:

In regards to showing Susan in the movies, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she's Chris Columbus's daughter (or some other kind of relative), and I *think* maybe that's why she was shown. If that's the case, that doesn't eliminate Susan altogether...Susan was mentioned in book 5, and certainly, we learned that Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, works for the Ministry, and a good portion of Susan's family was killed during Voldemort's first reign of terror (I believe someone in her family was in the first Order, and Mad-Eye said several of the Bones family were wiped out--someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, as I don't have my book in front of me!).

So, you never know! :grin: Perhaps, considering Susan is in the DA, her aunt was fair towards Harry, and the Bones family has been mentioned more in book 5 than ever before, perhaps Susan's role will expand...I guess we'll have to see if it does and how it does in the next two books!

~ Lizzy :D

The actress that played Susan Bones was a relative of Columbus hence the really irritating seen showing her in a potions class when she's not in Slytherin or Gryffindor!! She was in several scenes that were unecessary due to the relationship.

However, I do think that the bones will become more important in later stories but I wouldn't see a new relationship with Harry cropping up as he's only ever shown interest in Cho. But there are few coincedences in HP....
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 16 July 2003 5:49:27pm

I'm still for Susan. JKR usually puts in characters that we think are useless at first (like Scabbers) then what do you know, end up being totally different then we thought. Susan actually had a small role in OotP and maybe in the next two books her importance will grow, maybe not as his true love, but I still think the name thing is cool. I really like the meaning of names...hmmm...I think "Harry" is from the Hindu "Hari" meaning Lion. And "Lily" means purity. But anyway before i get carried away on tangents...I would really like to see more of Susan. She's just always caught my eye in her mini-mentions in other books. She has the order background and loss of family to voldemort to have things in common with Harry...hmmm...just a thought
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Harry won't end up alone, or he'll end up dead!

Postby Crusader » Wednesday 16 July 2003 7:08:06pm

To take a different slant on the couples question; Love is the power that Harry possesses which can overcome Voldemort (prophecy at end of OotP). But who does he have left to love? He's lost his parents, and his mother's sacrifice no longer works (Voldemort can touch him since Harry's blood was used in his rebirth). He's lost his surrogate god father Sirius. He's increasingly getting alternately angrier, more depressed, and more withdrawn. Which character has the potential to break him out of his sorrow and fear? Who will get him to Love again?
I propose Hermoine. Neither Ginny or Luna seem like they have the personality to break through whatever walls Harry will build up around his heart. As well, even though Ron has been jealous over Hermoine she has never really returned the favor. More and more towards the end of OotP Hermoine was looking at Harry in a new light. I think Harry will need Hermoine's affections to come out of the 7th book victorious, even if they don't get together until the 7th book. James and Lily didn't get together until their last year either. Well, what do ya'll think?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 16 July 2003 7:41:43pm

Eh, I still think that Hermione and Ron are meant for each other. There are just so many instances where you can see Hermione's anguish over her unrequitted love of Ron. For instance when Harry is complaining about Cho, Hermione declares that Harry is so clueless, but not as clueless as Ron, then she sighs as Ron comes in to the common room. That is a sign that she has feelings for Ron and she feels that Ron doesn't care at all. There is more, that just happens to be my favorite instance. As for the love power...i agree...i have been thinking about that for awhile now. As for who can make him love again...hmmm...that's got to be one special girl...
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Postby LaceyCrane » Tuesday 22 July 2003 9:44:31pm

The couples will probably end up being Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny. But I would rather have Harry and Hermione together especially after all the hints towards them in this last book. They were always together and there was always some sort of mention to the way they were touching. And Ron can be with Luna they would be funny together.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 23 July 2003 2:53:13pm

My vote still goes for Harry and Luna.

They have a lot in common. They both have lost close relatives, they both can see the Thestrals and they both have been ridiculed at school, home or both.

Luna seems to be the balance for Harry's explosive emotions. She's always calm and collected, but still willing to put it on the line for Harry as seen when breaking in to Umbridge's office or the MOM.

I think Luna will be close to Harry in the next two books.

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I want to see

Postby Perry Musicfury » Saturday 2 August 2003 9:27:14pm

Ginny and Harry
Ron and Hermione
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 2 August 2003 10:27:15pm

I still stand by my idea that Ron and Hermione should cover the love factor, Harry should stick to being a Hero. That, or someone new should come, because no one, not Cho, not Ginny, has really...fit Harry. Besides, Harry can't be perfect in every way...and, not to say it would, but if everyone was falling in love with each other...it would resemble a bad episode of 90210 (minus the...gratuitous s*x)

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Postby Just Mom » Tuesday 5 August 2003 2:12:33pm

I agree. Ron and Hermione will be the major couple. There's too much tension there for it not to happen. They're like Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway from 'ER'..it's has to happen or the outcry will be heard the world over. And unless something very significant happens to Luna Lovegood that alters her entire dreamy gypsy thing, I don't see her as being matched up with Harry. She's important yes, but whoever it said it was right in that she doesn't really "fit" Harry. Hermione and Harry, while there may be a little attraction there, will be the best of friends with an abiding deep mutual respect. Cho Chang is not terribly interesting at the moment. I might hold out for Ginny as she grows. Her character is a little bit physically similar to his mother. (hair and coloring) and Harry has become a part the Weasley family already. Ginny may have her shining moment yet, and while right now, she's seems like the kid sister of his best friend, (in spite of their close connection in COS when he saves her life) Harry may, like lots of young men do, suddenly notice her one day as more than just Ron's sister. And let's not underestimate either, that connection they had in COS. Kids don't process traumatic events until later on...her feelings and his feelings about what happened in the chamber may surface very strongly later on. :)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 5 August 2003 6:49:40pm

Hear Hear! (i just love saying that)

I agree with Rev Mom entirerly...especially the gypsy comment about Luna...Luna reminds me so much of a childhood friend who also reminded me a of a gypsy...he he he
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